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Maze and Faane

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  1. Mazikeensa
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    Trashcan Item Shipment Framework version

    Do not use both versions! Choose one! They just spawn in differently!

    With the Item Shipment Frameworks version, you will need Volition Cabinet 1.5 and AV Item Shipment Framework
    This is because of how AV Item Shipment Framework, works. The Framework will now deliver the trashcan into your travellers chest. However, do keep in mind to only ever have ONE Trashcan in your inventory and never more than that! Otherwise it can cause issues for the mod.

    Where does the mod spawn?!
    With this version, it will NOT spawn in the tutorial chest or in the Mindflayer ship. It will spawn the moment you land on the beach in act 1.
    It will spawn in the Travellers chest in your camp, as shown below:

    With framework, you can also now customize how you want it spawned in.

    What you would need to do:
    1. Have a program that can unpack a .pak file (multitool or Lslib)
    2. Unpack the mod
    3. Go into the file called "ItemShipmentFrameworkConfig.json" and edit that file to your liking. I also recommend using NotePad ++ for this or VsCode. Personally as seen below, I use VsCode.

    Here I recommend NOT having host sets to true but rather false as I, myself, had issues with getting the mod to work correctly that way.

    4. Pack the mod, and replace the mod in your mods folder. Remember to refresh BG3MM, and save/export order.

    HELP! The Trashcan is in my inventory, but it does not do anything?!
    This is likely because you have had more than one in your inventory OR is using BOTH main files at the same time.
    1. Throw all versions of the Trashcan on the ground so they get destroyed.

    2. Save the game and then close the game.
    3. Uninstall Trashcan - either make it inactive in BG3MM or delete the mod from the mods folder.
    4. Open the game, get into the save. Save the game via esc and save game. Then close the game.
    5. Install Trashcan again.
    6. Open the game, and it should function again. If not, leave a comment or join this BG3 Modding Community Discord server:

    HELP! Console is flashing red or the mod does not put Trashcan in the Travellers chest?
    This means you do not have the Volition Cabinet version 1.5 or do not have it at all. Install or update that.

    Original Trashcan has been updated to

    You now no longer need to have the trashcan down on the ground to delete multiple items.
    Fixed the issue with multiple items/containers not being deleted due to MessageBox being broken from Larian's side. It got fixed via "ReadyCheckSpecific" (Thanks Fallen for the solution)
    Changed warning message.

    Please do not reupload my mod anywhere else.

    Trashcan has been updated to (outdated, look above)

    You have to drop the Trashcan OUT ON THE FLOOR for it to mass delete containers, bags etc.
    Save before you do this, as there will be no confirmation box that makes sure you want to delete this item.
    (which was the one that was causing us issues and that is why it took us a little while to update)

    In the inventory if you attempt to delete multiple items, you will now get a warning message that tells you, you need to put it out on the floor to work
    You are safe to pull out your bags and containers without any issues and items should not be deleted.
    This should prevent a rare crash issue that happened when you put a lot of items in the Trashcan at the same time.

    In the inventory it needs to be in your inventory and no sub container - it will just act as a normal container then.
    This is an issue we are aware of, but will have to be fixed in another update (if we can make it work, it is far from a guarantee)

    Dead bodies unfortunately do not work yet
    (we may or may not have ideas for corpses ;-) )

    If you experience any bugs, please report back to Faane and I - either here on Nexus and this mod page, or on discord in the Offical Larian Discord Server where we are active.

    Thank you for your support and time
    Happy modding!

    Cheers from Faane & Maze!
  2. MMaya
    • supporter
    • 48 kudos
    So this is not necessarily bug or mod problem but I have an issue and want to ask here. My trashcan has been working perfectly normal until yesterday. Today it just suddenly disappeared from my inventory. I cant find it in game. I tried reloading, loading older saves, re-merging the mods and restarting the game.. no trashcan it's like the mod isn't loading  :(

    Btw, I don't think this is patch issue either because it's been 6 days since Patch 5, and 4 days since hotfix12, and my trashcan has been in game and working all this time until today, I know since I literally used it yesterday... I haven't changed anything else in my game either.

