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About this mod

Adds the ability to select a feat at level 1 for everyone. Alternate option to simulate Variant Humans only - they lose Civil Militia and the carrying capacity portion of Human Versatility, and their ASI bonus stats are reduced to +1/+1 instead of +2/+1, but they can choose a feat at level 1 to make up for it.

Permissions and credits
The ideal mod would allow for the built-in Feat selection code to be presentable at character creation.

Unfortunately, this is not that mod.  It's my first attempt at writing a mod for anything, and I just couldn't figure out how to get the ideal option working.

Hopefully, however, this is the next best option.

This mod presents five selection screens - the top level Feat selection screen, then four option screens.  The items in the four selection screens will present the options that some Feats would normally have you choose - for example, taking the Martial Adept Feat has you choose two Manoeuvres.  No Feat will use all four option screens - in fact, only Weapon Master will use a second one (one for the ASI, one for the proficiencies).  For all of the screens that don't matter for the feat you want, just choose anything (except the ASI options) so the system will let you proceed.  They will not affect you in any way.


The goals I had for this mod were:
  • It should be easy - one mod, no shuffling files around when you change your mind or load a different save, etc.
  • It should allow for choice in a multiplayer environment - the Feat selection can't be hardcoded (i.e., choosing Fighter locking you into Great Weapon Master) so everyone can make their own decisions
  • It should be accurate (or reasonably close) to base game rules - you should not be able to select anything that is not a passive, and you should not be able to select more than what one Feat normally provides
  • It should be compatible with the system as much as possible - at least the Respec system, so you can fix any bad option choices made

Notable Quirks, Outliers, etc.

This system will not allow you to choose anything beyond what you would normally get from a Feat.  The downside is that there are no safeguards.  Want to choose Ritual Caster, but then on the option screen pick two Magic Initiate cantrips instead?  You can!  You just won't get any of the spells.  You can also choose an ASI, say picking Dexterity while choosing the Tavern Brawler feat, and not get the point of Dexterity, since Tavern Brawler only allows for a Strength or Constitution improvement.  If you do select an ASI you are not qualified for, the level up screen will show you having the ASI, but you won't have it in actual gameplay.  You will effectively be capped at 19 instead of 20.  Sorry.  Read the option screen description to the end and the tooltip descriptions.

The proper Feat selection screen has methods of preventing you from choosing feats that you don't meet the requirements for, but there are no such luxuries here.  You can pick Heavy Armor Mastery without having any armor proficiencies at all.  If you do, you will receive the ASI component, but nothing else.  Sorry.  Read the tooltip descriptions.

Due to how the system handles Feats, and that we have no direct means of modifying that list (as far as I am aware), Feats chosen at level one will not register as being taken at all.  Options within Feats (such as Elemental Adept) will register correctly because they are directly exposing the passive list to the end user.  What this means that when you get to the Feat selection screen again, at level four for example, the game will not show your level one Feat as already being taken.  For example, you can take Great Weapon Master at level one, and then once again at level four.  What happens?  You lose the Great Weapon Master bonuses from level one and are effectively out a Feat.  Sorry.  Respec and choose again.

Variant Human Quirks

All of these options in the normal mod are available under the Class.  This is done so that when you Respec, you have the option to redo your choices.  For the Variant Human option, you will not be able to modify your first level feat choices unless you use a mod that allows you to change your Race.

Another note for the Variant Human option: you can choose to revert back to non-Variant Human by selecting the appropriate option at the top of the Feat list.  This will restore the Civil Militia feat and the carrying capacity component of Human Versatility (the skill proficiency portion was never removed).  When doing so, you will not go back to getting +2/+1 bonuses for your ability scores; you will instead have +1/+1 and a third +1 that can stack with the other two.  I imagine it'll effectively be the same as a +2/+1 for 99.9% of cases, but if you're weird, you could use it to get +1/+1/+1, I guess.


Load how you would normally load any other mod.  I recommend BG3MM.
It's not technically a requirement to run, but if you don't use Improved UI, you won't be able to scroll down the list of Feats or options, so consider it a soft requirement.

