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About this mod

This mod adds more Tiefling subraces into the game, including 6 options from D&D 5e, Variant Tieflings, Winged Tieflings, and 5 homebrew options

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Astralities Tiefling Compendium

Update 3.2 -  6th September 2024 - Fixes & Patch 7
Fixed a number of minor issues

Race Icons are now available without ImprovedUI Assets

Patch 7 Compatibility
Updated all files related to this mod, including main file and patches
Added enforced dependencies to patches to ensure function via in-game mod manager
For more Patch 7 details, please check the pinned comment

This mod adds a total of 13 additional Tiefling subraces to the game & makes minor adjustments to vanilla BG3 Tiefling subraces to keep them in line with features added by this mod, mostly for flavor.

D&D 5e subraces have been adjusted for flavor, to increase variety between subraces & based on differences between 5e and BG3.


Included Subraces

All subraces feature vanilla Tiefling racial traits until otherwise stated
- Base Racial Speed of 9m/30ft
- Darkvision 12m/40ft
- Hellish Resistance


For certain subraces, you may now select your own tags while creating your character, while many of the 5e subraces will continue to have static tags
assigned to them (although this may change if there is demand). For more details, please check out this article.

For more detailed information on Tiefling Claw abilities, see list below subraces and/or screenshots.

Spells learned as a subrace feature at 3rd and 5th level are cast as if using a 2nd level spell slot, unless otherwise indicated. Usable once per long rest without using a spell slot. Spellcasting Modifier for these spells is Charisma, if applicable.

From Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes | D&D 5e

Baalzebul Tiefling
Descendants of Baalzebul, the Fallen One - a once alluringly beautiful Celestial cursed by Asmodeus himself -
are imparted with the talent to corrupt others both physically and psychically.

Tags: Tiefling, Baalzebul Tiefling
Level 1 - Bone Chill Cantrip & Corrupting Claws
Level 3 - Ray of Sickness
Level 5 - Crown of Madness

Dispater Tiefling
Tieflings descending from the Tyrant of the Iron City of Dis, Dispater, are known to have inherited both his heightened vigilance,
as well as his fascination with uncovering and garnering the most enigmatic of secrets.

Tags: Tiefling, Dispater Tiefling
Level 1 - Resistance Cantrip & Forceful Claws
Level 3 - Disguise Self (at will)
Level 5 - Detect Thoughts

Fierna Tiefling
Tieflings fortuitous enough to descend from the equally alluring as insidious Lady of Phlegethos, Fierna,
are blessed with forceful personalities sure to captivate even the most cautious of souls.

Tags: Tiefling, Fierna Tiefling
Level 1 - Friends Cantrip & Phantasmal Claws
Level 3 - Charm Person
Level 5 - Enthrall

Glasya Tiefling

Descendants of the intimidatingly cunning daughter of Asmodeus and Princess of the Nine Hells, Glasya.
Befitting of her guile, these tieflings are blessed with magics suitable for deceit and wily misadventures.

Tags: Tiefling, Glasya Tiefling
Level 1 - Minor Illusion Cantrip & Phantasmal Claws
Level 3 - Disguise Self (at will)
Level 5 - Invisibility

Levistus Tiefling
Tieflings descending from the bloodline of Prince Levistus exhibit a particular affinity for biting, frigid magics,
befit of the permanently frozen 5th layer of hell, Stygia.

Tags: Tiefling, Levistus Tiefling
Level 1 - Ray of Frost Cantrip & Frigid Claws
Level 3 - Armor of Agathys
Level 5 - Darkness

Mammon Tiefling
Tieflings who can trace their lineage back to the rumored wealthiest creature in all the planes, the Archdevil Mammon,
are particularly skilled at acquiring and safeguarding wealth of any kind.

Tags: Tiefling, Mammon Tiefling
Level 1 - Mage Hand Cantrip & Forceful Claws
Level 3 - Shield
Level 5 - Arcane Lock

From Sword Coast’s Adventurer’s Guide | D&D 5e

Variant Tiefling
An adjusted version of the Variant Tiefling as described in D&D 5e.
Not all tieflings are able to trace their lineage back to a singular Archdevil of renown.
As diverse as devils are, so, too, are the tieflings descending from them.