    Anyone has same issue or knows what problem? :/

    EDIT: So I went many quicksaves back and I found it.. last time I had trashcan in inventory it was over 24hrs eariler... Dunno how it disappeared. it looks like it disappeared at some point during camp events (either Astarion mirror cutscene or Gale weave scene). I am now replaying from that point on to see if it will vanish again or if it was a weird glitch ... :)
    1. Mazikeensa
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Hmm, we do not touch anything in the game like cutscenes so it would be weird if its not there. If it happens again, try this command; "Osi.TemplateAddTo("cfe38e54-c89a-481d-9d1b-688fb4c6669a", GetHostCharacter(), 1, 1)" (without the ") in the script extender console. It should give you the trashcan again (do not try and do this if you already have the trashcan in your inventory, it can break the mod)

      How to get SE console:
      If you use bg3mm, go into settings then preferences. There is a tab called script extender - under that there should be a "Create console", check that and launch the game. The console will be a seperate window
      Press enter once before you type the command in. You can paste and enter the command when you see the "s>>" in the console

      If you use vortex; get the console from script extender github; get the console version and put the json file into your bin folder
  3. Arien674
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Hm... i downloaded the regular Trashcan. But somehow it won't appear in my Inventory or the Tutorial chest.

    What may i be missing?
    1. Mazikeensa
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Reload the save
    2. Arien674
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Oh, maybe that's it. I only ever di test games to see if my new mod order works. I will try that, thanks.^^
  4. TiphClay
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have a question. The description says the item shipment frame work version needs the Volition Cabinet 1.5 and AV Item Shipment Framework mods, but when I go to download the regular trashcan, it says those are required, too. Is this a mistake, or do both versions require these mods?
    1. Mazikeensa
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      It is not something I can change in the requirements. Either I leave them out or I put them in and they unfortunately display it for both.

      You do not need it for the regular trashcan. Regular trashcan only needs mod fixer and SE.
    2. TiphClay
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying!
  5. MisterOatmeal
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    As of, in multiplayer only the host can use the trashcan and approve item deletion, which is proving to be a bit annoying in my playthrough with my partner. Can you consider making it so the person deleting the item gets the popup confirmation to delete rather than the host?
  6. Saihus
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Fixed :D.
    1. Mazikeensa
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Ah I think I know what it is, it will be fixed as soon as I get home 

      Edit: should now be fixed
  7. nicolesinitsin
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Out of all 200+ mods I have, this is the one I use most frequently right next to Tutorial Chest Spawner. Thank you so much, this is amazing.
  8. yeeyeeperson
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    great mod
  9. MMaya
    • supporter
    • 48 kudos
    So yeah, firstly thank you for you answer in pinned comment about the console, I will keep it in mind for the future. 👍
    However this was not the reason I lost trashcan, I figured it out and even recorded because it's easier than explaining to you.
    Basically sometimes trashcan becomes invisible and it's hard to see it or pick it up again, you really need to find a right angle for it to appear, and I must have left it somewhere last time thinking I picked it up. Since I've been testing this and keeping an eye on trashcan I noticed it several times..

    1. Mazikeensa
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Huh that is extremely weird. I will look into it!
    2. MMaya
      • supporter
      • 48 kudos
      I think it's maybe some weirdness that has started to happen with graphics in general in patches 4 and 5... I notice other textures and models/meshes popping in and out during cutscenes which never happened in earlier patches, and my PC is strong enough to play everything on ultra... so it might not be your mod but the game issue itself, just wanted to let you know what it was :)
    3. Mazikeensa
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      In any case, thank you of making me aware. Even if its not my mod, I have now made sure that people have a fix ready if it happens :D
  10. wyggles
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    So, weird problem. I think I lost the trashcan somewhere. I tried removing the mod > loading > saving > reinstalling but the game crashes if I don't have the mod loaded. I assume this means it's just sitting in the world somewhere. Any ideas on a fix?
    1. Mazikeensa
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Ah, someone else had the same problem. I gave them a fix in the comments. I will make it a sticky so its easier to find
  11. poploli
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    OMG... You saved my savefile !
    Thank you very much.
  12. TheSchroedingercat
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    i'm reading your "plans for corpses" and imagining a portable meatgrinder lol. Soylent green mod?