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Implementation of Favored Soul Sorcerer from Unearthed Arcana 3

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  • French
This is an adaptation of the Favored Soul Sorcerer subclass from Unearthed Arcana 3, as close to rules as written as I could get it:

Compatibility Framework support implemented by the amazing Xarara, in Compatibility Framework Subclass Patches
Alternative compatibility support in Subclass Compatch

Non-vanilla spells for this mod are handled by my Spells Extra library

This subclass has progression to level 20. You don't need a mod to increase the level cap, you just won't get the level 13-20 features

It's currently not possible to activate the choice of deity for just one subclass, so I'd recommend a mod like Deity For All if you want one

Subclass Features:
Chosen of the Gods:
1st-level Favored Soul feature
At 1st level, you choose one of the cleric class’s divine domains. You add that domain’s spells for 1st-level clerics to your known spells. These spells do not count against the number of spells you can know, and they are considered to be sorcerer spells for you. When you reach 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels in the sorcerer class, you likewise learn your domain’s spells that become available at those levels.
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- I've included the 14 official 5E domains, with some replacements to spells that aren't included in/feasible for BG3
- Progression:
- Level 1: Choose domain; Learn 1st level domain spells
- Level 3: Learn 2nd level domain spells
- Level 5: Learn 3rd level domain spells
- Level 7: Learn 4th level domain spells
- Level 9: Learn 5th level domain spells
- Domains:
- Arcana Domain:
- 1st level: Magic Missile & Shield
- 2nd level: Magic Weapon & Mirror Image
- 3rd level: Protection from Energy & Remove Curse
- 4th level: Banishment & Greater Invisibility
- 5th level: Planar Binding & Telekinesis
- Death Domain:
- 1st level: False Life & Ray of Sickness
- 2nd level: Blindness & Ray of Enfeeblement
- 3rd level: Animate Dead & Vampiric Touch
- 4th level: Blight & Death Ward
- 5th level: Cloudkill & Contagion
- Forge Domain:
- 1st level: Mage Armour & Searing Smite
- 2nd level: Heat Metal & Magic Weapon
- 3rd level: Elemental Weapon & Protection from Energy
- 4th level: Fire Shield & Wall of Fire
- 5th level: Circle of Power & Wall of Stone
- Grave Domain:
- 1st level: Bane & False Life
- 2nd level: Prayer of Healing & Ray of Enfeeblement
- 3rd level: Revivify & Vampiric Touch
- 4th level: Blight & Death Ward
- 5th level: Contagion & Raise Dead
- Knowledge Domain:
- 1st level: Command & Mage Armour
- 2nd level: Detect Thoughts & Enthrall
- 3rd level: Intellect Fortress & Speak with Dead
- 4th level: Confusion & Greater Invisibility
- 5th level: Dispel Evil and Good & Telekinesis
- Life Domain:
- 1st level: Bless & Cure Wounds
- 2nd level: Lesser Restoration & Spiritual Weapon
- 3rd level: Beacon of Hope & Revivify
- 4th level: Death Ward & Guardian of Faith
- 5th level: Mass Cure Wounds & Raise Dead
- Light Domain:
- 1st level: Burning Hands & Faerie Fire
- 2nd level: Flaming Sphere & Scorching Ray
- 3rd level: Daylight & Fireball
- 4th level: Guardian of Faith & Wall of Fire
- 5th level: Dispel Evil and Good & Flame Strike
- Nature Domain:
- 1st level: Animal Friendship & Speak with Animals
- 2nd level: Barkskin & Spike Growth
- 3rd level: Plant Growth & Sleet Storm
- 4th level: Dominate Beast & Grasping Vine
- 5th level: Insect Plague & Wall of Stone
- Order Domain:
- 1st level: Command & Heroism
- 2nd level: Detect Thoughts & Hold Person
- 3rd level: Mass Healing Word & Slow
- 4th level: Banishment & Freedom of Movement
- 5th level: Dominate Person & Planar Binding
- Peace Domain:
- 1st level: Heroism & Sanctuary
- 2nd level: Aid & Warding Bond
- 3rd level: Beacon of Hope & Daylight
- 4th level: Aura of Purity & Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
- 5th level: Greater Restoration & Mass Cure Wounds
- Tempest Domain:
- 1st level: Fog Cloud & Thunderwave
- 2nd level: Gust of Wind & Shatter
- 3rd level: Call Lightning & Sleet Storm
- 4th level: Freedom of Movement & Ice Storm
- 5th level: Destructive Wave & Insect Plague
- Trickery Domain:
- 1st level: Charm Person & Disguise Self
- 2nd level: Mirror Image & Pass Without Trace
- 3rd level: Blink & Remove Curse
- 4th level: Dimension Door & Polymorph
- 5th level: Dominate Person & Hold Monster
- Twilight Domain:
- 1st level: Faerie Fire & Sleep
- 2nd level: Moonbeam & See Invisibility
- 3rd level: Feign DeathWarden of Vitality
- 4th level: Aura of Life & Greater Invisibility
- 5th level: Circle of Power & Seeming
- War Domain:
- 1st level: Divine Favour & Shield of Faith
- 2nd level: Magic Weapon & Spiritual Weapon
- 3rd level: Crusader's Mantle & Spirit Guardians
- 4th level: Freedom of Movement & Stoneskin
- 5th level: Flame Strike & Hold Monster

Bonus Proficiencies:
1st-level Favored Soul feature
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in light armor, medium armor, shields, and simple weapons.
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written

Extra Attack:
6th-level Favored Soul feature
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- Progression:
- Level 6: Gain Extra Attack

Divine Wings:
11th-level Favored Soul feature
At 11th level, you gain the ability to sprout a pair of wings from your back (feathered or bat-like, your choice), gaining a flying speed equal to your current walking speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.
You can’t manifest your wings while wearing armor unless the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when you manifest them.
- Implementation notes:
- Since Larian moved the sorcerer level 14 features down to level 11, I've done that too
- Since this is a copy of Draconic Bloodline's Draconic Wings feature, I've just given that feature unaltered to Favored Soul
- Progression:
- Level 11: Gain Fly

Unearthly Recovery:
15th-level Favored Soul feature
At 15th level, you gain the ability to overcome grievous injuries. As a bonus action when you have less than half of your hit points remaining, you can regain a number of hit points equal to half your hit point maximum.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- Since Larian moved the sorcerer level 14 features down to level 11, I've moved the level 18 feature down to level 15
- This is not the 2015 Favored Soul feature (Power of the Chosen), this is the 2017 Favored Soul feature
- I couldn't get Power of the Chosen to function properly, so I've replaced it with the (unfortunately less impressive) Unearthly Recovery
- I'll continue to experiment and hopefully be able to get the proper feature to work eventually, but I decided to stick this in instead of releasing with no capstone feature or waiting for a breakthrough
- Progression:
- Level 15: Gain Unearthly Recovery