Tags: Tiefling, Variant Tiefling
Level 1 - Choice of Cantrip & Choice of Tiefling Claws
Level 3 - Dissonant Whispers
Level 5 - Instill Fear

Winged Tiefling
An adjusted version of the Variant Tieflings Winged variant as described in D&D 5e.
Although you may not be able to trace your lineage back to a singular Archdevil of renown, you've inherited the wings of your ancestors - whoever they may be -, allowing you to traverse the battlefield by flight rather than foot.

Tags: Tiefling, Winged Tiefling
Passive Abilities: Soft Landing, Skeletal Pneumaticity
Level 1 - Infernal Flight
Level 3 - Infernal Flight Improvement
Level 5 - Infernal Flight Improvement

Homebrew / Inspired by past & current Forgotten Realms lore

Nightborn Tiefling
Your ancestors didn’t strike a pact with an Archdevil, but a Night Hag - and now you’re the one paying the price for it. A Tiefling, quite unlike those of classic Infernal heritage, but similarly accursed nonetheless.
Tags: Tiefling, Nightborn Tiefling, + own selection
Level 1 - Hag Ancestry, Change Shape (at will) & Corrupting Claws
Level 3 - Sleep
Level 5 - Ray of Enfeeblement

You are to Elves what Tieflings are to other Humanoids; a result of an allyship between Sun Elves and Demons of the Abyss. Inherently attuned to the weave as Elves commonly are, but afflicted with another energy that is difficult to ignore.
Tags: Tiefling, Fey'ri + own selection
Level 1 - Fey Ancestry, Smoldering Claws & Dancing Lights Cantrip
Level 3 - Burning Hands
Level 5 - Misty Step

The 3 subraces below are slightly more powerful than the remaining subraces included in this compendium due to the extraordinary circumstances through which they became Tieflings.
For more detailed descriptions of their custom passives, abilities and spells, please check out this article.

Becoming Elamshinae is perceived as an immense honor - One bestowed, as a sacred gift, only upon the most valued worshippers of Lolth, the Spider Queen. Their once Elven forms twisted, and their selves and personalities eternally changed by the malignant demonic essence of the Abyss, the process is akin to being born anew - One small step closer to Her own image.
Tags: Tiefling, Elamshinae + own selection
This subrace does not have the vanilla Tiefling passives Hellish Resistance & Darkvision
Passive Abilities: Lolthsworn Weapontraining, Arachnid Ancestry, Superior Darkvision, Spider Queen’s Influence
Feature: Arachnomorphosis
Level 1 - Dragging Web, Envenoming Claws
Level 3 - Summon Cluster of Spiders
Level 5 - Web

The Ancient One heeds no mistress, and His whims are ever unpredictable; yet it is known that seldomly, He revels in witnessing the Spider Queen lose her grasp on a subject. There are whispers of defiant Drow twisted by a peculiar concoction of demonic energy of the Abyss and the influence of the Far Realm - a warning, or a promise of salvation?
Tags: Tiefling, Velkyn'bol + own selection
This subrace does not have the vanilla Tiefling passives Hellish Resistance & Darkvision
Passive Abilities: Drowborn Skillset, Touch of the Far Realm, Superior Darkvision, Ghaunadaur’s Reward
Feature: Amorphous Anatomy
Level 1 - Mind Sliver, Phantasmal Claws
Level 3 - Whispering Ward
Level 5 - Aberrant Rot

The day Lolth struck down her own daughter left those who followed in Her ways feeling as if an ardent stake had been driven straight through their hearts - Transformed by the abyssal aftermath of Her fall, and the remaining splinters of Her essence. Forced into hiding by the lolthsworn, they now emerge from the shadows, drawn to rumors of Eilistraee’s return - seeking refuge, and perhaps a chance to unravel the mysteries of their demonic forms, which some now embrace as a sacred gift from their fallen goddess.
Tags: Tiefling, Isilmnir'el + own selection
This subrace does not have the vanilla Tiefling passives Hellish Resistance & Darkvision
Passive Abilities: Melody of the Blade, Dark Maiden’s Blessing, Superior Darkvision, Disciple of the Moon
Feature: Eilistraee’s Moonfire
Racial spells are affected by the phase of the moon, rotating through new moon, waxing crescent, full moon, and waning crescent
Claws: Frigid / Forceful / Lucent / Phantasmal
Level 1 - Lunar Missile (effects vary by phase)
Level 3 - Guarding Moonmotes / Gravitational Pull / Moonfire Blade / Luminescent Multiplicity
Level 5 - Lunar Beacon (effects vary by phase)

Adjustments made to Vanilla Subraces

Asmodeus & Zariel Tieflings
Level 1 - Smoldering Claws

Mephistopheles Tieflings
Level 1 - Forceful Claws


New “Tiefling Claws” Baseline Abilities

Might as well put those claws BG3 Tieflings were blessed with to good use, right?

