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About this mod

This is to source opinions from Nexus users to balance and further flesh out the class/subclass. Basically, this is a new class Wizard (with similar icon, for now), and a new subclass (with the similar icon to Fiend subclass, for now.)
To summarize the mod, what if a wizard studied eldritch magic?

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  • French
Oct 8 update: Added experimental mishaps!!

There's a chance your spells/invocations might damage you, or heal you and give you bonus experimentation points. Each level of Aggressive research will decrease that chance, but conservative research is flat. Turning on safe experimentation will make it so that your experiment will not cause any weird stuff happening at the cost of 1 experimentation point.

currently working on script to make functional clone of wild magic surge, because rn im using that to give random magic effects. I'm sorry for the late upload!

This started as an idea playing around as a Warlock, and thinking, damn, what if I sold 1/8th of my soul to a patron just to get an additional invocation? And then a what if scenario where a wizard decided it would be fun to study Asmodeus. Unlike warlocks, they would have to prepare invocations. So I thought, what if I made an alternative invocation system? It's probably gonna be difficult, but what the hell, I have nothing but notepad++ and a dream, what have i got to lose? (i have lost time, i have a hundred hours of BG3 on steam but i haven't played the game yet, I'm stuck in act1, i have aneurysm looking at txt, lsx files, and finally, i have a new appreciation for programmers who document their code)

A wizard who has chosen to study eldritch magic deconstructs, approximates warlock invocations/pacts/spells thru sheer study and experimentation. Due to the nature of eldritch magic, and without a patron to act as intermediary, the wizard takes the following debuff at start:

  • Your rolls suck when it comes to spells, -5, because these are not like the spells they taught you back in wizard school
  • You have -2 AC, because it's hard to dodge when you're always lost in thought
  • You have no weapon/armor proficiencies, because eldritch magic™ has taken most of your time

To make up for those debuff, you receive the following:
  • You're proficient in History and the Arcane (Afaik, must have removed this in beta. Let me know)
  • You gain Experimentation points. You can use these points (lookin like warlock spellslots, for now) to do experiments - such as, deconstructing spells so that they cast more effectively/efficiently, performing invocations, which lasts til long rest (and take a bit of your HP), and binding any weapon you have as a pact weapon. These experimentation points go up each as you play as well as along with the choice of how you want to conduct your research (Conservative (gain ac), Aggressive(gain experiment points))
  • As said in three, you gain two toggle passives you can spend experimentation points on to give yourself advantage when casting spells/increase damage roll. These costs 2 experimentation points so be wary.
  • Performing invocations requires 1 point of experimentation and an HP debuff that increases depending on what level of invocation you're trying to perform. Eldritch Initiate grants you 8 (I tihnk) invocations like Agonizing Blast, Beast Speech ... etc. Succeeding levels will unlock invocations that cost more HP. 1, 10, 20, 30, 40). These invocations lasts until long rest, and their modifiers have been replaced with intelligence.
  • Binding weapons uses intelligence for rolls instead of charisma
  • As you level up into the class more, the impediment from level 1 will slowly be less of a problem. Cuz, you've already mastered eldritch magic.
  • You get both Warlock and Wizard tags.

The infernal subclass, 1 of a planned 3, and maybe more for each mod warlock subclass, works like the vanilla warlock. No change other than the text for flavor. It also determines what spells you learn per level. I'll flesh it out soon.

Everything is still subject to change soon™, consider this early access. Especially the flavor texts, jesus some of those are cringe I wrote while binge drinking. Hehe.

Since this works with Winterbrick's Invocations Expanded in mind, please have this mod below Invocations Expanded. (I am not really replacing anything Winterbrick has done, everything is new, but you know, just to be sure.)

You should also have metamagic expanded plus beta installed, since I referenced some of his functions, I think.

and then finally Improved UI. I haven't gone thru the process of submitting my entry to github, so my mod will probably replace icons from other subclasses. I used the last version of Improved UI however so, idk last entry there was Arcanist. Probably put my mod below every subclass mod you got, also below Improved UI assets.

Thanks to Winterbrick, Ferriat, DMR, darkcharl, NellsRello and the other folks at the LarianDiscord