About this mod

Adds 99 underwear to a bag in the tutorial chest that allow gaining classes and becoming clerics of a deity.

Permissions and credits
Very Rare Underwear: Contains all of a class or subclass (minus some spell selection in the case of classes)

Legendary Underwear: Class and subclass underwear combined (and some custom requested ones)

Rare Underwear:
Makes you a cleric of whichever deity you choose

You gain all associated tags/dialogue/interaction and proficiencies with the class or subclass

The item description cuts off but notable features in your character sheet contains all the passive info and your spells appear on the hotbar

I only tested it in a new playthrough but it should work fine with the tutorial chest summoning

Q: Will you fix the item descriptions cutting off and compress them?
A: No.

Q: Why won't you fix it?
A: Because I remembered why I don't take requests for items, I don't like making them.

Q: Will you change the underwear type?
A: No, besides, this underwear offered sufficient surface area for the former owner's essence to seep into.

Q: What if I really, really want to change the underwear type?
A: You can give this mod a try:  Transmog Enhanced 

Toss whichever underwear you don't want into the void

Note: Monk animations may not work properly if you aren't playing the monk class

Install with BG3MM