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About this mod

Lightbringer is a comprehensive revision of the Paladin class, complete with new spells and gameplay options. Co-authored with the illustrious Astralities.

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Lightbringer is a comprehensive revision of the Paladin class with the goal of streamlining the class and improving its feel, complete with new gameplay options and spells. The focus of this rework is primarily creating an iteration of Paladin that more effectively fits into Baldur’s Gate 3 as a CRPG by reworking features that created unhealthy gameplay dynamics, disrupted the flow of gameplay, or were translated from tabletop to CRPG ineffectively, while preserving the original design philosophy of the class. 

Additionally, new mechanics and spells were added to expand Paladin’s list of available playstyles, namely the addition of a ranged Divine Smite, a new use for Channel Oath to restore spell slots, and a total rework of Smite spells. To that end, we present the detailed list of changes.

Core Paladin Changes:

The intention with these core class changes was to simplify and streamline the class where possible, while also expanding its fundamental gameplay with new playstyles and options.

  • Divine Sense has been reworked. Now grants a passive +1 Bonus to Attack Rolls against Fiends, Undead, and Celestials.
  • Lay on Hands now costs a Bonus Action instead of an Action. Additionally, Lay on Hands: Cure now removes magical paralysis and ailments.
  • The range of Fighting Style options available for Paladin now includes Archery and Two Weapon Fighting.
  • Divine Smite now inherits Honour Mode's gameplay changes by default, to eliminate the issue of damage rider stacking.
  • Ranged Divine Smite has been added. It works identically to Divine Smite, but deals d6s instead of d8s, and requires a ranged weapon.
  • Divine Smite interrupts have been removed.
  • Paladins gain an additional Channel Oath Charge at level 7.
  • Harness Divine Power has been added as a universal Channel Oath at level 3. This ability allows Paladins to convert their Channel Oath Charges into a spell slot of their choice while outside of combat.
  • Improved Divine Smite has been renamed to Holy Might, adds 1d6 Radiant damage to ranged attacks in addition to its original effect, and is now toggle-able.

Subclass Changes:

Oath of Devotion:

Devotion is a very stock-standard subclass, with not much to complain about, but not much to outright praise either. Devotion's changes were focused on solidifying its role as a well rounded defender while also amping up its thematic.

  • Holy Rebuke now lasts 10 turns, up from 2, and costs a Bonus Action instead of a Standard Action. The affected target now takes reduced damage equal to the paladin’s charisma modifier from all sources, in addition to its original effects.
  • Sacred Weapon now has a chance to Turn undead and fiends on hit, in addition to its original effects.
  • Turn the Unholy has been removed.
  • Aura of Devotion now grants you and allies +1 AC, in addition to its original effects.

Oath of the Ancients:

Ancients is an incredibly powerful subclass, but one lacking in thematic and engaging features. In order to move it in a healthier direction, a lot of its power budget had to be shifted or slightly weakened.


  • Healing Radiance now costs a standard action, up from a bonus action.
  • Nature’s Wrath now targets up to two creatures. In addition, those affected by Nature’s Wrath take 1d6 Piercing damage each turn until they either break free or the spell runs out.
  • Turn the Faithless has been removed.
  • Aura of Warding now reduces damage taken from spells by a value equal to your Charisma modifier, down from a flat 50% damage reduction from spells.

Oath of Vengeance:

While one of the better Paladin subclasses in 5e tabletop, a lot of Vengeance's power has been diluted by itemization, ineffectively represented due to the limitations of code, or even outright broken. The goal with these changes was to solidify Vengeance as a killing-spree striker, and one that still brings some major heat in a game where Advantage is so common.


  • Inquisitor’s Might has been removed.
  • Abjure Enemy is now learned at level 1 and costs a Bonus Action, but its Frighten and Slow effects last 2 turns instead of 3.
  • You can no longer target yourself with Vow of Enmity to gain Advantage on all attacks against all targets.
  • Vow of Enmity now causes you to deal additional radiant damage equal to your Charisma Modifier when attacking your marked target, in addition to its original effects.
  • Relentless Avenger now triggers when you kill a target affected by Vow of Enmity, instead of when you land an Attack of Opportunity. Additionally, triggering Relentless Avenger also grants you Atonement, which increases your next attack's critical strike threshold by 4 and grants an additional die of damage on a successful critical hit.
  • Movement performed while Relentless Avenger is active does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.


Oathbreaker is probably the best designed of the vanilla subclasses, with a strong balance of situational and universally powerful abilities. Its biggest downfall is an unfortunate and counterintuitive lack of interaction between Aura of Hate and summoned undead. We've adjusted its code so that the two now properly synergize, letting Oathbreaker become a vital addition to any party featuring an army of the dead.

  • Spiteful Suffering has been removed.
  • Control Undead is now learned at level 1.
  • Dreadful Aspect now lasts 10 turns, up from 2. Targets affected by it may attempt a Wisdom save at the end of each turn to end the effect.
  • Aura of Hate now grants additional Necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier to all attacks made by you or allied Undead and Fiends. This enables all summoned undead to benefit from the aura's effects.

Smite Spell Rework

Underwent a complete revision. Now called Judgments, these bonus action ritual spells empower your next Divine Smite to deal additional damage and apply an additional effect. Upcasting these spells increases the bonus damage and causes the effects to apply in a 3m area of effect when cast at 2nd level, and a 6m area of effect when cast at 3rd level. You may only have one Judgment active at a time. The idea behind these was to solve the inherent action economy/damage output conflict of Divine Smite and Smite spells, while also creating a healthier implementation of "smite-stacking."


