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Introduces my custom Ritual Class to Baldur's Gate 3

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Ritualists are masters of the arcane and occult, but in a different way than most spellcasters. They take advantage of sigils, ancient runes
made by powerful beings to use as shortcuts in their own magic-weaving.
Ritualists uncover these sigils in ancient tomes and deep dungeons, and
by learning their exact shape and implementation, they don't need any
permission to access the power of greater beings.
- GM Binder

I wanted to add a Summoner Class to BG3, because i loved the Summoner Spells of Divinity Original Sin 2. So i tried to fuse the Aspects of this class and Paizos approach of the Summoner. The outcome is more than a combo of both Classes. 

Core Features
Casting Attribute: Wisdom

Essence Casting
The Ritualist does not use Spellslots to cast but Essence Points. You start with 4 Essence Points and get an additional Point every Level. You also cant choose your spells on level up, they are provided by the Aspect you bind to your Incarnate (new Spell every other level after level 3). Your Summons can collect Essence too by killing Enemies. They get a Charge for 3 Turns that can be collected by using your Ritual Blast/Strike!

Turret Summons (Level 1)
You can summon stationary Summons that fight for you and last 3 Turns.
Aviable Versions: Fire Mephit, Ice Mephit, Mud Mephit

Ritual Weapon (Level 1) (Mainhand Melee Weapon)
You can declare a weapon to be your Ritual Weapon, make you automatically proficient with this weapon. This Weapon unlocks your core Spells, like the Ritual Blast/Strike and a Ritual to recharge your Essencepoints by using corpses as Source. The Weapondamage is set to 1d10. Thats mostly that you can use your favorite weapon type as your ritual weapon without thinking about its damage. You need to target an living beeing (causes 2 Turns of Bleedings) or a Crops (that has blood - so no undead).

  • Weapon uses Wisdom for Rolls
  • unlocks Ritual Blast
  • unlocks Ritual Strike
  • unlocks Blood Ritual
  • Damage type depending of your active aspect
  • Boosts at level 5 depending on your aspect (bleed, burn, poison,...)

Ritual Blast/Strike & Augmentations
The Ritual Blast/Strike is an Ability that targets your summons and can be augmented via Augments (Metamagic). There is no limit to how many Augments you can add to your Blast/Strike, but they increace the Essence Cost.They provide buffs and additional effects to your summons. You can select more and more Augmentations as you level up.

When you augment your Ritual Strike and target an enemy (only Ritual Strike can target enemies) you do not buff your summon, but yourself with a lesser form of the buff your summon would get.

Augments that do not provide buffs but change the behaviour of the Spell, like quicken, forked or silent Augments, also work for Turret Summons (Mephits).

  • Quicken: Cast your Ritual Blast/Strike or Summon Mephit as a Bonus Action. (1 Essence)
  • Forked: Splits yur Ritual Blast/Strike or Summon Mephit into 3. (3 Essence)
  • Silent: Ritual Blast/Strike and Summon Mephit is cast silently and does not break hide/invicibility. (1 Essence)
  • Charged: Buffs your Summons to get an additional Attack or yourself for an additional Bonusaction. (2 Essence)
  • Leashing: a Spark of Force Energy emits from your friendly target to a random foe, dealing 1d10 (Cantrip) Force Damage (no Essence). When used with Ritual Strike, the attack becomes a ranged attack and cost 1 Essence Point.
  • Defensive: Enables Parry and Riposte for 2 turns. (1 Essence)
  • Empower: The next Attack deals Bonus Damage equal to your Spellcasting Modifier. Rolls +2

Summon Incarnate (Level 2)
The Incarnate is you only permanent Summon. He grows stronger with you. Your Wisdomscore adds bonuses to your Incarnates rolls.

You can choose the Form of your Incarnate. Aviable Forms: Quasit, Imp, Hellboar, Kobold, Slayling (Babyslayer) and Orthon.

Evolutions (Level 2, 6, 9)
You can modify your Incarnate with Evolutions, like add a Bite Attack or grant Cameleon Skin. Evolutions come in 3 Tiers. Every Tier uses Evolution Points, from 1 to 3 according to its Tier. You alway can reset your Evolutions and get your Evolution Points refunded. You start with 2 and get up to 6!