If you're installing one of the Compatibility Framework versions, make sure Community Library is at the top of your load list and Compatibility Framework is at the bottom.

Note: While you can drop the normal version into a game mid-playthrough, the Variant Humans version is expected to be used from start to finish of a game.  The reason is that modifications to races can cause a lot of problems that can't be easily remedied, since once you're out of character creation, they're locked in place.


The normal version are not compatible with anything that modifies class progressions at level 1; or for the Variant Humans option, those plus anything that modifies the Human progression at level 1.  This includes mods that provide subclasses at level 1.  They should be otherwise compatible with anything else, although mods that modify or add Feats will not have those changes show up for what's given here.

There are now also Compatibility Framework compatible versions as well.  These should play nicely with any subclass mods or other mods that modify things at level 1 as long as they also are CF compatible.

Removal Instructions

In order to remove the normal version, here's what you will want to do:
  • If any of your characters are Sorcerers, load up your game and respec them to some other class; make a new save and close the game
  • Delete the mod from your folder, then download and install the Removal Kit
  • Load into the game with the Removal Kit enabled
  • Respec all of your characters into the Sorcerer class
  • Once you have respecced every character, save and close the game
  • Disable and/or delete the mod
  • Load the game to confirm the mod has been removed; you can now respec everyone back into their original classes

Do note that due to the game not allowing you to remove racial selectors in the respec menu, it's going to be significantly more difficult to remove the Variant Humans option.  You can likely do it in the console (what you would need to do is remove every custom passive in the mod), but I'm not familiar enough with that to give you commands at this moment.

Known Issues

I'm sure there are other bugs I am not aware of.  Sorry.  Please notify me of them in the comments and I'll see what I can do.

  • Hirelings have been fixed and can now be recruited properly in the normal version.  The Variant Humans version worked normally thanks to the fixes done for the companions.  Compatibility Framework versions of both are now available as well.
  • Bards were not receiving their first level feat, unless you used the Variant Humans version of the mod.  Now bards of all races work!  Note: in order to fix this, I had to take away your starting instrument.  Sorry.  To compensate, I have populated the tutorial chest with one of each of your starting instrument options.  Make music however you see fit!  Additional note: if you had a bard pre-, and you install, you will probably notice that you are unable to respec.  This is because the game sees you have a previously selected instrument in the list I removed.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but please re-install, respec into a class other than Bard, save and quit, then reinstall or above and respec back into Bard.  This should resolve any issues.
  • Human companions (Gale, Wyll and Minsc) could not be respecced due to how racial bonuses are handled.  This is now fixed!  They are all non-Variant Humans with the bonus ASI put into their primary stat (INT for Gale, CHA for Wyll, DEX for Minsc).  That point cannot be changed.  However, if you have already recruited any of these individuals, they will not have the values set correctly for them, and they will remain unable to respec.  The only solution is to revert back to a save before they are recruited.  My sincerest apologies.
  • Also, as a related side effect, all option menus now have the N/A items selected by default.  This should hopefully cut down on some of the minor annoyance of having to select items on menus that don't pertain to your selected Feat.
  • Any Feats with spell selectors will now properly be overwritten if you take the same Feat again at a later point.  No doubling up on Ritual Caster spells on my watch!
  • Variant Humans will now use the spellcasting ability of their chosen class when choosing the Spell Sniper Feat.
  • N/A options have been added at the top of each option page.  You can safely select these if you do not need anything from the list.
  • Most Feats that were stacking if selected a second time (Alert, Tough, etc.) should no longer stack.  For something like Tough, the character creation screen may show as though you're getting the feature twice, but when you finish leveling up it will revert to the correct values.
  • I have updated all half-Feats to always provide the ASI component of the Feat, even if you select the Feat again or you do not normally qualify for the feat.  If you select Heavy Armour Mastery without having Heavy Armour proficiency, you will at least keep your STR+1.
Upcoming fixes
  • Trying to come up with something to fix.

Future Goals

(Mostly notes to myself)
The lack of half-Feats for Intelligence and Wisdom makes me very sad.  I may or may not do something about that in the future.