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About this mod

Adds in 80 new wild magic surge effects. Along with the game's 20 vanilla effects, this makes you effectively roll on a table of 100 wild magic effects! Only for Sorcerer.

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This mod introduces 80 new wild magic effects and along with the vanilla 20 effects in the base game, it effectively makes it so when you roll a wild magic surge, you roll on a table of 100 different effects. I also added a lot of variability to these effects so some are very good for you while others are very bad (the classic Fireball Self being one of these!).

I also recommend using this mod along side my other mod, True Tides of Chaos, that refreshes your Tides of Chaos when you trigger a Wild Magic effect as well as a guarantee trigger after casting a spell after using Tides of Chaos.

These Wild Magic effects are only for Wild Magic Sorcerer.

New Wild Magic Surges
1. See Invisibility - Given the "See Invisibility" effect for 1 minute.
2. FIREBALL! - Cast the spell "Fireball" centered on yourself as a 3rd level spell.
3. Forceful - When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, add 1d4 force damage to the target. Add a additional 1d4 force damage for each level of the spell beyond 1. Lasts for 1 minute.
4. CHEESE! - You are polymorphed into a wheel of cheese for 1 minute or until your hitpoints reach 0.
5. Confused! - You are confused for 3 turns. You attack at random and wander around aimlessly and occasionally skip your turn. Once per turn, if you pass a wisdom saving throw, you remove this condition.
6. Dependable Healing - For the next minute, you regain 5 hitpoints at the start of your turn.
7. Incapacitated! - You are incapacitated for this turn only.
8. Greased - You cast the spell Grease centered on yourself.
9. Bad Saving Rolls - All creatures, except yourself, in a 30ft radius have disadvantage on all saving rolls for the next 3 turns..
10. Faerie Fire - Cast Faerie Fire centered on yourself in a 30ft radius.
11. SUMMON SPECTATOR! - You summon a hostile specator.
12. Mind Sanctuary - You cast a Mind Sanctuary bubble centered on yourself. You are able to use actions and bonus actions interchangeably while inside it.
13. Curse of Truth - You are cursed to always tell the truth. You have disadvantage on deception checks. Removed by a curse dispel effect.
14. BANISHED! - You are banished for 2 turns. You can't take actions, bonus actions, or reactions while banished.
15. Maximum Damage - The next spell attack that hits deals the maximum damage.
16. Static Shock - You become charged with a massive amount of static electricity. Any creature that hits you with all melee attack takes 1d10 lightning damage.
17. Healed - You regain 2d10 hitpoints.
18. Charmed - For the next minute, you are charmed by any creature that hits you.
19. Push Back - For the next minute, any creature that hits you with a melee attack is pushed back 10ft.
20. Hearty - Until you long rest, you have advantage on all Constitution saving throws and ability checks.
21. Mass Blink - For the next 1 minute, all allies (including yourself) in a 30ft radius fall under the Blink condition.
22. Mass Friends - All non hostile creatures have the spell Friends casted on them that lasts for 10 minutes
23. Headache - You lose 2 points of Intelligence until you take a long rest.
24. Refreshed Spells - You regain all of your level 1 spell slots.
25. Curse of Glow - You start to glow from your body. You emit a light that eliminates nearby darkness. Removed by curse dispel effect.
26. Lightning Storm - Lightning strikes down all nearby creatures in a 15ft radius, except yourself, that deals 2d10 lightning damage. Creatures take half as much damage on a successful dexterity saving throw.
27. Boo! - You are frightened for 2 turns.
28. Mass Invisibility - Every creature in a 30ft radius becomes invisible.
29. Stone Skin - For the next minute, you are resistant to all physical damage.
30. Mass Poison - All creatures in a 30ft radius, not including yourself, roll a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 2 turns.
31. Blinding Glow - You glow brightly in a 30ft radius. Any enemy that is within 10ft will be blinded. Blinded creatures can roll a constitution saving throw to remove their blindness and become immune to your blinding glow.
32. Polymorphed! - You have accidentally polymorphed yourself into a sheep that lasts for 1 minute or until your hitpoints reach 0.
33. SUMMON OWLBEAR! - You summon a hostile Owlbear.
34. Minor Illusion - You summon a minor illusion centered on yourself that lasts for 1 minute.
35. Unkillable Enemies - All hostile enemies in a 60ft radius gain the Death Ward condition. When they would next take lethal damage, they instead live at 1 hitpoint remaining.
36. Mass Drain Life - All creatures in a 30ft radius, except yourself, take 1d10 necrotic damage or half as much on a successful Consitution saving throw. You heal for half of the amount damaged.
37. Mirror Image - You cast Mirror Image on yourself.
38. Mass Flight - All creatures in a 30ft radius, cluding yourself, can fly for 2 turns.
39. Invisibility - You become invisible for 1 minute. Removed by taking a action that would remove invisibility.