1 Point Evolutions (Level 2):
  • Psychic Claws: adds 1d4 Psychic Damage to Meleeattacks
  • Forceful Claws: adds 1d4 Force Damage to Meleeattacks
  • Poison Claws: adds 1d4 Poison Damage to Meleeattacks
  • Sharp Claws: reduce the threshold for critical hits by 3 (!)
  • Bite: Adds a Bite Attack as a Bonusaction
  • Scent: revelas hidden objects and enemies in proximity 
  • Pounce: Adds an Pounceattack that sets enemies off Balance
  • Poisonous Spit: Adds a ranged Poisonattack
  • Strong: Adds 1d6 Damage to Meleeattacks (stacks with Claws)
  • Armored: Adds 2 AC
  • Ritual Blast: You incarnate can use his own Form of the Ritual Blast (two targeted Eldrich blast wich FX of Ritualblast)

2 Point Evolutions (Level 6):

  • Cameleon Skin: Unlocks Invisibility
  • Tempered Skin: Adds defense vs Spells
  • Thick Skin: Adds physical resistance
  • Helper: Adds the Help-Action as a Bonusaction and a small heal
  • Exhausting Blows: Meleeattacks cause Exhaustion. Reducing Damage and Rolls by 2
  • Trip: Adds a TripAttack
  • Nimble Fingers: Unlocks a weaker version of Knock
  • Counseling: Characters around the Incarnate get a Rollbonus of 2 in Conversations.
  • Enhancement - Body: +2 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution, -1 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma
  • Enhancement - Mind: +2 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, -1 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution

3 Point Evolutions (Level 9):
  • Giant: Boosts Constitution, Damage and  Size
  • Frightful: Unlocks the Frightful Presence Aura that causes Fear in Enemies nearby.
  • Hunter: Increase Movementspeed, provides immunity difficult Terrain. When dealing damage, the Incarnate marks his victim. Those enemies recieve extra damage.
  • Bullwark: Markes the Incarnate sturdier and he can cast Shielding, which halfs all incoming damage of allies around him.

Aspects (Level 3)
Aspects add Role-Kits to your Incarnate and Spellsets to you. Aspects grow stronger with more Ritualist Levels and unlock more benefits, like new Spells or Passives. They also add boons to your Ritual Weapon. Summons granted via Aspects only last 5 Turns! Some Aspects change the Form of Turrets. Thats just for cosmetic, no extra buffs.

Aspects grow stronger on Level 5, 7, 9 and 11.


Role: Frontline Support. You protect others and your Incarnate protects you.
Effects on Summons: The Angle gives Summons temporary Healthpoints each round, making them more durable.
Ritual Weapon Effects: Radiant Damage, Attacks can daze enemies (Level 5)

  • Profiency with Shields
  • Summon Greatsword (Bonusaction, disapears afer one hit, long Range - thats you magical Extraattack).
  • Unarmored Defence
  • Preventive Strike (When an enemy enters your meleerange, you can use a reaction to Attack)
  • Angelic Presence 1: Defensive rollbonuses equal to your Wisdommodifier for Allies in a 6m Radius
  • Spirit Guardians (Level 5)
  • Angelic Presence 2 (Level 5):  +1 to Attack Rolls and 1d6 Radiant Damage for Allies
  • Guardian of Faith (Level 7)
  • Angelic Presence 3 (Level 9):  Halfs incoming Damage for Allies
  • Summon Deva (Level 11)
  • Angelic Presence 4 (Level 11):  Allies regain hitpoints each turn equal to 1d4+ your Wisdommodifier

  • Saveingthrow Bonus to Strength
  • +4 Strength
  • +4 Constitution
  • +4 AC
  • Interrupt Sentinel
  • Interrupt Deflect: Reduce Damage to nearby Allies
  • Warding Bond Spell
  • -3m Movement

Role: Control and Debuff. You can cast different wisps that cause area effects like sleep, madness, ... and your incarnate slows (Hamstring on hit) enemies so they stay in for longer.
Effects on Summons: Mephits summond in a wisps proximity gain a new Spell depending on the wisp.
Ritual Weapon Effects: Poison Damage, Attacks can apply Fearie Fire (Level 5)

  • cant be Restrained
  • Dancing Lights (advanced versions, reduces Spellsave of enemies in proximity by 1)
  • Wisp of Whispers: a Wisp can Frighten enemies. Mephit Spell: Dissonant Whispers
  • Wisp of Madness (Level 5): a Wisp that can cause madness. Mephit Spell: Phantasmal Force
  • Hypnotic Wisp (Level 7): a Wisp that hypnotize enemies. Summons: Deal extra damage on hypnotized enemies.
  • Phantasmal Killer (Level 9): deal extra damage to enemies under effect of an wisp
  • Flumphswarm (Level 11): Summon a swam of Flumphs that detonate at the end of the turn. Cause damage to enemies, grant Essence to summons.
  • +4 Intelligence
  • +2 Constitution
  • +2 Willpower
  • Vicious Mockery as Bonusaction
  • can Hamstring on attacks
  • attacks cause a -1 Spellsave DC (making wisp more reliable)
  • +3 Movement

Bheur Hag
Role: Areadenial, Damage. You can create Frozensurface, make enemies vulnerable to cold. Your incarnate becomes a ice-caster.
Effect on Summons: Ice Mephits cause frozen Surfaces.
Ritual Weapon Effects: Cold Damage, Attacks can apply Chilled (Level 5)

