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A 75%-faithful implementation of the College of Creation subclass from the book "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything". Appreciate any and all feedback :>

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College of Creation
Bards believe the cosmos is a work of art-the creation of the first dragons and gods. That creative work included harmonies that continue to resound through existence today, a power known as the Song of Creation. The bards of the College of Creation draw on that primeval song through dance, music, and poetry, and their teachers share this lesson:

"Before the sun and the moon, there was the Song, and its music awoke the first dawn. Its melodies so delighted the stones and trees that some of them gained a voice of their own. And now they sing too. Learn the Song, students, and you too can teach the mountains to sing and dance."

Dwarves and gnomes often encourage their bards to become students of the Song of Creation. And among dragonborn, the Song of Creation is revered, for legends portray Bahamut and Tiamat-the greatest of dragons-as two of the song's first singers.

Mote of Potential
3rd-level College of Creation feature

Whenever you give a creature a Bardic Inspiration die, you can utter a note from the Song of Creation to create a Mote of Potential, which floats above that creature.
When the creature uses the Bardic Inspiration die, the mote provides an additional effect based on whether the die benefits an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw, as detailed below:
  • Ability Check. When the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die to add it to an ability check, the creature gains a +1 bonus to the roll. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level.
  • Attack Roll. Immediately after the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die to add it to an attack roll against a target, the target and each enemy within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or take thunder damage equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die.
  • Saving Throw. Immediately after the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die and adds it to a saving throw, the creature gains temporary hit points equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die plus your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).

Author's Notes: The Ability Check is actually supposed to allow the creature to roll the Inspiration die twice and take the highest, but I don't know how to do that right now. So I did the next best thing which is gave the Ability Check a flat number bonus that put it as close to the average of rolling two dice and taking the highest:
  • 1d6 - 3.5 (average), 4.47 (roll twice take highest), 4.5 (average +1)
  • 1d8 - 4.5 (average), 5.81 (roll twice take highest), 5.5 (average +1)
  • 1d10 - 5.5 (average), 7.15 (roll twice take highest), 7.5 (average +2)
  • 1d12 - 6.5 (average), 8.49 (roll twice take highest), 8.5 (average +2)
P.S. Since I don't know how to write Scripts, I'm using a dirty trick. The game data not does allow me to set a saving throw DC by referencing an equation or a duration of a status (which is how I normally pass numerical references from character to character). So Mote of Potential: Shatter actually instead momentarily increases or decreases the Inspiration holder's Performance skill to match the spell save DC reference passed as an invisible status from the bard to the Inspiration holder. It then uses the passive Performance check as the DC for the thunder explosion, and (hopefully) sets everything back to normal.

Performance of Creation
3rd-level College of Creation feature

Pillar of Creation. As an action, you can channel the magic of the Song of Creation to create a magical pillar in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you. The pillar has a hit point maximum equal to your bard level. You can have only one Pillar created by this feature at any time. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher to use this feature again. 

Aura of Resonance. 
When a creature either receives or bestows Bardic Inspiration while within 5 feet of the Pillar of Creation, that creature regains a number of hit points equal to a roll of that Bardic Inspiration die.

Structural Integrity. When a Pillar of Creation is summoned, each ally within its aura radius gains 1 turn of Preservation of Form (Spells that alter someone's form have no effect on the affected entity, and only a hit that deals at least 4 damage can damage it.)

The Pillar of Creation improves when you reach 6th and 14th level:
  • At 6th level, its size grows to Large, its hit point maximum is twice your bard level, and the radius of its aura increases to 10 feet.
  • At 14th level, its size grows to Huge, its hit point maximum is three times your bard level, and the radius of its aura increases to 20 feet.

