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About this mod

Races & Classes from an original, homebrew TTRPG system created by my beloved husband over two decades ago, during his college years, centered around Draconic bloodlines of our world-setting. Aside of other unique Class abilities - Features ability to take a Dragon form, as well as unique new strong female bodytype.

Permissions and credits
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This is entirely homebrew content, based on homebrew lore, homebrew TTRPG ruleset and world-setting and I intend it to stay as such, as it gives me creative freedom entirely, without having to deal with 'but, but, but, that's not how it is in D&D' people.

I am specifically not interested in making it more based on D&D lore. Please stop asking me and allow me to create my mod in peace, in the way I actually want to. Thank you.

This mod is a a personal work of love. Having been a long-time Tabletop RPG player, I wanted to bring my Tabletop RPG character to Baldur's Gate 3, since the modding tools and game were released. This is second version of my mod, that has expanded on the theme far more, than the original version.

Both my character, her race and 'class' (bloodline, really) originate from original world-setting and original TTRPG system, that my husband created over two decades ago, during his time in college for his friends and subsequently, when we met, for me. This mod is my attempt to create the characters, their signature abilities and perks for Baldur's Gate 3, within the confines of D&D, that BG3 runs on. 

Originally, this was going to be a personal mod, for my playthrough, but apparently, people want to be able to shapeshift to Dragon, so... sharing is caring, as they say. The mod is in no way perfect and when you download my mod, take it 'as is', with the imperfections that may be involved.

Dedicated to my husband and lifetime soul-mate, Xeen, as a homage to his work, that brought an original, fantastic TTRPG lore, world-setting and system to life.

Also for the fact that he also still hangs out with me, even after twenty years of us being together. (lol)

  • Install with BG3 Mod Manager - here is a written guide as to how to. 
  • My mod comes after the prerequisite mods in load order!
  • Sorry, no idea how to do manual one. Don't ask me.

  • While I don't replace any vanilla assets, I in fact add new assets, in form of outfits, that fit my race's female strong unique body - as such, any mods editing RootTemplate definitions of those assets will not be compatible with my mod.
  • Install ImprovedUI ReleaseReady - without that, due to choices in character creator, some things won't work right.
  • Install ImprovedUI Assets from the files of the mod listed above as well - without it, you will not see race icons.
  • Install Trips' Old Shader Pack - without it, body textures in my mod will NOT work!
  • Install VFX Library by Shivero (Part 1) - some of the spell effects used in my mod will not work without it!
  • Install VFX Vault by Shivero (Part 2) - same as above. My mod uses some of Shiv's fantastic spell effects, that won't work without it.
  • Get BG3 Script Extender - some things will not work fully without it.
  • My mod will not work fully for MacOS users - the shader pack and Script Extended does not support it!

This video is wildly outdated. Keep that in mind.

  • My mod comes free, of course. However, if you wish to support me - a coffee never goes amiss. I am on autistic spectrum, and my mental health doesn't allow me to work a steady/regular job, unfortunately.


  • Can take form of a Dragon.
  • Can choose Dragon form color.
  • Can pick a Breath (elemental) type.
  • Dragon form scales up with your level.
  • Gains resistances based on your chosen element/breath type.
  • Gains ability to Fly in humanoid form on lvl 5.
  • Gains additional Armor Class (3).
  • Uses unique Action Resource, Bloodline Points for certain abilities, such as Dragon forms and breaths.
  • Has Dragon Sight, that makes them immune to being blinded and gives them ability to see invisible beings.
  • You get three specific tags - DRACONIC_SORCERER, (SORCERER as well - adding just the Draconic one didn't trigger the dialogue choices) and HALF-DRAGON.
  • Every Half-Dragon subrace gets an ability to Enlarge/Reduce themselves, Speaking with animals and Disguise-self. The focus of my mod is roleplaying, and I feel these add nicely to it, without the need to play a Druid or Ranger (I really don't enjoy playing those, personally!)
  • While the last one does nothing *yet*, the other ones are purely for your RP experience. As said above - I've yet to see a Dragon, that can't do Magic at all and Sorcerers in D&D are treated as innate casters. it'll allow you to roleplay this fact, if you feel so inclined.
  • Finally, my custom tag, Half-Dragon, is for when we have reliable way of making our own conditions into dialogues, I'll be utilizing that one nstead of the above, if that ever becomes a possibility.

