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About this mod

This adds my homebrewed version of what I envision the Oath of the Phoenix would be. By some they are called "Phoenix Knights", by others they are called "Hellknights" - regardless of the name they are brave warriors tempered by their belief in the holy flame. Some paladins of this Oath may praise Gods of fire, while others hold to their ideals.

Permissions and credits
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  • French

Oath of the Phoenix paladins abide by the following tenets:

Embrace the Flame.

I swear to wield the unyielding power of fire, letting it be both my weapon and my shield. I will not fear its destructive force but instead, channel it to bring justice to the world.

Destruction for Redemption.

I understand that sometimes, destruction is a path to renewal. I will not shy away from purging corruption with cleansing fire, seeking to bring about a rebirth of justice in the wake of chaos.

Courage in the Inferno.

I shall charge into the heart of danger without hesitation, for fear is but a fleeting shadow in the face of my unwavering resolve. The hotter the flames, the fiercer my determination.

Rebirth through Sacrifice.

I acknowledge that true strength lies in self-sacrifice. I am prepared to lay down my life for the greater good, trusting in the flame to purify and grant me the chance to rise again, stronger than before.

Spell List
Level 2

Flame, Smite Thine Foes!

Engulf your weapon in holy flame, and deal an additional 1d8 Fire Damage and 1d8 Radiant Damage; inflicting Holy Flame</LSTag on a hit.

Level 3

Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke

Level 5

Flame Blade, Heat Metal

Level 9

Fireball, Fly

Level 13

Fire Shield, Wall of Fire

Level 17

Flame Strike, Cure Mass Wounds

Oath Ability

Level 1

Oath Spells

Level 1

Flame, Lend Me Thine Aid!

You summon a Fire Elemental that grows in power as you stay committed to your Oath.

Level 3

Flame, Bless Me

Call upon the holy flame to engulf your spirit for the coming battle. You are Resistant to fire and radiant damage. You deal bonus fire damage equal to your Charisma Modifier on all weapon attacks, you gain a fire-based breath weapon, fiery diving, and charge spell. The effect lasts at least two turns and increases your paladin level.

Flame, Renew Thine Soul

You release a wave of energy from your very soul. You heal allies for 2d6 + your Charisma modifier. You deal 2d6 + Charisma modifier in fire and radiant damage. As you rise from the ashes, you are reduced to 1 HP. You generate 2 Heat.

Note: Don't rely on Infernal Rejuvenation to heal you while at 1 HP. The damage will knock you down before you heal! Just the way it's hardcoded.

Level 7

Aura of the Eternalflame

You emit an aura of heat and flames. While this aura is active, you and your allies receive Advantage on Death Saving Throws. Allies receive Temporary HP equal to 3 + Charisma modifier. A foe is standing within the Aura and will take fire damage equal to 1d6 + your Charisma Modifier at the end of its turn. On a successful save, it will still take half the damage.

Level 15

Flame, Grant Me Thy Spirit!

You gain the ability to ignore fire and radiant resistance. You are now resistant to radiant and fire damage.

Level 20

Flame, Ignite My Very Soul!

You unleash a blast of heat and flames, dealing [1]. You gain Immunity to Fire and Raidant Damage. You also gain Resistance to Cold, Necrotic, and Physical Damage. Your melee, unarmed, and spells also do extra fire damage. When you fall in battle, you rise anew. You will explode in a ball of fire - fully healing your health, healing your allies for [4], dealing [2] and [3] to enemies. This effect lasts for 10 turns.

If you break you're oath, you will break it as an Oath of Devotion Paladin. If you reclaim you become an Oath of the Phoenix paladin once more.

The dialogue will only reflect you being an Oath of Devotion paladin. It should function as a paladin first following the Devotion tenets.


Can your mods work with other Paladin mods?

Depends on the mod author. If you want a surefire way to get all your paladins together in one place - download Plus Subclasses - Previewer by Raizan.
They're good people and have awesome mods you should check out.

Does it work with Patch 6?

Yes! Make sure you have everything else updated.

Will you make "X" subclass?

Possibly, right now my main jam is Paladins, so most likely I'll make my version of the class.
Final Notes

This mod is fully loaded with its class icons and SCF compatibility!

Installation Instructions (Using Vortex/BG3 Mod Manager)

  • Download and Extract OathoftheStorm.zip
  • Drop files in Vortex or into the inactive mod section of BG3MM. Move into active mod section (BG3MM).
  • Save Load Order to File and launch the game. The subclass should appear in character selection.

Please submit any images you have, I would love to feature them on the mod page!

Special Thanks

Very special thanks to Siael for answering all my questions and being a modding wizard.
ImmortalRD for creating an amazing VFX guide that helped me out - BG3 VFX wiki
KiderionLykon for the Class Icon Generator

havsglimt and BigGreenMako for inspiring me with their amazing mods.
Everyone on the discord chat community for being so helpful and knowledgeable. 
Norbyte for their tireless work to make modding a reality for this amazing game.
Last but not least Larian Studios for making me fall in love with this game!