Author's Notes: This is the most drastic change I had to make in the subclass implementation. The original ability allows you to create a nonmagical object with size, gp value, and time until disappearance scaling with your bard level/proficiency. It is a very fun and flexible ability, but also something that is specifically written to thrive in the environment of a tabletop RPG. I did not want to create an ability along the lines of "You can make items that are worth X gp so you can sell it to Aaron before every long rest." For better or worse, this ability encourages either A. Giving out bardic inspiration mid-combat (unlike BG3, 5e has a 10 min duration on Bardic Inspiration so you can't reliably pre-buff your team.) or B. Giving out inspiration post-combat to heal. If you have a suggestion on a better way to implement Performance of Creation, please let me know.
v1.02: Because the ability seemed lackluster with just the Bardic Inspiration healing, I added a instant AoE effect that applies a damage threshold shield (like many structures found in the game) for 1 turn. Currently it's at 4, but it may change very soon. This also makes Creative Crescendo much more powerful, befitting of a 14th-level feature.
v1.07: Increased the aura radius of Aura of Resonance

Animating Performance
6th-level College of Creation feature

As an action, you can summon an animated sword in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. The animate item uses the Dancing Item stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB). It lives for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, or until you die. Once you use with this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use this feature again. You can have only one item summoned by this feature at a time.

The Dancing Item has the following stats:
  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points equal to 10 + five times your bard level
  • Flying speed 30 ft.
  • Irrepressible Dance. When any creature starts its turn within 10 feet of the item, the item can increase or decrease (your choice) the walking speed of that creature by 10 feet until the end of the turn, provided the item isn't incapacitated.
  • Force-Empowered Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see. Hit: (1d10 + Proficiency Bonus) Force damage.

Author's Notes: The original text animates an item near you instead of summoning one, but I'm sure you can see how that would be a nightmare to implement. Since summon rules are much more lax in BG3 compared to 5e, I left out the restriction/synergy where you need to use a bonus action to command it, but you can command it for free if you use the bonus action to Inspire someone.

Creative Crescendo
14th-level College of Creation feature

When you use your Performance of Creation feature, you can also create additional Lesser Pillars of Creation in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of you. The number of Lesser Pillars you can create equals your Charisma modifier minus one (minimum of one pillar). The Lesser Pillars of Creation are Small, meaning their hit point maximums are equal to your bard level, and their aura radius is 5 feet.

Author's Notes: This feature modifies the heavily edited feature, Performance of Creation. In the original text, this feature allows you to create additional items with the caveat of them being Small and/or Tiny. It also removes the gp value limit when creating items. In my re-interpretation of the feature, I kept the spirit of "summon lesser versions of the object created by Performance of Creation." This allows the bard to scatter these mini-pillars farther out (30ft vs 10ft), to spread out the benefits of the Aura of Resonance and Preservation of Form.
v1.07: Increased the placement radius of Lesser Pillars.

To-Do List
  • Add College of Eloquence to the Compatibility Framework Config.
  • Add College of Eloquence's Unfailing Inspiration conditions to the list of conditions that prevent a character from being the target of Creative Inspiration.
  • Change the hotbar icon from 150x150 to 112x112.
Known Issues
  • 11/25/2023 v1.03: There is something funky going on with College of Creation & Compatibility Framework, causing bard subclasses to show up as a choice in level 1 sorcerer subclass selection. It's being investigated.
  • 11/25/2023 v1.04: The above issue has been identified as a UUID mix-up in the CompatibilityFrameworkConfig.json. It has been fixed, but we are still waiting on feedback to be sure.
  • 11/26/2023 v1.04: Preservation of Form grants immunity to polymorph effects. As an unintended side-effect, this is also kicking characters out of any positive buffs with the polymorph tag, like wildshape. This part of the aura buff may get a rework or rewording.
  • 12/12/2023 v1.06: College of Creation icon is disappearing for some people.
As of now, this mod has a CompatibilityFrameworkConfig.json with the following mods included:Credits
  • Thumbnail Image: Korlessa, Scale Singer by Jesper Ejsing
  • Header Image: Song of Creation by Noah Bradley
  • Thank you so much to all the people that were patient with me and shared their knowledge of modding this beautiful game; in no particular order, and off of very bad memory: Loz, simosas, Norbyte, LazyIcarus, Muffin, NellsRelo, Trips, boomkaboom, dreadoverlord, onion, Eralyne, Goth.Holiday, Kyrie, khbsd_, lostsoul, Siael, Green Ninja757, ShinyHobo, and many more.
  • Special thanks to my friend Nicole, who created a little Tiefling named Hattie that inspired me to make this mod.
Filthy Self-Promotion