  • The race gets spells and spellslots via progression.
  • Can choose any Breath (element) type, without a limit.
  • No additional risks nor mechanics added to their use of magic or other content, aside of uniqe Action resource, Bloodline Points, that are used for Dragon form transformation and their subsequent breaths.
  • This is a pick, if you want fairly standard D&D experience, but with power-trip, due to spells and spellslots being added via racial progression.

  • Gets no spellslots, nor spells via the progression.
  • Same as above, can choose any Breath (element) type, without a limit.
  • Has just choices of Dragon form, Dragon breath and other racial passives.
  • This is a pick, if you want less power-trippy version of my race, while still being able to play a Dragon, with all other features and without any other strings, limitations or mechanics attached. A simple, 'nerfed' version of my original race.

  • This race is intended to be played with homebrew classes my mod adds.
  • It has no Breath type choices, no spellslots, no Dragon form types, as the classes themselves add them, and it is done this way, so you can still use the main race's humanoid aesthetics (Body-scales and large female bodytype), while usig the lore-friendly classes, without having two Dragon forms, two breath types and other abilities doubled, due to them being added by their respective classes.
  • It has other racial passives, that are mentioned above, such as the tags, Pet Pal, Disguise Self, Enlarge/Reduce, additional Armor Class, Dragon Sight and ability to fly on lvl 5.
  • This is option worth picking only if you play any of the homebrew TTRPG classes my mod offers, and want my race's aesthetics along them - it has no other incentives, because of missing Dragon forms and Breaths!

  • All the included classes are based on the original, homebrew TTRPG system, created by my husband over two decades ago, back, when he was still in college. 
  • While the "translation" is not 100%, given the vast difference between D&D and my husband's TTRPG system, my aim was to recreate the feel and abilities as faithfully as possible. While I know most of you will not be able to tell how well I managed that, for obvious reasons... it was my aim to capture the feel just right.
  • The classes are theme-based, focused around the Draconic Bloodlines theme, that exist in our world-setting, each of them having their own specialization and area of magic.
  • Our world is a High Magic setting. You will not see a proper adventurer that doesn't use magic at least in some way in our worldsetting. Magic is intertwined and interconnected with daily life, it affects people's lives, even weather and is part of people's culture.
  • My classes bring you Draconic Magic, a type of Magic rare even among inhabitants of our world.
  • Some rule-of-cool was applied in creation of some of the abilities and possibilities, as not all members of Draconic Bloodlines/Houses actually can take a form of Dragon.
  • Given this is a full-fledged class with its' own subclasses, they can be played with any vanilla race, should you have an inclination.
  • If you want to use my main Race's aesthetics (body scales and larger female bodytype), use the classes with the choice of Draconic Soul under the Subace options of my mod. Draconic Soul prevents having two Dragon forms and two Dragon breaths, as well as other hijinks. If you disregard or fail to read this advice and complain it's broken/OP by having two Dragon forms and breaths, I will shoot a Fireball up to place of yours, where the sun doesn't shine.
  • Currently, two Draconic Bloodlines, out of six from our worldsetting are included in the mod. Uncertain if I get around to making all of them, but who knows!
  • Given the very personal nature of these classes, do NOT make "balance" patches for them under any circumstances and share it here.
  • Personal patches for your own use or Character Customization patches are obviously still a fair game, however (with the exception of CC patches and mod translations) don't go posting them here.