40. Revivify - You are given the Revivify spell until you take a long rest.
41. Big! - For the next minute all creatures in a 30ft rtadius, including yourself, size is reduced. Your weapons deal an extra 1d4 damage and you have advantage on Strength Checks and Saving Throws.
42. Small! - For the next minute your size is decreased. Your weapons deal 1d4 less damage and you have disadvantage on Strength Checks and Saving Throws.
43. Piercing Vulnerability - All creatures in a 30ft radius, including yourself, become vulnerable to piercing damage for 1 minute.
44. Curse of Clown - You are cursed to become a clown. You gain +1 Charisma (up to 20) and have immunity to Tasha's Hideous Laughter. You also wear clown makeup that cannot be removed until this curse is lifted. Removed by curse dispel effect.
45. Extra Action - You gain a additional action for the rest of combat.
46. Restore Sorcery Points - You regain all expended sorcery points.
47. Mass Haste - You cast haste on all creatures in a 30ft radius, not including yourself.
48. Lock - You magically lock all doors and chests in a 100ft radius for 1 minute.
49. Unlock - You open all nonmagical doors and chests in a 100ft radius.
50. Summon Menagerie - You summon all familiars from the Find Familiar Spell (Cat, Crab, Frog, Rat, Raven, and Spider). Lasts for 1 minute.
51. Critical Hits - Your attack rolls are always critical successes for the next 3 turns
52. Mind Readers - You are able to read minds but others are able to read your mind as well. Gain access to the spell Detect Thoughts but have disadvantage on all Charisma based skill checks. Lasts until long rest.
53. Random Vulnerability - At the start of your next turn, all creatures in a 30ft radius are vulnerable to a damage type determined by 1d6 (Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic). Lasts for 1 minute.
54. Explosive Spells - When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you deal explosive 1d6 fire damage in a 10ft radius around the target. Target can
roll a dexterity saving throw to take half damage. Damage increases by 1d6 for each level spell beyond 1.
55. Petrified! - You are petrified for 3 turns.
56. Full Heal - The next time you are healed, you heal for the full amount. Removed after a heal or a long rest.
57. Burning Greed - You take 1d6 fire damage for every 500 gold you have in your inventory.
58. Summon Percy - You summon Percy the Pacifist Kobold. Percy will help you as long as he doesn't attack anyone! Percy knows the spells Sanctuary, Heroism, Healing Word and Resistance.
59. Mass Fear - All creatures, in a 30ft radius, must roll a wisdom saving throw or become fearful of you and drop their weapons.
60. CRAAAAAAB! - You summon 6 hostile crabs.
61. Summon Bob - You summon Bob the Friendly Zombie
62. Curse of Vampirism - You have become a vampire! Gain access to Bite, Claws and Charm Person and your Charisma score increases by 1 (max of 20). Removed by curse dispel effect.
63. Gaseous Form - You transform into a cloud of mist! You fall under the Gaseous Form condition for 3 turns.
64. Rain - A rainstorm starts above you. Anything under it becomes wet.
65. Burning Immunity - You are immune to fire for 1 minute. You are also on fire for 1 minute. You can not put out this fire before then.
66. Storm Sorcerer - You temporarily gain some of the powers of a Storm Sorcerer. Gain access to the spells Thunderwave, Create or Destroy Water, Gust of Wind, Sleet Storm, and Call Lightning. Also gain the passive Heart of the Storm. Removed after 1 minute.
67. Random Ability Decrease - At the start of your next turn, one of your abilities is reduced by 5 for 1 minute.
68. Random Ability Increase - At the start of your next turn, one of your abilities is increased by 5 (max of 20) for 1 minute.
69. Disarm All - All creatures in a 30ft radius, not inluding yourself, drop their equipped weapon.
70. Mass Charm - All enemies in a 30ft radius must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 2 turns.
71. Pick Me Up - All allies in a 60ft radius that are currently in the downed state are picked back up as if by the Help action.
72. Freedom of Movement - All creatures in a 30ft radius, including yourself, are under the Freedom of Movement condition for 1 minute.
73. Unstable Blood - You blood is now highly flammable and will explode in contact with fire. Removed after a long rest.
74. Irresistible Dance - All hostile enemies in a 30ft radius have the sudden urge to dance and play music. Dancing creatures can't move or take a action. Removed on a successful Wisdom Saving Throw or after 1 minute.
75. Summon Spectator? - You summon a friendly Spectator  that fights for you for 1 minute.
76. Temporary Genius - You have temporarily gotten smarter! With some slight side effects. Gain +4 Intelligence until you short rest. Lose -2 Intelligence until you long rest.
77. Armor Up - You gain 15 temporary hitpoints.
78. Heroes Feast - You cast the spell Heroes Feast centered on yourself in a 60ft radius.
79. Wild Magic For All! - All creatures, including yourself, trigger a Wild Magic Surge at the start of their next turn.
80. SHEEPS! - All hostile enemies are polymorphed into sheep in a 60ft radius