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About this mod

Adds *40* new bags, some with auto-filtering, to help with collecting and organizing your items and equipment. Based on the fantastic Bags Bags Bags mod by Liareth.

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Bags Bags Bags - REFORGED!

Mod Description
Bags Bags Bags - REFORGED! is a rework and expansion of the excellent but long-dormant Bags Bags Bags by Liareth

1. New bags: It includes 40 (yes, 40) new bags to assist you in organizing all of your hoarded items and equipment, you loot goblin you.
  • All of the bags have custom icon and tooltip art.
  • They are non-story bags, so they stay where you put them. There are non-story replacements for the default alchemy, camp supply, and key bags.
  • Some of the bags auto-filter, meaning they automatically collect items you pick up. 
  • Others support manual filtering, meaning they will be highlighted or greyed out in your inventory depending on if you are dragging an item that belongs in them or not. 
  • The rest are general purpose, and will take anything you want to put in them.

2. Bag summoning: 30 of these bags are summoned with a new item, the Netherese Ring of Organizing, which can be used to summon as many copies of these bags as you wish - no merchants necessary.

3. Additionally, all companions come with a unique bag all their own instead of the default bags.

Getting the Bags

To obtain the bags, you'll need to find the Netherese Ring of Organizing, which can be found in the tutorial chest on the Nautiloid.

If you're past the tutorial. any mod that allows you to summon the tutorial chest will do the trick. I strongly recommend the mod Pouch of Wonders, by LennardF1989 for simplicity and ease of use. If you DO use Pouch of Wonders, only the main mod file is necessary - I've added the ring right to the Pouch's treasure table itself.

Once you have the ring, equip it to gain access to the Summon Bag of Holding Bags spell. Cast this spell on yourself or one of your companions, and the bags will appear in their inventory. Repeat this process any time to copy the bags.

If you are installing the mod on an existing save, your companions may not have their personal bag. In this case, use the ring to cast Summon Fatebound Bag on any companions who need their personal bag and it will be added to their inventory.

List of Bags
Detailed List of Bags - Google Sheets

There are 4 types of bags in this mod:

1. Auto-filtering bags: These bags will automatically pull into themselves items of the relevant type when either:

  • A new item is picked up
  • The bag is picked up or moved between inventories.

They will not accept items of any other type.

TIP: They will NOT pull in items that the party already owns that are being transferred between party members or between containers - this is how the base game works. If you have items in a bag or inventory you want the auto-filtering bag to suck up, just move the bag to another inventory and back again.

2. Manual-filtering bags: These bags don't do anything automatically, but they are programmed to accept a certain type of item. When you are dragging an item around, bags that are intended to accept that item will light up and all other bags will grey out. This helps you find the right bag(s) for an item or items quickly in your inventory. 

TIP: Due to a (convenient) base game bug, you can still put items that 'don't belong' into a manual-filtering bag if you want to. When you drag the item you want to move and hover over a manual-filtering bag that isn't supposed to accept that item, it will grey out and show a tooltip saying "Item can't go in this container." If you drop the item on the bag, though, it will go in just fine - at least, until Larian fixes this bug.

3. Non-filtering bags: These bags don't do any filtering of any kind, and will accept any items. 

4. Companion bags: I've made a unique, non-filtering bag for each of the ten companions. These bags don't come from the Netherese Ring of Organizing or the Bag of Holding Bags - they come in each companion's inventory. Use them however you like.

Compatibility & Risks

Installing this mod is not without risks that you should be aware of. They are risks I'm willing to take on my own playthrough, but you should be aware of what they are.

1. Base game overrides: To get sorting to work correctly, I had to override ~25 items from the base game. To get the companions' bags into their starting inventory, I had to override their starting inventories. What are the risks from this?
  • If another mod you're using modifies the same files, whichever one is last in the load order will override the changes made by the other. In the case of this mod, if my changes are overwritten by another mod some items will not sort correctly anymore and companions may spawn without bags.
  • If Larian changes these items in a patch, my old version of the item will override their new one. This could have no impact or it could completely break the game or anything in between.

I think the risk is low, since I don't *expect* Larian to change these items much and it's an easy fix for me if they do, but it is *possible* that your save could be completely hosed after a patch until I fixed this mod. If I never fix it? You're screwed.

Details of which items I've overridden are in the Technical Details section further down this page.

2. Un-installation may not be possible: Bag mods are hard to uninstall because the bags contain other items. You can try emptying and then deleting all instances of all the bags before you remove the .pak file, but you may still have issues. You should probably plan to keep this mod active for any save you use it on.