  • Main class features trickle down to the subsequent subclasses.
  • Casting Ability is Charisma. Not a fan of D&D's system when it comes to this, our system would use 'Magic' as an ability to determine how well you do with spells, alas... working with what I have.
  • No need to memorize spells, instead, you're given a choice of spells, based on your sub-class on level-up.
  • Has wide-variety of skills to choose from, to allow for as much choices as possible, within the scope of their lore. The class can therefore choose from Athletics, Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Investigation, Perception, Medicine, Survival, Intimidation, Persuasion and Deception.
  • Has choice of Dragon form color. Dragon color is selected on the main class, as opposed to Dragon breath types, that are picked upon choice of your subclass, as certain limits apply, based on the theme of the subclass.
  • Unique Action resource, Bloodline Points. They're used for some of the signature, unique abilities of the (sub)classes, as well as for Dragon forms and Dragon breaths. You gain 4 at lvl 1 and by the time you reach lvl 12, you'll have 8. They refresh on Short Rest.
  • Feat gaining is consistent with vanilla classes. It's a concept we don't have in our system and I felt no need to change it here.
  • The class gains spellslots for use with the thematic spells for the subclasses they gain via progression. The availability is on par with Wizard, albeit slightly higher, given some risks and mechanics the subclasses have in terms of magic use, that sort of offset the increased availability of the resource. I originally wanted to implement entirely different system for magic casting, but if I wanted upcasting, that is, in essence similar to ours in some way, this proved to be the simplest way to implement it.
  • My classes have no spell telegraphing... I mean, vocal component. So if you don't hear your characters screaming spell incantations, while using any of my classes - it's not a bug, it's intended feature. Who, sane in their own mind, calls the spell out loud, just so the enemy knows what they're up against? 
  • In short - Our TTRPG homebrew system doesn't have spells called out with incantations, hence why I implemented them this way in my mod as well. 
  • Vanilla spells are unaffected by this.
  • Cantrips don't count, they are still telegraphed. I might make my own Cantrip copies one of these days, just to get rid of it there as well. Also, am I the only one, who wants to spell "Cantrip" as "Catnip"?
  • Has all martial and armor proficiencies. Again, focus is on choice on how you want to play. Our TTRPG system works very differently from D&D in this and the idea that someone, who uses magic can't swing a sword or wear an armor 'just because class balance' is... well, let's just say we're not fans. We technically don't have locked classes the way D&D does, hence why v1 of my mod was just races, but that's me digressing. It however proved to be more convenient to implement this content in form of classes, hence why we do have classes in this mod.


  • Main themes of the subclass are recklessness, resilience and pure, unhinged destruction in the form of Fire/Cold magic and attacks.
  • Gains a choice between Fire and Cold damage affinity and Dragon Breaths.
  • Gains resistance and later on, immunity to the selected element.
  • Spells, that use vanilla spellslot system are gained on the level-up and are considered Draconic Magic/Spells for the purpose of added mechanics of the subclass, see below. 
  • The choice pool of spells is limited to Fire/Cold theme. They're clearly marked to be recognizable from vanilla spells. Aside of the initial level - You gain one spell choice per level. 
  • Uses Barbarian dialogue options - at least until we get tools that let us reliably edit and implement custom tags into the dialogue trees. As mentioned above - The idea/lore/theme of the subclass is lack of self-control, short-temper, recklessnes but also knightly honour - unfortunately, adding Paladin tag, that'd also fit within the scope of available vanilla tags caused issues, so I scrapped it for the final version.
  • Only few features of the class are listed below - if I want to release this year, this will have to do for now. I've tried to make good ingame Tooltips for you, so be an oldschool gamer; investigate and discover things on your own! :)

  • You are proficient at Persuasion.
  • You are Tough (Max HP per level *2) and you cannot be Frightened.

"Valdrenaline Rush is a magical-physiological reaction of your body, that is natural crisis-response to those of Val Bloodline, intended as a last-resort option during combat.

If your health drops below 25% during combat, your Valdrenaline Rush activates - You have Advantage on Attack Rolls, all Saving Throws and all Ability Checks. You become resistant to all damage, you cannot be restrained or paralyzed and you gain more speed and three more Action Points. Valdrenaline Rush ends once the combat is over.

However, such powerful ability is not without a cost and it will cause Magical Disturbance to you for next 5 rounds and you will suffer from Magical Burnout once Valdrenaline Rush ends."

  • Implementation of last-resort, strong comeback ability, thematic to the Val Bloodline.
  • Only applicable during combat and once per Long Rest.
  • Negative status of Magical Burnout that is received upon the ability's end can be removed either by Lesser Restoration or Greater Restoration. Your other vanilla alternative is Remedial Potion.
  • Subsequently, my other subclass also has means to take care of the pesky debuff.
  • The intent was to create comparably strong version of comeback mechanic we have in our TTRPG system for House of Val - I happen to play a Val character in our Tabletop - it  wasn't easy to make something comparable and it isn't exactly the same, as even the backfire from this ability in our system is far, far worse and definitely can't be cured by chugging one potion *snort laughs*, but feels 'badass' enough to pass without hindering flow of BG3 itself too much.
  • Powerful and angry Draconic Magic of Val Bloodline flows through your veins.
  • Each time you cast a Draconic spell of Level 1 or higher, your magic might go wild and trigger a random magical effect, unless you have Magical Self-Control active or pass a Charisma Saving Throw of DC 15.
  • Be warned: While unpredictable magical accidents can only happen if you cast a Draconic Magic spell, some ill-effects may affect your other means of spellcasting as well!
  • This is my take on our homebrew magical backfire mechanics
  • D&D doesn't account for actually failing your spellcasting, where the spell not only doesn't happen, but also messes things up upon failed casting, aside of simply 'missing' or not overcoming DC check, since in our system, backfires only happen it you fail your spell and your Self-Control Saving throw, so I had to improvise on implementation in this way.

