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Implementation of Oath of Zeal Paladin from Grim Hollow: The Player's Guide by Ghostfire Gaming

Permissions and credits
This is an adaptation of the Oath of Zeal Paladin subclass by Ghostfire Gaming, as close to rules as written as I could get it:

Compatibility Framework support implemented by the amazing Xarara, in Compatibility Framework Subclass Patches
Alternative compatibility support in Subclass Compatch

This subclass has progression to level 20. You don't need a mod to increase the level cap, you just won't get the level 13-20 features

Icon by Kilay

Subclass Features:
Tenets of Zeal:
1st-level Oath of Zeal feature
The tenets of the Oath of Zeal are serious and severe, as are those paladins who choose to take them.
Uncover Corruption. Darkness cannot abide the light of day. Wickedness must be revealed before it can be destroyed.
Purge the Heretics. Heresy is a tumour that spreads through the hearts of the innocent. Cut it out at the source.
No Mercy. The righteous path requires unwavering conviction and unflinching resolve.
By Any Means Necessary. There is no sacrifice too great when it comes to defeating the wicked.
- Implementation notes:
- You are tagged as Oath of Vengeance, all Oathbreaking rules & dialogue for Vengeance will apply

Channel Oath:
1st-level Oath of Zeal feature
Zealous Avenger: As a bonus action. choose a creature that you can see within 9 meters (30 feet), that creature gains 3 meters (10 feet) additional movement speed for 3 turns and is immune to difficult terrain.
- Implementation notes:
- Since Larian gave all the Paladin subclasses a Channel Oath ability at level 1, I've done the same for this one.
- I've tried to create a thematic ability that's both strong but not overpowered, hopefully it's a success
- Progression:
- Level 1: Gain Zealous Avenger

Channel Oath:
3rd-level Oath of Zeal feature
At 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Oath options:
Mark of the Heretic: You can use your Channel Oath to mark a creature as a heretic. As a bonus action, choose a creature you can see within 30 feet and a weeping symbol appears on it. For the next minute, your weapon attacks against the chosen creature score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and each time the creature's turn starts you can use your reaction to make one weapon attack against it.
Inquisitor's Eye: You can use your Channel Oath to open your senses to hidden signs of corruption and malfeasance. As a bonus action, you grant yourself advantage on Intelligence (Investigation), Wisdom (Insight), and Wisdom (Perception) ability checks for the next 10 minutes. During this time, you can't be surprised.
- Implementation notes:
- Mark of the Heretic: Rules as written, except for the additional attack(s)
- Due to issues adding things that trigger outside the character's turn, I've just given it melee/ranged attack options that cost a reaction
- Only one option usable per turn, can only target the character with Mark of the Heretic applied
- Inquisitor's Eye: Rules as written
- Progression:
Level 3: Gain Mark of the Heretic & Inquisitor's Eye

Oath Spells:
Level 3: Detect Evil and Good, Hunter's Mark
Level 5: Detect Thoughts, Knock
Level 9: Fear, Tongues
Level 13: Divination, Locate Creature
Level 17: Insect Plague, Scrying
- Implementation notes:
- Since Detect Evil and GoodTongues, Divination, Locate Creature, & Scrying aren't in the game, I've replaced them (I hope) thematically
- Progression:
- Level 3: Learn Hunter's Mark & Protection from Evil and Good
- Level 5: Learn Detect Thoughts & Knock
- Level 9: Learn Fear & Slow
- Level 13: Learn Freedom of Movement & Guardian of Faith
- Level 17: Learn Insect Plague & Planar Binding

Aura of Clarity:
7th-level Oath of Zeal feature
Beginning at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can't be blinded while you are conscious. Additionally, creatures and objects of your choice within range can't benefit from being invisible. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
- Implementation notes:
- Blindness immunity is rules as written
- Invisibility removal is applied to all enemies and objects within the aura, any invisibility they have is removed and cannot be reapplied while inside
- The aura has the same visual effect as Guardian of Faith, as demonstrated in Visible Aura of Protection
- The visual effect changes when the size increases, to the Demonspirit Aura effect
- Progression:
- Level 7: Gain Aura of Clarity
- Level 18: Aura of Clarity radius increased to 9 meters (30 feet)

Compel Confession:
15th-level Oath of Zeal feature
Starting at 15th level, you can cast the zone of truth spell without expending a spell slot. When you cast the spell with this feature, creatures who succeed on their saving throw take 1d4 Psychic damage at the start of each of their turns while they remain within the affected area.
- Implementation notes:
- For what are hopefully obvious reasons, I had to scrap this and homebrew a replacement. Trying to make this work as written is the reason the update to level 20 has taken as long as it did
- Compel Confession:
- Choose a target, target makes a Charisma save
- If it fails the save, it suffers the effect of Command: Approach for 1 turn, then the effect of Command: Grovel for 1 turn
- If it succeeds the save, it takes 2d10+20 Psychic damage instead
- Usable as an action once per short rest
- Progression:
- Level 15: Gain Compel Confession

Apocalyptic Revelation:
20th-level Oath of Zeal feature
At 20th level, as an action you can reveal the true nature of your enemies to all for 1 minute. During this time, you gain the following benefits:

- You have Truesight out to a distance of 120 feet.
- Creatures who start their turn, or move within, 5 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw against your Paladin spell save DC. On a failure, the creature is blinded until the start of its next turn.
- As a bonus action on each of your turns you can choose a creature within 60 feet and reveal its weaknesses for all to see. Attacks made against the chosen creature have advantage until the start of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Implementation notes:
- Truesight: Since Truesight isn't in BG3, I've swapped it for Superior Darkvision and immunity to magical darkness
- Blindness: Radius increased slightly to 2 meters
- Reveal Weakness: Rules as written
- Progression:
- Level 20: Gain Apocalyptic Revelation