This means you're susceptible to the last risk I mentioned once you opt in. In the worst case, where after a patch this mod is breaking your save until I fix it, you won't be able to just uninstall the mod and play without it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions I have gotten or expect to get:


1. "Why make this mod when Bags Bags Bags and other mods exist?"
Liareth did an amazing job with BBB, but hasn't been around for ~4 months and appears to be on holiday from BG3 modding. I started out trying to just update BBB to handle some of the issues that have arisen since Patch #3. Then I starting tweaking and adjusting to fit my own idiosyncratic organizational preferences, which no other mod quite managed. Eventually, I'd put so much work into it for my own use that it seemed silly not to make it available to others.

2. "Will you release this slightly different version with slightly different settings as an alternative?"
Almost certainly not, and you don't want me to! The more effort this mod is to maintain, the less likely I am to maintain it. A single file that matches my own preferences is easy. Beyond that? No thank you. Feel free to offer suggestions for improvement, but just be aware that I am making this mod primarily *for myself*, so I will often say thanks but no thanks . :)

That said, this is not a complex mod. I learned how to make it pretty quickly by following tutorials, experimenting, and asking a few questions. If you'd like a slightly different version of the mod you're welcome to tweak it for yourself!

3. "Will you put the bags on merchants for purchase?"
No, definitely not. The fewer game systems the mod interacts with, the less likely it is to break after a patch. BBB started having trouble after Patch #3 for some people due to merchant changes. I've created the Ring and summon spell specifically to avoid this.

4. "Why don't more of the bags auto-filter?"
Either because it would have required overriding too many base game items or, more likely, because I thought it would be more annoying than helpful. All of the equipment/weapon bags *could* auto-filter, for example, but I intend to use them mostly in my camp storage and I don't want them sucking up a bunch of common items anyway. Feel free to give feedback on specific bags/items, but see #2 above. :)

5. "What about Necromancy of Thay, did you fix the Bags Bags Bags issue with that?"
Yes. The various versions of this book and the gem will NOT be auto-filtered into the book bag, but they CAN be manually filtered into the quest item bag if you so choose.

Installation & Requirements

Read the compatibility/risks section above before installing.


Install as you would any other .pak mod. I recommend BG3 Mod Manager, where it will need to be set as an Active Mod on the left.

If you'd prefer to install manually, there are tutorials for that. I assume it will work with Vortex, but I don't use that product and can't help with it.


See Compatibility/Risks, above. It may be very difficult to uninstall this mod for an existing save that included it.

You can try emptying and then deleting all instances of all the bags before you remove the .pak file, but you may still have issues. You should probably plan to keep this mod active for any save you use it on.


Probably requires the Mod Fixer? You can try it without, but I don't recommend it.

Recommended Mods

  • Pouch of Wonders by LennardF1989 - The easiest method I've found to obtain the Ring, or to access the tutorial chest if needed for other mods.


BBB-R is currently localized into the following languages, without the need to install any other files:

If you would like to help localize this mod into your language, I will happily include your work the next release. Reach out via DM and I can provide you with the localization file to work from. Please do not publish translations as a separate mod. Thanks!


Liarath, for the original Bags Bags Bags
LennardF1989 and blackninjato2, whose bag mods were useful for me to deconstruct and learn from
Caites/pavelk, for his highly-effective mod description page formatting that I have liberally stolen from :)
Norbyte for his various modding tools
ShinyHobo, for the invaluable BG3 Modders Multitool
Numerous folks on the Larian discord who answered my dumb newbie questions

Technical Details


UUIDs for items created by this mod:

ArrowBag 8c55d867-c9fa-431d-98fd-b1d5ce213bf3
QuestBag d663ddb2-bccd-407a-91d3-e5564b25dd55
MeleeBag a0a1b710-2469-4d9a-8793-b7a8b49c69a9
ArmorBag f10d5270-a98b-4e33-843c-20bca43b1496
GloveBag c7de49bc-cae7-406e-ab9f-dda20e1590e7
CloakBag 15b33b64-b3ac-4b3b-93f7-0e401f27959d
HalsinBag 54d400b7-88a1-4701-a86f-546984bb56d1
MinscBag 71596965-a5be-40e0-aad1-b3c85ae0abc0

Base game files overwritten by this mod:

ITEMS - All I'm doing to any of them is adding tags I can then filter on.

EQUIPMENT TABLES - I'm just removing the default bags and adding mine.