"You can temporarily calm the Draconic Magic within you. While active, you will not trigger any unpredictable effects or magical accidents on using your Draconic Magic."

  • Implementation of this ability offers means of tactic, in case you really don't want collateral damage of your happy magical accidents, ie. when friendlies are around or when you want to avoid the unpredictability of your Magic for a while.
  • Once active, no magical surges can happen on use of your spells.
  • Costs 1 Bloodline Point to use and lasts for 3 turns.

"If your ally takes damage, you can recklessly step in, take the damage instead and move them out of harm's way by swapping your position with them."

  • Big thanks to Celes and Havsglimt for helping me implement the portion of the ability, that negates damage done to your ally upon use of the ability! Without them, your Script Extender Console would scream in red, red errors. Red is good, in context of Val, but.. not in context of bugs. :)
  • That said, while no bugs are present anymore - I don't recommend using this on NPCs, when they're marked as an ally, when they're expected to be at specific place after a fight, because of impending cutscene. During testing, this ability broke Zevlor, as I made my character to swap position with him, to prevent him from getting hurt.

  • Main theme for this class/Bloodline is Healing, Restoration, but also spells based on physical and mental harm. Who else can cause more pain, both physical and mental, if not the person, who also knows how to heal them?
  • For the intent of BG3 mechanics, as far as damage types go, Nox non-healing spells utilize mainly Force, which I treat as an actual, physical force, that will throw enemies away and Psychical damage types.
  • Some of their spells will outright paralyze or otherwise disable your enemies, offering yet another layer to their gameplay.
  • They can choose any damage type in terms of Dragon Breath/resistances, as lore-wise, their bloodline is more defined by their mindset of healing, than type of the breath they have. Nox will be likely the only subclass offering this option, as other Bloodlines in our setting are more defined in this sense.
  • I've not implemented Force/Psychical Dragon Breaths yet, but they're planned, down the line.
  • In Dragon Form, in addition to selected damage type, Nox also gain Healing Breath. Not 100% happy with its' effect, but it was a first VFX I did, so bear with me. I might improve it in the future.
  • In terms of spells that utilize vanilla Spellslot system - Gains choice of 4 spells on initial character creation and two each level.
  • My aim was to recreate primary Healer character archetype from our homebrew setting in a way that is faithful to our setting - In our ruleset, when you play as a Healer archetype, you're not locked to choice between babysitting your party members' HP and doing something else. Many of my Healing-based spells that are added for the class therefore offer a way to avoid exactly that issue and still be... the Healer. :)
  • Admittedly, recreating a Healer archetype from TTRPG system, that has very different injury/damage/diseases mechanics in comparison to D&D was rather challenging for me. I'm rather happy how it turned out, though. My best friend did seem to enjoy the experience, which is the best reward I could hope for, really. 
  • As the inside joke between me and my best friend went for a while by now - It did fix Shart, as she actually could hit something for a change. *snort laughs*
  • Same as with House of Val Bloodline - by no means I'm listing all spells and abilities here. Go on, explore on your own for a bit.

  • You are proficient at Medicine.
  • You gain Gifted Healer passive, making your heals more potent.

"Healing both body and mind is your speciality. When casting a healing spell, the target regains additional hit points equal to 4 + the spell's level."

  • This is similar to vanilla Clerics admittedly, just buffed... 
  • I originally wanted to give them max-heals for the characters they heal, but that would have been too much even for my tastes. 
  • Given our damage/injury system is entirely different to BG3 and D&D - It is why this ability has this final form in the end.

"Unless you have Magical Self-Control active - Each time you cast a Draconic spell and if you fail to make a successful Charisma Saving Throw to stabilize the flow of your magic, your Magic will overflow and cause Magical Disturbance, temporarily making use of your magic impossible.
This does not trigger on using non-Draconic magic spells, but the condition suffered on unsuccesful save does affect your other means of spellcasting."

  • This is magical backfire mechanic for Nox subclass. It's not as harsh, since Nox aren't... as explosive and in our lore are generaly well-capable of controlling their magic quite well, given their natural tendencies.
  • Unlike Val, Nox have no random Magical surges.
  • Can be temporarily mitigated via Magical Self-Control ability, that is shared across all classes in my mod.
  • Difficulty Check for the Charisma Saving Throw is 12.
  • The effect lasts for 2 turns.