Mostly for flavor, the Tiefling Claws abilites included in this Mod pack add inherent claw-based melee attacks to all Tiefling subraces.
These abilities scale similarly to cantrips to avoid them becoming entirely useless and likely unwise to waste your action on later on in the game, but they are still primarily intended to just add a little bit of extra spice to Tieflings.
The damage values included in the V1 release of this mod are subject to change - if they prove too strong/weak with their current scaling they’ll be adjusted accordingly in a future update.

At level one, all Tiefling Claw ability deal 1d6 slashing damage + 2 damage of varying types:

Infernal: Fire | Corrupting: Necrotic | Phantasmal: Psychic
Frigid: Cold | Forceful: Force | Corrosive: Acid
Voltaic: Lightning | Feral: Bleed (1 round)
Envenoming: Poison (1 round) | Lucent: Radiant | Roaring: Thunder

The current damage scaling of Tiefling Claw abilities is
(min dmg-max dmg)

Level 1-3: 1d6 + 2 (3-8) | Level 4-5: 1d8 + 3 (4-11)
Level 6-7: 2d6 + 4 (6-16) | Level 8-9: 2d6 + 5 (7-17)
Level 10-12: 3d6 + 6 (9-24)

Which type of claw ability each subrace has access to is primarily based on lore.
Variant Tieflings and Winged Tieflings have access to all claw types to fit the idea of these Tieflings descending from a wide variety of creatures.



- Download this mod
- Unzip the archive & drag the .pak file into your mods folder
- Launch BG3 Mod Manager
- Drag this Mod from the “Inactive Mods” to the “Active Mods” tab
- Click “Save Load Order to File”
- Click “Export Order to the Game”
- Launch your game and find these subraces under the Tiefling race in CC!

If you are entirely new to modding BG3, have a look at this video guide instead.



I recommend using Improved UI alongside this Mod.
Without ImprovedUI, parts of this mod will not function correctly.


Compatible with Unique Tav! (With the exception of Winged Tieflings)

This mod should function normally alongside mods that add CC options, such as colors, tattoos, heads & hair styles.
These Tiefling subraces have access to any modded CC options that are intended for or function for vanilla Tiefling subraces.
But I have not tested every mod like this out there - if you stumble across any compability issues, please let me know and I’ll see what can be done.

This mod will likely not function as intended when used alongside other mods that modify progression, such as other subrace, class, or subclass mods. You can try, of course, but I can’t guarantee compatibility.


Planned Updates
some further down the line, some soon™

VFX update for Nightborn & Fey’ri
Potential minor VFX adjustments for 5e-inspired subraces


CC Mods featured in Screencaps

CovenElf’s Tattoo & Makeup Collection • CovenElf’s Tattoo & Makeup Colors
Aurebuen’s Eye Colors with Blindness • Padme’s Custom Horn Colors
Aloija’s Faces of Faerûn • Loulette’s Heads
Vessnelle’s Hair CollectionKai's Eyes
Krayn Head  Horned Hairstyles Ghoul's CC Compendium
Weeviljester's Heads 
Tiefling Heads
My own Hair Color Supplement


Thank you to

Norbyte for lslib & ShinyHobo for the BG3 Modders Multitool
Aedwards for their original Tieflings of the Nine Mod from Early Access & their kind words of support
NellsRelo for their Race Mod guide & other useful information
AnteMaxx for the Sample Equipment Mod (used to learn how to add icons)
Labotor for their incredibly helpful UI icon template
Padme4000 for help with DDS troubles
ghouls0rules for their Tag Selector feature
& the lovely modders in the Down by the River Discord Server for lots of help, advice & my mental sanity