  • Searing Judgment (1st level spell): Your next Divine Smite deals an additional 1-6 Fire damage and sets the target on fire; they take 1-6 Fire damage per turn for 5 turns. When upcast, bonus damage increases to 2-12/3-18 Fire damage, and targets in a 3m/6m area around the original target must succeed a Constitution save or also receive the effect.
  • Thunderous Judgment (1st level spell): Your next Divine Smite deals an additional 1-6 Thunder damage and knocks the target backwards, leaving them Prone for 1 turn. When upcast, bonus damage increases to 2-12/3-18 Thunder damage, and targets in a 3m/6m area around the original target must succeed a Strength save or also receive the effect.
  • Wrathful Judgment (1st level spell): Your next Divine Smite deals an additional 1-6 Psychic damage and frightens the target for 2 turns. When upcast,  bonus damage increases to 2-12/3-18 Psychic damage, and targets in a 3m/6m area around the original target must succeed a Wisdom save or also receive the effect.
  • Blinding Judgment (2nd level spell): Your next Divine Smite deals an additional 2-12 Radiant damage (3-18 when upcast) and blinds the target for 5 turns. Targets in a 3m/6m area around the original target must succeed a Constitution save or also receive the effect.
  • Rallying Judgment (2nd level spell): Your next Divine Smite deals an additional 2-12 Radiant damage (3-18 when upcast) and emboldens yourself and allies in a 3m/6m radius, granting them 10 Temporary Hit Points.
  • Banishing Judgment (3rd level spell): Your next Divine Smite deals an additional 3-18 Force damage and banishes your target to another plane of existence if they are below 50 health. Targets in a 6m area around the original target must succeed a Charisma save or be banished as well.
  • Challenging Judgment (3rd level spell): Your next Divine Smite deals an additional 3-18 Radiant damage and compels your target to focus their attacks on you. Targets in a 6m area around the original target must succeed a Wisdom save or focus on you as well.

Spell List Changes:

The intention behind these changes was to expand Paladin's list of spell options in a thematic way, while also giving players ample reason to consider their spell slot use carefully.


  • First level spells added: Searing Judgment, Wrathful Judgment, Thunderous Judgment
  • First level spells removed: Searing Smite, Wrathful Smite, Thunderous Smite
  • Divine Favor now lasts 10 turns, up from 3.
  • Compelled Duel no longer requires Concentration to maintain. Targets under its effect take 1d8 Radiant damage whenever they attack a target that isn't the caster, in addition to its original effects.
  • Second level spells added: Warding Bond, Prayer of Healing, Blinding Judgment, Rallying Judgment
  • Second level spells removed: Branding Smite
  • Magic Weapon no longer requires Concentration to maintain.
  • Third level spells added: Challenging Judgment, Banishing Judgment, Blessed Hammer, Imbue Weapon
  • Third level spells removed: Blinding Smite, Elemental Weapon
  • Blessed Hammer- Throw a magic hammer that explodes on impact, dealing 2d6 Radiant damage to enemies caught in the radius and creating Blessed Ground where it lands. Enemies on Blessed Ground take 2d6 Radiant damage each turn and suffer from Difficult Terrain, while allies in the area gain Death Ward and heal for 2d6 hit points each turn.
  • Imbue Weapon- You may infuse your weapon with a power of your choice. That weapon gains 1d6 damage of the chosen type and gains an additional effect based on your choice.
  • Imbue Weapon: Fire- Imbue your weapon with burning might. It deals an additional 1d6 Fire damage, and grants 2 turns of Heat on a successful hit.
  • Imbue Weapon: Ice- Imbue your weapon with icy might. It deals an additional 1d6 Cold damage, and inflicts 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost on a successful hit.
  • Imbue Weapon: Acid- Imbue your weapon with corrosive might. It deals an additional 1d6 Acid damage, and inflicts 2 turns of Noxious Fumes on a successful hit.
  • Imbue Weapon: Lightning- Imbue your weapon with shocking might. It deals an additional 1d6 Lightning damage, and grants 2 Lightning charges on a successful hit.
  • Imbue Weapon: Radiant- Imbue your weapon with divine might. It deals an additional 1d6 Radiant damage, and inflicts 2 turns of Radiating Orb on a successful hit.
  • Imbue Weapon: Thunder- Imbue your weapon with thunderous might. It deals an additional 1d6 Thunder damage, and inflicts 2 turns of Reverberation on a successful hit.
  • Crusader's Mantle now grants 1d6 Radiant damage to you and allies' attacks, up from 1d4.

Should work with subclass mods, provided you're using Compatibility Framework. Mods that modify Elemental Weapon, Magic Weapon, or any of the other spells changed in Lightbringer will be incompatible, and whichever one is loaded last will gain priority. Judgments are completely new spells and will not interact with mods that modify Smite spells. Incompatible with mods that change the vanilla subclasses.

The Lightbringer Duo
None of this would've been possible without Astralities, who created the VFX for all of our new spells, the images for the mod-page, and was a major voice in a lot of the changes made in this mod. At least for me, this is my biggest mod yet, and I deeply appreciate the work that they put into bringing this to life.

Additional Credits and Acknowledgements
My friends and colleagues at Baldur's Gang for contributing massively to the brainstorming process and overall design philosophy behind these changes
The Down By The River Discord community for helping me get my start and generally being pretty cool
Larian Games for making an amazing game that's worth modding