"Emanate your healing magic around yourself to restore your allies back to health."

  • This is your go-to, staple healing ability for the class, that costs 1 Bloodline Point to use. Granted, not terribly original, but given the confines of BG3/D&D mechanics, something to heal those pesky HPs is always useful, am I rite?
  • Similar to vanilla Cleric class, it is an alternative when you want to heal, but want to use your spellslots for something different. :p

"Watch carefully over your wounded allies within your reach of 15 m - Your restorative aura is protecting those, who are Downed from further harm for 2 turns, applying Protection of the Nox on them and prevents them from dying.

The aura does not affect you and disappears if you fall Unconscious."

  • One of Nox's utility abilities, that stabilizes your downed allies, as well as makes them impervious to further damage for next two rounds. Some enemies do enjoy trying to kill and finish off those, who are unconscious... well, not on Nox's watch!
  • Not having to worry about bleeding out because of failed Death Saving Throws is also fairly neat. I can confirm, even from my tabletop experience, bleeding out certainly does suck.
  • Acquired on lvl 2, as an Aura, unique to the subclass.
"Infuse your own life energy into your ally, creating a Healing Bond between you, to constantly pour your healing energy into them - They will instantly regain 2d10 His Points, and afterwards, if they are wounded, they will regain 3* Level Hit Points each turn, while Healing Bond is active. 

Maintaining this bond saps the Healer's own life energy - their maximum hit points are reduced by 15% while the spell is active."

  • Costs 1 Bloodline Point to use.
  • Can be only applied on one character at the same time.
  • Gained on lvl 3, as part of the unique Nox abilities.
  • Spell lasts until Long Rest or until the caster's Death... whichever comes sooner. :)

  • This will very likely come off as overpowered in the context of classic D&D races/classes balancing and let's preface this by me being honest about it: balance is not the focus of my mod - the main focus of the mod is roleplaying and flavor and is made for players, who enjoy that.
  • Consider this - with the mindset of choice existing, that abilities gained through the race are optional, and aren't mandatory to use, if someone doesn't like them. The choice is there and all folks need to do, is to exercise said choice. 
  • If you're overly concerned about balance, to the level of wanting to complain about it here - recommending you to not download my mod or bump up your difficulty level. Chances are, my mod is simply not for you, and... there's nothing wrong about that, I'm just choosing to not cater to this particular crowd with my work.
  • TL;DR - I don't care if you think it's OP. My mod is not primarily aimed for meta/balance crowds, given my races/classes aren't even from D&D. If you post about it in comments, I'll either ignore it or send you to this disclaimer. You've been warned.

  • Humanoid Strong Females - Because of my mod having an unique big female bodyshape - some models won't fit 100%. To explain - In BG3, each base bodytype has unique armor/clothes models made for them, so making a new bodytype is not as easy as flipping bunch of code - they have to be reworked manually. And, as y'all know - there are a lot of models in the base game. So far - I made roughly 200'ish vanila outfits, mainly clothes, where not doing so would ruin the immersion. You shouldn't see any naked models though, as the size/height of the model roughly fits the strong males. I will gradually add more outfits, since updates like this aren't going to break people's saves - I just wanted to get the mod out for you all.
  • My custom strong female body has its' own unique shape and textures.
  • There likely will be some clipping. Not a professional 3D artist, I've only dabbled into this form of art roughly 2 years ago.
  • Set your Details to high. I ain't making LODs for around 200+ models, that are in this mod. Sice my models aren't replacements, it won't impact performance, since it'll be only your character using my assets. Don't worry, another modder tested that theory.
  • Small bodytypes currently miss the eyeball UV touch-ups, so the Dragon eyes don't look 100% good. I'll be fixing these gradually. But, the way I have set up my files, your chosen head customization will not be affected, as they have unique IDs, that I'll retain, even once I do the touch-ups of the UVs. The only change you'll notice, is the Dragon-shaped eyes looking better, once I fix the head you picked. :D
  • No Dragonborn tails for small bodytypes. This is due to the models not being available for small bodytypes.

