About this mod

This page hosts CC Patches for Fantastical Multiverse. If you're looking for a patch for a beautiful hair or face you'll likely find it here! Give your Tav the makeover they deserve!

Permissions and credits
Looking to spice up your Fantastical Tav or Durge? Find support for you're favorite cosmetic styles here! This will be where I host all patches I make to add compatibility to several lovely cosmetic mods that other authors have made. This allows you to use those fantastical styles with several of the species provided by Fantastical Multiverse.

These patches are made for species and lineages provided by the following mods:

Example Load Order:



Can you make patches for the XYZ race mod?
If it's not a race mod that I made, the answer's going to be no. Otherwise it's likely in the works already. 

Can you make XYZ  Hair/Face/Body mod compatible with a body type that isn't supported by that mod?
No, I'm not editing any other author's files. These will only add patch support so that they show up for the species and lineages I've designed so long as that cosmetic mod is compatiable with the body type the species uses.  Anything that would require me to edit their file in Blender is isntantly going to be a no. It's not my files to be tweaking and editing.

Why is there an invisible XYZ in the character creation?
You're missing a required mod. You need the cosmetic mod and the patch. 

Where are the other races that are listed, I can't find them in Fantastical Multiverse?
This has a good bit of pre-patches so I don't have to do it later. It's why this mod took so long to create.  Once the race is available you'll be able to see the race and enjoy these prepatched cosmetics. 

Will you merge all these patches?
Probably not. 

Can you make a patch for XYZ mod? 
Maybe, no promises. I know for certain I'm not going to make a patch for every cosmetic mod. There are a lot of pretty cosmetic mods but there is only one of me.  I also have my own projects I'd like to finish and work on. So I  will attempt to cover as many mods as I have the available time to set aside for.

For me to make any patches for a mod I will need the permission from the mod author to do so.  This is mandatory I will not make a mod patch without confirmation from said mod author. Don't ask me to do so without it. It will be no, and I likely won't even bother responding to the request. 

I'm a mod author, and I'd like to make patches for your mod instead, can I?
Yes, you have my full support to make any cosmetic patches for whatever race you feel like dedicating the time to patch/support.  I've provided a template with most of the RACE UUID's that are currently available. It will update to eventually have all the races I've made. 

Where are the Lineage patches? Dhampir?? Reborn??? Hexblood????
They're coming after the updates for them. They're more involved than normal patches due to the way they are set up so it's easier to do them after I have all the information for them in the template.

What about Kobolds, Goblins, Hobgoblin, and Bugbear?
I have to do further playtesting to see if any of these cosmetic mods are compatible with these cosmetic mods. They likely won't be but you never know until you try. So don't be surprised if they don't have many patches. 

Kobold's aren't likely to be compatible with these mods ever.  I'm less likely to attempt seeing or even bothering, sorry.

What's the template file for in the misc file section?
It's a modder resource for anyone who wishes to make cosmetic patches for Fantastical Multiverse or any of the other race mod projects I have planned. Contains the race UUIDs you'd need to make the patches for personal use or public in case I don't cover those patches.

So the following might be interested in this file:
  • A mod author of a cosmetic mod that wants to add the patches themselves to the mod.
  • A 3rd-party patch mod developer. I'm assuming you have approval from the other author as you already have my permission to make the patch. 
  • A user who wishes to make a personal patch. Like a single hair/head/horn/tail, etc.

I will update the template to provide additional races that will be available in the future or ones I have yet to include. I am just finishing up getting the list of those done. 

For more FAQs, you can review the article here.

  • All patches version number will match the mod version I made the patch for. Meaning if a most recent mod version is higher than my patches version number, any new cosmetic additions provided by that mod likely won't be found in this patch.  I will attempt to keep up with the updates if I have the free time but I make no promises. Regardless of if the mod version is higher than the patch version. All patches should continue to work since they only use the UUID reference for each cosmetic entry and assign them to a race. 
  • Some races have been pre-patched and are not yet availiable to the public. Just kept them in here so I don't have to add them later. 
  • I will add more races if they are compatiable with the comsetic options body type. 
  • You can find all updates and changes made to these patches in the changelog. 

[Insert Video Here]
  • Currently, it only has support for hairs that are for Body Types 1 & 2.

Supported Version:1.9.2
Supported Races:


  • Aasimar  
  • Air Genasi 
  • Changeling 
  • Earth Genasi 
  • Eladrin 
  • Fire Genasi 
  • Sea Elf 
  • Shadar-kai 
  • Shifter 
  • Triton 
  • Water Genasi 
  • Yuan-ti 
  • Astral Elf 
  • Dhampir 
  • Kalashtar 
  • Yuan-ti Pureblood 

  • Downcast
  • Dreamers 
  • Laneshi 

  • Avariel
  • Crepthari
  • Grugach
  • Gwŷddpāla
  • Hemōnari
  • Mušḫuššu
  • Nephilim

  • Elezen

Supported Version: 1.0
Supported Races: 


