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About this mod

Adds the wizard tradition of Theurgy from D&D 5e Unearthed Arcana. The theurgist fuses cleric features with wizard mechanics.

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"You know, Beethoven said that the point of being alive is
to approach divinity
as closely as you possibly can
and then disseminate those rays out to mankind."
— The Midnight Gospel, ep. 3 "Hunters Without a Home"

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If you hate the 5e Theurgist, don't @ me. Because I love them. 🥰

Some background info:
This mod is built from the 5e Unearthed Arcana version of the School of Theurgy introduced into playtesting in 2017. The subclass never made it to any mainstage D&D publication because the playtesting results were apparently too mixed to warrant even an attempt at a round 2 revision. (Womp womp. 😢) However, as someone who played the subclass in D&D for 2 years and (thanks to a great DM) never felt over- or under-powered compared to my partymembers, I have no compunctions releasing this mod. 😎

I have spent hours and hours working on this subclass and figuring out how to translate it from D&D to BG3, and I've made some changes that I think are logical and balanced while still allowing me to create something that isn't a monster to implement or maintain. That said, feedback is welcome! And keep in mind that my energy/attention span for modding is very spotty and updates and iterations are not guaranteed.

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OK but what that subclass do, tho???? 😏📖✨
-> Original source material from WotC, for reference

Divine Inspiration
When you choose this tradition at 2nd level, choose a cleric domain [...].

No change.

Arcane Initiate
Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, whenever you gain a wizard level, you can replace one of the wizard spells you add to your spellbook with a cleric domain spell for your chosen domain. [...]

If you add all of your domain spells to your spellbook, you can subsequently add any spell from the cleric spell list instead. [...]

Changes for BG3 Implementation:

At levels 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9 (when domain spells are granted to clerics), a Theurgy wizard is granted both domain spells automatically (like a cleric is) instead of choosing if/when to take them.
    ➡ This is due to how complicated and not-player-friendly it would be to implement the written-for-tabletop feature into a video game.

In exchange, instead of selecting 2 new wizard spells at those levels (as you normally would in BG3), you only choose 1.

Additionally, the domain spells granted are "Always Prepared" for a theurgy wizard (just like they are for a cleric).
    ➡ This is not consistent with the 5e design, and honestly it's not how I wanted to implement it, either. But it's a limitation of the code. There isn't a way for me to add "known"/must-be-prepared spells without adding them to the entire subclass. 😔 And since Theurgy is the subclass, and the chosen domain is actually a tricksy little web of passives and statuses (like the warlock pacts are) within the subclass... 😬🤷‍♀️ My hands are tied by the tools currently available to modding.

Then at levels 11 and 12, I did create a new, combined spell list so that a theurgy wizard's two new spells at each of those levels can be picked from the wizard or cleric spell lists. (Per the source material.)

   see Q&A

Channel Arcana
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel arcane energy directly from your deity, using that energy to fuel magical effects. You start with two such effects: Divine Arcana and the Channel Divinity option granted at 2nd level by your chosen domain. You employ that Channel Divinity option by using your Channel Arcana ability.

When you use your Channel Arcana, you choose which effect to create. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Channel Arcana again.

Some Channel Arcana effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect, the save DC equals your wizard spell save DC.

Beginning at 6th level, you can use your Channel Arcana twice between rests [...]. When you finish a short or long rest, you regain your expended uses.

If you gain additional Channel Divinity options from your domain, you can employ them by using your Channel Arcana feature.

No change.

Channel Arcana: Divine Arcana
As a bonus action, you speak a prayer to control the flow of magic around you. The next spell you cast gains a +2 bonus to any attack roll you make for it or to its saving throw DC, as appropriate.

No change.

⚠ Be warned! This does - as per the source material - strictly mean the next spell you cast. So be careful and mindful not to use this feature and then follow it up with casting a buff spell, because that counts as your next spell and will therefore "expend" the feature even though there was no attack roll or saving throw involved.

Arcane Acolyte
At 6th level, you gain your chosen domain’s 1st-level benefits. However, you do not gain any weapon or armor proficiencies from the domain.

Changes for BG3 Implementation:

> Knowledge Domain

A Knowledge theurgist receives an "Improved Knowledge of the Ages" feature that I created, instead of the 1st-level cleric benefit.   see Q&A

Before level 6, KOTA only grants proficiency in a chosen ability's skills (and does nothing to skills you might already proficient in). This is identical to the vanilla implementation.

Now, at level 6 and up, a theurgy wizard of Knowledge who uses KOTA will still gain proficiency in skills they're not proficient in, but now they'll also add their proficiency bonus a second time to skills that they're already proficient in. (Effectively upgrading proficiency into expertise while KOTA is active.)
    ➡ I thought this would be a cool 6th level feature replacement, to buff the existing feature, because I've always thought the KotA channel divinity didn't "play nice" with skill selection. I, at least, have felt like my skill proficiency choices were "wasted" if I used KotA on an ability I had proficiencies in, because the bonuses didn't stack. So, here, I buff it so that it does stack-- just not until 6th level.Which I think is totally fair and balanced, by the way, because: It can only effect one ability at a time, doesn't triplicate (i.e. doesn't add on top of existing expertise), and costs a resource to get the benefit. And if a player is taking the steps to plan their proficiency placements, and making the strategic investment to cleverly get mechanics and feature synergy for a "broken" result, then good for them! They deserve a big payout! That's fun!!

> Nature Domain

A Nature theurgist is granted "Land's Stride" (thematically renamed to "Sagacious Step") instead of the 1st-level cleric benefit.   see Q&A

    ➡ This felt like an obvious choice, to me, for the feature-swap. And I don't know why it isn't something the Nature Domain gets already! Just-- The synergy of being immune to planty difficult terrain and plant-y surface damage, when two of your domain spells are Spike Growth and Plant Growth?! Like, COME ON! That's a good time, right there.

Arcane Priest
At 10th level, you gain your chosen domain’s 6th-level benefits. Your faith and your understanding of magic allow you to delve into your god’s secrets.

No change.

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Do note the mod requirements.

Use BG3 Mod Manager. That's it. That's the instructions.

If you insist on using Vortex (a "one-size-fits-all" mod manager) instead of a mod manager that was specifically made for the specific needs for modding this specific game, well, then, if you run into trouble, may god help you because I sure won't.

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Manual Installation
For advanced users who know what they're doing. I have never done this, so if you have trouble, I cannot help you.

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