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About this mod

A martial melee focused subclass giving rogues more tools to fight up close

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This is an adaptation of the Fencer Roguish Archetype by LaserLlama. This adds Battlemaster like 
maneuvers called Exploits that expand the Rogues martial capabilities and aims to let them be an accomplished front line attacker by combining reactions, exploits and sneak attacks. I have deviated a bit from the homebrew both due to system limitations and personal balance choices which will be noted below if you are curious about what they are or my reasoning. I may change them in future if this turns out to be over or under-tuned but for now I'm happy enough with it for a 1.0 release. And now with a custome subclass icon  courtesy of the incredible Dragonify03!


While most warriors focus on overcoming their foes through strength of arms or brute force, the archetypal Fencer does so through precise strikes and superior martial abilities. What they lack in overwhelming strength and stamina, they make up for with their finesse, skill, and technique.

3rd Level

-Classical Training: You receive proficiency in both Medium Armour and Scimitars. You also don't need advantage on your attack roll to apply your Sneak Attack if you use an Exploit as part of that attack, you do still need to not have disadvantage and be using a finesse weapon.

- Fencer's Exploits: You receive 2 Exploit Dice and learn 2 Exploits. The exploit dice are D4s increasing by one size at levels 5,9,13, and 17. Whenever your dice increase in size you also learn a new exploit and get an additional die.

6th Level(Optional, If you do not want this addition for w/e reason I have added a patch as an optional file that removes it.)

-Expert Duelist: You've become so adept with your blade that it flicks out faster than the eye can see. If you take the attack action while wielding only a one handed finesse weapon you may take an additional attack.

9th Level

-Sharp reflexes: You receive +4 bonus to initiative rolls allowing you to position and deal with threats immediately

11th Level

-Counterattack: When a creature hits you with a melee attack you can Counterattack as a reaction. Any Exploit you use as part of this attack does not cost an Exploit Die.


-All exploit saving throws have a dc = 8 + Proficiency + the higher of Dex and Str

-Debilitating Strike: When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and force it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure,
the creature takes additional damage equal to your Exploit Die and its speed is reduced to 0 until the end of it's turn

-Disarming Strike: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to force it to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, it takes
extra damage equal to your Exploit Die, and it to drops it's weapons

-Feinting Strike: Use both your Action and Bonus Action to expend an exploit die and attack, adding your exploit die to both the Attack and Damage rolls. This only uses your Bonus Action and Die on a hit.

-Fancy Footwork: Expend an Exploit Die during your turn to give all melee attacks against you disadvantage until your next turn.

-Martial Focus: When you would miss a weapon attack you may expend an Exploit Die to give yourself Advantage on that attack.

-Parry and Riposte: When an enemy would hit you with a melee attack you may expend an Exploit Die to reduce their roll by that amount. If this causes the attack to miss you may make a free attack against them.


Due to how the Interrupt system works in this game it would be impossible to let the relevant Exploits also add your Sneak Attack. To get around this you get two versions of Debilitating Strike, Disarming Strike, Feinting Strike, and Riposte. One that costs just your Exploit Die and one that also costs your Sneak Attack charge for the turn. For the ones with Saving Throws the Sneak Attack Damage is done regardless of the save. and For Feinting Attack on a miss it does not use up your charge.

In addition there appears to be no way to modify the costs of an interrupt the way we can other spells so when you unlock counterattack you will also get up to 4 additional reactions which are the Sneak and Regular versions of Disarming and Debilitating Strikes. These can only be used off of your Counterattack and have no Exploit Die cost. You only get these if you also have the regular version of them as well. If I find a more elegant way to do these I will change the mod but for now unfortunately your going to have a few interrupts in your reactions tab.

Known Issues

-The Exploit save DC in the combat log will list Intelligence as well as Spell DC boosts you have. It is using the correct formula but displaying the wrong one. If i figure out how to fix it I will but as of now it is purely visual.

Future Plans

-Add a level 15/17 Feature as Rogues usually get one at 17th level and I know some people like to push that far. Currently thinking about once per turn on a kill Refresh your Sneak Attack and Attack. Similar to Scouts but specifically for kills 

-Troubleshoot/Bugfix/Balance as I test further and as more info and feedback comes in

- Maybe make custom Icons for the Subclass and it's skills. I have no idea what I'm doing and to be honest artistic work is far less interesting and harder for me to sit through than technical so I don't know when or if this will happen. In the meantime if anyone feels like making something or using an AI generator to do so feel free and if it's good I'll see about puttign it in the mod.


As of now the only true requirements are BG3SE, Community Library, and Compatibility framework if you want other Rogue Subclass mods. However I would highly, highly recommend Cunning Strike by wesslen. This Subclass gets a lot of it's power from being able to Counter and Riposte for off turn Sneak Attacks and the way BG3 implemented them means that you can't use it both on your turn and an enemies turn severely limiting Fencer's damage output without Cunning Strike.

Fully compatible with unlock level curve including selecting more Exploits at 13 and 17, 1 more exploit die each at 13 and 17, and the exploit die increasing to 1d10 at 13.

I am unaware of anything that is incompatible with this mod and changed nothing in the base game so it should play fine with everything


-Added Scimitars to Classical Training. It's just such a roguish weapon and I don't get how Rogues  don't just start with it. Besides Rapiers will usually be better anyway so it shouldn't be a balance issue

-Exploit Progression: There doesn't seem to be a simple and elegant way to replace a passive when you get multiple from the same list and respeccing is super easy in this game anyway. To make up for it I added an additional exploit at 5th Level to allow a more broad toolbox despite lacking the switch on level up.

-Exploit Dice: Per the homebrew you start as having 3 D6s and only increase at 9th Level and 17th Level. I wanted to give a smoother progression especially as BG3 is only 12 levels at base so I had them scale up at the same time as your Proficiency assuming you are monoclassing.

-6th Level limited extra attack, I think it's symptomatic of the huge amount of powerful magic items in this game that sneak attack does a much worse job at making up for the loss of extra attack than it does in tabletop. I was reticent but I haven't found a better solution yet.

-Sharp Reflexes: Without level curve unlockers this is unchanged as your proficiency would never go past 4 anyway. However I'm honestly noit sure if 4 is too much as is in a D4 initiative system so I decided not to scale that up.

-Counterattack: I moved to 11th Level as I wanted all the features to be usable without needing to go past the base game and it serves as a nice capstone to the class

-Feint: I pretty much just copied Larian's implementation of Battlemaster's Fainting Attack because I found having to mark then attack clunky and I like the reduced punishment on a miss since all the other exploits are interrupts and therefore only have a cost on a hit as well.

-Fluid Grace: Replaced with Fancy Footwork. Honestly adding your Die to Dexterity or Performance checks felt really underwhelming and I feel like it would basically never be picked. Replaced with something I would actually consider using.


If you enjoy this or any other mod I make I would appreciate any small donations to my KoFi you feel able to make so that I can keep creating things for this game we love. Any small requests just feel free to ask and for larger class requests I'm often available for commissions if you contact me via discord at Skyeborne