  • Dragons have fairly limited animations in vanilla BG3. You might experience oddities there and there. I tried my best to make the most of what I could scour in base game, by co-opting animations that could fit... also animations, that I took from my Early Access backup.
  • Dragon forms have hand-made portrait icons, corresponding with their color.
  • Your abilities in Dragon form are AOE for most part. Be careful where you use them, I ain't responsible for your happy accidents. :P

  • This mod is released 'as-is'. It's likely never going to be perfect and may have some mishaps and happy accidents because of this. Hoping to make it as good as I can, within my capabilities, though.
  • Hateful comments without any value will lead to a sassy-warning and if not heeded upon, said person will be removed from my mod. Don't like the mod? Don't comment and don't download, as simply as that - this is a fan work, not an official work, so you don't have to download it. 
  • There shouldn't be gamebreaking bugs. I've played with this mod, I'm currently at the beginning of Act 3, playtesting as House of Val subclass the whole time, along with my best friend, who respecc'd Shart to House of Nox by the time of the release.


For all of those, who enjoy some extra CC options, for some of the popular CC mods. I really don't want to spend time, I could be working on my mod, making 'patches', so I appreciate that someone is willing to spend their time to make such patches. As long as the approval of original mod author is given (I want to foster respect between mod creators, so this is a must!), patches are adding more customization options, created by fantastic modders, which is only good thing to have.

Do ask me before, if you want to match a patch as well, though. There are certain things I'd rather not see in patches - mainly things, that'd replace or overwrite assets I have worked hard on.

Beautiful glowing eyes compatibility patch for the race. Because more CC options = great. Made by fantastic astralities.

Additional beautiful heads for character creator, made compatible with the race. Currently only for bodytype 1 & 2.

Niels de Jong

  • His little file, a homebrew D&D Half-Dragon race -  it was the initial spark, that kicked me off, to create this mod. While my main intent was and still is, to create my own vision of my TTRPG character's race for my BG3 playthrough (my character/race is played under completelly homebrew system, that is very different to D&D) and is in no way meant as a direct 'translation' of his work to BG3; his idea, that works for D&D was the spark I needed, to go from an idea, to a mod.
  • If you are also a D&D player and a Dragon lover - I wholy recommend his Dragon-centric D&D content, such a work of love. If you want to check out his work - look over here.
  • He has a Discord server as well - visit over here - little birdy Dragon told me, he offers the lovely Dragon-centric book for purchase as a hardcover as well.


  • For his Black, Blue, Red and White Dragon basecolor textures. He's free to nab my metallic basecolor and physical map textures from me. :D
  • Also for the idea as to how to make unique 'Breath' weapons for Dragon forms.
  • Go try his Drakewarden mod for your full on Dragon experience - they are fully compatible with each other, since my Dragons are their own visual entities and will not overwrite anything from other Dragon-centric mods.


  • The stalwart, super-knowledgeable modder, who always tries to help. Without helpful people like him in the community, many mods simply wouldn't exist. Mine included.


  • Helped me to figure out how to make a custom Hireling. Thanks, man.


  • For helping me implement happy magical accidents to my class. Also for his VFX libraries, that have taught me a lot about VFX editing.


  • For graciously providing Home and Race selection in CC for RP purposes to the modder community.


  • Related to below, havsglimt was the spark for me, that had me look into implementing into one of the signature abilities of one of my classes via SE scripting. Additionally, his modpage inspired me to make something, that looks thematic for my own mod-page, the idea of using BG3 UI assets indirectly belonging to him.

DiZ91891 aka Celes

  • For fixing Script Extender script, that he created and allowed me to use, for one of the abilities - I'm too new at this kind of stuff and you'd have poo-poo SE console errors coming up without his help.


  • My best friend, who, aside of testing with me, has been my support, great company and fantastic friend for almost two decades. Stay awesome, mister Blue Bear.


  • Last, but definitely not least by any means - my husband and lifetime soul-mate, for creating our homebrew TTRPG system, its' lore, its' characters and worldsetting that I grew to love over the years, even when the dice are, well, you know what. For marrying me twenty years ago and for sticking with me despite of me being so difficult to be around at times. 
  • My mod is dedicated to you and is a homage to your work. My life would be pointless and empty without you. Love you, xoxo.

Down by the River
 Discord server, mainly its' modding community

  • Kept me going, always do. Without people like Padme4000labotorVolno or Tripsadin - to name just a few, many of my mod's features wouldn't simply be. These people have patience, where I lack it - guiding others towards making great mods and creating tools to make it easier. Sorry for being such a perennial lurker most of the time. I often lack spellslots for socializing, but I appreciate this little corner of the world more, than I can usually express with words.


  • For creating the game, that has inspired me to create this mod and for indirectly pushing me to learn more about this form of art, that is creating videogame content. They proved that passion for making videogames is still very much alive. Also, the graphic assets used on this mod-page are very much theirs, I merely used them to make the page look prettier, by using ingame UI assets. :)