  • Orc

  • Aasimar
  • Air Genasi
  • Changeling
  • Earth Genasi
  • Eladrin
  • Firbolg
  • Fire Genasi
  • Githzerai
  • Sea Elf
  • Shadar-kai
  • Shifter
  • Triton
  • Water Genasi
  • Yuan-ti
  • Astral Elf
  • Kalashtar
  • Yuan-ti Pureblood

  • Downcast
  • Dreamers
  • Laneshi
  • Ogresh
  • Avariel
  • Crepthari
  • Grugach
  • Gwŷddpāla
  • Hemōnari
  • Mušḫuššu
  • Nephilim
  • Elezen

  • Supported Version: 1.4 
    Supported Species:


    • Orc

    • Aasimar
    • Air Genasi
    • Changeling
    • Earth Genasi
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Firbolg
    • Fire Genasi
    • Githzerai
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-kai
    • Shifter
    • Triton
    • Water Genasi
    • Yuan-ti
    • Astral Elf
    • Kalashtar
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood

    • Downcast
    • Dreamers
    • Laneshi
    • Ogresh
  • Avariel
  • Crepthari
  • Grugach
  • Gwŷddpāla
  • Hemōnari
  • Mušḫuššu
  • Nephilim
  • Elezen

  • Supported Version: 1.3
    Supported Species:

    • Aasimar
    • Air Genasi
    • Changeling
    • Earth Genasi
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Fire Genasi
    • Githzerai
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-kai
    • Shifter
    • Triton
    • Water Genasi
    • Yuan-ti
    • Astral Elf
    • Kalashtar
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood

    • Downcast
    • Dreamers
    • Laneshi

    • Avariel
    • Crepthari
    • Grugach
    • Gwŷddpāla
    • Hemōnari
    • Mušḫuššu
    • Nephilim

    • Elezen
    • Hyur

    Supported Version:1.3
    Supported Species:

    • Aasimar
    • Air Genasi
    • Changeling
    • Earth Genasi
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Fire Genasi
    • Githzerai
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-kai
    • Shifter
    • Triton
    • Water Genasi
    • Yuan-ti
    • Astral Elf
    • Kalashtar
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood

    • Downcast
    • Dreamers
    • Laneshi

    • Avariel
    • Crepthari
    • Grugach
    • Gwŷddpāla
    • Hemōnari
    • Mušḫuššu
    • Nephilim

    • Elezen
    • Hyur

    Supported Version:1.3
    Supported Species:

    • Orc
    • Aasimar
    • Air Genasi
    • Changeling
    • Earth Genasi
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Fire Genasi
    • Githzerai
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-kai
    • Shifter
    • Triton
    • Water Genasi
    • Yuan-ti
    • Astral Elf
    • Kalashtar
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood

    • Downcast
    • Dreamers
    • Laneshi
    • Ogresh

    • Avariel
    • Crepthari
    • Grugach
    • Gwŷddpāla
    • Hemōnari
    • Nephilim

    • Elezen

    Supported Version: 2.0
    Supported Species:

    • Orc
    • Aasimar
    • Air Genasi
    • Changeling
    • Earth Genasi
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Fire Genasi
    • Githzerai
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-kai
    • Shifter
    • Triton
    • Water Genasi
    • Yuan-ti
    • Astral Elf
    • Kalashtar
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood

    • Downcast
    • Dreamers
    • Laneshi
    • Ogresh

    • Avariel
    • Crepthari
    • Grugach
    • Gwŷddpāla
    • Hemōnari
    • Mušḫuššu
    • Nephilim

    • Elezen

    Supported Version:
    Supported Species:


    • Orc

    • Aasimar
    • Air Genasi
    • Changeling
    • Earth Genasi
    • Eladrin
    • Firbolg
    • Fire Genasi
    • Githzerai
    • Goliath
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-kai
    • Shifter
    • Triton
    • Water Genasi
    • Yuan-ti
    • Astral Elf
    • Kalashtar
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood

    • Downcast
    • Dreamers
    • Laneshi
    • Ogresh
  • Avariel
  • Crepthari
  • Grugach
  • Gwŷddpāla
  • Hemōnari
  • Mušḫuššu
  • Nephilim
  • Elezen

  • Supported Version: 1.0
    Supported Species:

    • Orc
    • Aasimar
    • Air Genasi
    • Changeling
    • Earth Genasi
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Firbolg
    • Fire Genasi
    • Githzerai
    • Goliath
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-kai
    • Shifter
    • Triton
    • Water Genasi
    • Yuan-ti
    • Astral Elf
    • Kalashtar
    • Yuan-ti Pureblood

    • Downcast
    • Dreamers
    • Laneshi
    • Ogresh

    • Avariel
    • Crepthari
    • Grugach
    • Gwŷddpāla
    • Hemōnari
    • Mušḫuššu
    • Nephilim

    • Elezen

    (Coming Soon)

    (Coming Soon)

    Suggested Mods



    Without these modders dedicating their free time to these lovely projects I wouldn't be able to make these patches! I appreciate their work and their permission to allow me to make patches so my race mods can use their fantastical work. Please make sure to endorse the lovely work of these mod developers who have created these lovely character creation options for us to use for free. 
