About this mod

A misc set of eye color presets. Plus 8 options for Shadowheart.

Permissions and credits
A misc set of eye color presets. Currently adds 26 new eye colors to character creation. Some are based on my own characters, while others take inspiration from gemstones such as garnet or aquamarine. Also includes a few brown shades as well.

Added 6 more colors, Amethyst 1-4, Dark Frost, and Borealis, for a total of 32.

Added 6 more colors, Tiger's Eye, Cherry, Cherry Red, Dark Cherry, Sakura Pink, and Sakura White for a total of 38.

Added 12 more colors, Ocean 1-4, Forest 1-4, Mossy Stone, and Aperture 1-3 for a total of 50.

Added 10 more colors, Jade 1-4, Aperture 4-5, and Floral 1-4 for a total of 60.

11/23 - Added version with black sclera. This file can be used with the original.

4/20 - Added a zip containing 8 replacer options for Shadowheart.

Base and Dark have 2 more colors added Aperture 6-7. For a total of 62 colors each.

The addition of Glow versions of both Base and Dark.

Dark's loca has also been updated with DS for "Dark Sclera". In turn, the Glow version have "G" and "GDS".

4/23 - Added Vanilla Tweaks - Elf Sets; A collection of addition varations of the Elf preset colors. Done with using mods allowing glow for all in mind. Includes versions with and without glow. They are as follows;

  • Neo Eyes - VT - Vanilla Elf Set Dark - The vanilla Elf eye preset colors swapped to a black sclera. Labeled with "DS" at the end.
  • Neo Eyes - VT - Elf Set - The Elf eye preset colors without any glow effects. Labeled with NG at the end.
  • Neo Eyes - VT - Elf Set Dark - The Elf eye preset colors without any glow and swapped to a black sclera. Labeled with "NGDS" at the end.
  • Neo Eyes - VT - Elf Set Glow - The Elf eye preset colors with modded glow. Labeled with "G" at the end.
  • Neo Eyes - VT - Elf Set Glow Dark - The Elf eye preset colors with modded glow and black sclera. Labeled with "GDS" at the end.

Added 2 more colors, Floral 5-6, for a total of 64 each. Fixed the UUIDs for Floral 2 in the Glow file. Also added an AIO with all the main files and a .txt file with the manual info for install.

All versions of the presets can be used together. However, if you want to have the glow for races the usually don't you need a mod such as Astralities' Glow Eyes by astralities or Eyes of the Beholder by labotor. Otherwise, they will just look the same as the non-glow versions for those races. The same is true of the variations of the Elf sets.

Why do separate versions with and without glow?

I decided to approach it this way, both because of vanilla races with glow by default and mods that allow for the effect on the those that do not, would have the choice between not having glowing versus having glowing eyes. They are compatible with each other. Allowing further options WITHOUT having to uninstall one in favor of the other.

  • Mod fixer


Shouldn't conflict with most other mods.

The replacers will conflict with any mod that edits Shadowheart's eye color.

Install: Import using the BG3 Mod Manager. Then move it from inactive to active. Followed by saving the load order and exporting it.

Only install one replacer at a time.

Info For Manual Install:

UUID: cb378b32-01d8-42bc-8593-d621b5e08fff
Mod Name: Neo Eyes
Folder: NeoEyes

UUID: b48d3399-4202-4770-a50a-ef0134dc275a
Mod Name: Neo Eyes Dark
Folder: NeoEyesDark

UUID: 4f04cbaf-92af-40fb-955c-9bc7c08e7435
Mod Name: Neo Eyes Glow
Folder: NeoEyesGlow

UUID: 9097b15a-0c3e-4cdd-a34e-12a812b6f838
Mod Name: Neo Eyes Glow Dark
Folder: NeoEyesGlowDark

Vanilla Tweaks - Elf Sets

UUID: f2e1903d-eba1-41f0-bd18-a1abd580cc8f
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Vanilla Tweaks - Vanilla Elf Dark
Folder: NeoEyesVElfDark

UUID: 75d7dd18-af8a-47f8-8a6a-6972c0478230
Mod Name: NeoEyesVTElf
Folder: Neo Eyes - Vanilla Tweaks - Elf

UUID: 20e93a26-7d94-496e-8a9a-e5edefe27f95
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Vanilla Tweaks - Elf Dark
Folder: NeoEyesVTElfDark

UUID: 77fe3733-6f5d-44fe-ab05-025bb30b38b7
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Vanilla Tweaks - Elf Glow
Folder: NeoEyesVTElfGlow

UUID: b79ab751-8e19-486e-ace2-0354c79c5e91
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Vanilla Tweaks - Elf Glow Dark
Folder: NeoEyesVTElfGD

Shadowheart Options Info

*Only install one at a time.

UUID: 4f7d77c9-511d-482e-bb45-1f0a29e88a64
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Shadowheart Forest 2
Folder: NeoEyesShadowheartForest2

UUID: 6ae4f74a-ef9a-47b4-b57f-d3a82b79e4bb
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Shadowheart Tiger's Eye
Folder: NeoEyesShadowheartTigersEye

UUID: 6a0e22f8-d4c6-4a01-8f54-43b280a5b49b
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Shadowheart Jade 2
Folder: NeoEyesShadowheartJade2

UUID: 35d3b9ca-aab9-4904-b9e3-84e0bc89a29a
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Shadowheart Midnight
Folder: NeoEyesShadowheartMidnight

UUID: 01e5881b-765e-494d-9d92-100709dbeafe
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Shadowheart Midnight 2
Folder: NeoEyesShadowheartMidnight2

UUID: 2a5db281-075b-43e2-aee6-d8df6c8e2428
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Shadowheart Amethyst 3
Folder: NeoEyesShadowheartAmethyst3

UUID: d4eea052-f581-444a-b341-df92bfa35794
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Shadowheart Mossy Stone
Folder: NeoEyesShadowheartMossyStone

UUID: 559775bf-4012-4828-b93b-5e55f74122aa
Mod Name: Neo Eyes - Shadowheart Sakura White
Folder: NeoEyesShadowheartSakuraW

Uninstall: Move to inactive and/or delete the mod from your mods folder. Should be safe to uninstall mid playthrough. Any character using them should revert to a vanilla eye color.

Please let me know of any issues.

Mods in Screencshots

Shadowheart Alternate Hair - Updated for Launch by vyrelis
Companion And NPC Face Texture Tweaks by soriyumi
LoopyLoo's Eye Makeup Tweaks by LoopyLooXxXx

Thanks to ShinyHobo for the Modder's Multitool
Padme4000 for their templates, tutorials, and tools.
AureBuen for their template as well.
Basileus27 for their Shadowheart Alternate Eye Colors.
Norbyte for the ExportTool.