  • Immuinity to Prone, Wet, Frost
  • Shatter Ice: Use a frozen Surface to conjure a Explosion
  • Ray of Frost
  • Freeze Person (Level 5): (Hold Person with Frost Effect)
  • Move Through Ice (Level 5): Misty Walk to frozen Surfaces
  • Frosty Rime Skin Curse (Level 7): Makes enemies vulnerable to cold and bludgeoning, reduces movement and blocks extra Attacks
  • Immunity to Cold (Level 9)
  • Shatter Ice Cascate (Level 9): 3x Shatter Ice!
  • Shatter Ice becomes a Bonusaction

  • +2 Constitution
  • +6 Intelligence
  • Immuinity to Prone, Wet and Burning
  • Resitance to Cold
  • Ice Knife (Damage scales like a cantrip)
  • Frost Aura: Makes everyone arround the Incarnate slower

Role: Assassin Damage Dealer
Effect on Summons: Mephits are invisible the first round and deal addition damage out of stealth (2d6)
Ritual Weapon Effects: Psychic Damage, Attacks can apply Phantasmal Force (Level 5)

  • Immunity Darkness/Blind
  • Advantage on Stealth Checks
  • Shadowstep (Level 5)
  • Hide (no Costs)
  • Shadowblade (Level 7) (Attack that does not break stealth), Can silence, bleed and cause gaping wounds.
  • Darkness (Level 5)
  • +5 Stealth (Level 7)
  • Sneak Attack (but not limited to one damage role each turn!) (from +1d4 to 2d8. Inceases every two Levels)

  • +2 Dexterity
  • Immunity Darkness/Blind
  • Advantage on Stealth Checks
  • +10 Stealth
  • Hide (no Costs)
  • Shadowstrike
  • Sneak Attack (+1d4 every two Levels)
  • -10% HP
  • Evasion

Role: Its all about Rage and Fire. You rage, your Incarnate rages, everyone can rage.
Effect on Summons: Summons deal additional Fire Damage while you are in Demonrage
Ritual Weapon Effects: Fire Damage, Attacks can apply Burn(Level 5)

  • Resistance Fire
  • Grant demonic Rage: Your Ally enters a demonic rage. The ally can use all his Spells and abilities, but cant be controlled while raging. Raging Allys work as a Ritualblast target!
  • Flamestrike (Cantrip Version, deal double damage on burning enemies)
  • Increase Health (Level 5): Gain an additrional Healpoint per Level
  • Demonrage (Level 5): You give in to the Demonrage. You become faster, sturdier your hands become claws (you drop your weapon!), gain an Extra Attack and Flamestrike is now a Bonusattack
  • Firedamage bonus: (Level 7): Your attacks and spells add your spellcasting bonus to damagerolls.
  • Flamestrike Bonustarget (Level 7): Flamestrike can target two enemies.
  • Inflict Burning Rage (Level 9): Cause an enemy to rage and be consumed by flames. While raging, the victim periodicly takes fire damage and gets a -1d4 Malus on Attackrolls, but gets all effects of rage.
  • Flamestrike Bonustarget (Level 11): Flamestrike can target three enemies.
  • Greater Demonrage (Level 11): Like Demonrage but your attacks cause burn, do more damage and recieve less. Your HP increased by 10%.

  • Demonic Frenzy (Buffs combat capabilities but makes your incarnate uncontrolable). Cast flamestrike on your incarnate to let him rage!
  • Cleave Attack
  • Immunity Fire
  • +10% HP
  • 3 Rage Charges

Role Ritualist: Debuff and Damage over Time
Effect on Summons: Attacks can cause festeing Wounds on victims
Ritual Weapon Effects: Necrotic Damage, Attacks can apply festering Wounds (Level 5)

  • Festering Wounds: Deals 2 Damage each turn an addition 2 damage if the enemie is poisoned, cursed or suffer a disease (2 extra damage each statustype)
  • Resistance Necrotic
  • Inflict Wound (Ranged): Causes 3 Stacks of Festetring Wounds on Victims.
  • Cursebringer (Buff your Summons to have their attacks inflict a curse)
  • Crawling Hands (Level 5): Summon a crawling hand that deal damage and can infect enemies (-1 Constidution).
  • Cursbringer additional Target (Level 7)
  • Exploding Corpse (Level 7): Inflict festering Wounds to all Characters in a 3m radius (not just enemies).
  • Plaguebearer (Buff your Summons to inflict various Diseases) (Level 9)
  • Crawling Hands: additional Summon (Level 9)
  • Crawling Hands: additional Summon (Level 11)
  • Festering Wounds last 50% longer.

  • Crawling Gnaw: If the incarnate hits a foe and that foe dies the same round, the foe becomes a zombie
  • Sickening Aura (Poisons Enemies in range)
  • Englisch
  • German

Thanks for the Class Icon to Dragonify03!

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