Donation Drive for Ukraine - Update

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Two weeks ago, we launched a donation drive to raise funds and support the Red Cross in its mission to bring medical aid to the people of Ukraine suffering the consequences of an unprovoked attack on their country. 

We’re very happy to say that the community came out strong in support of Ukraine raising over £6,500 (~$8,474) in direct donations, with some individual donations as high as $100 or even $1,000 - which is just incredible! Thank you so much for your donations.

On top of that, many of you contributed through our mod rewards system and we’re especially proud and grateful for all the mod authors who allocated their mod rewards towards helping the people of Ukraine, adding another £9,950 (~$13,000) to the donation pool.

As promised, we have now donated another £10,000 on top of that to bring the total amount raised for the Red Cross to £26,478 (~$34,580) as of right now. That means we’ve surpassed our fundraising goal of £20,000 by quite a lot - our sincerest thanks go out to all contributors. 

This money is going to the Red Cross in Ukraine to support them in bringing medical aid to those in need. We hope that this will help to alleviate at least some of the pain and suffering caused by the war in Ukraine.

With that said, please note that we’ll keep the donation drive on Just Giving running until the end of the month (31 March), so you still have time to contribute if you want to.

Thank you all so much for coming together as a community and for showing your support for the people of Ukraine in this time of need.


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  1. 0Waylander0
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I've been looking through comments below about Russian situation in this sh*t and I want to say that its not entirely true.

    First of all, as Russian myself I don't support actions of our army and government. But unfortunately, there's about 60 to 80 percent of people who support this bullcrap entirely. And that's not even a problem. The problem is that even with all restrictions and other things we won't die here. I don;t mean that literally but follow me for a sec. We won't have ANY quality of life products, we will have the price increasement, we won't have ANY tech novelties for a while. But you see, we've got China. Who wants our resources for themselves, who want our territory as their own. Not because Chinese are bad, but because its natural and beneficial for their country.  And they WILL milk our country dry just because its business. And Russians would live in this hell. They'll be waiting in lines for product checks like in USSR, they'll be keeping dollars and euros under their pillows and they'll be looking at the iron curtain and shouting: "WE DEFEATED DIRTY NATO". And they'll be quite happy to accept all the penalties for the time being. That is really scary for me.

    As other people say, I didn't write all of this for you to take pity, but for you to understand how f*cked up things are gonna be for Russia and Belarus if this continues as it is now. Though, I personally think  "Our great leader" f*cked up big cause of his failure to seize control at the first week of conflict and i feel very sad knowing that my people are selected as the worst of the bunch. But, i guess, they brought it upon themselves and are intending to take people, who can THINK FOR THEMSELVES down with them. Hopefully this sh*t will be over soon one way or another.

    P.S. Also the reason for our invasion is full of crap too. There are some
    Nazis in Ukraine, there are people, who would kill a Russian just because of who he is. But Putin doesn't give a damn about it. He wants a quick victorious military campaign to cover up for some inter political bulls*** my people are about to experience in near future. Thats all from me, thanks for reading through
  2. deleted116756623
    • account closed
    • 6 kudos
    Every day I deliver food and other necessary things to my brothers from Ukraine.
    I'm Polish; the Germans murdered half of my family, then the Russians came and murdered almost the rest.

    My (Only) mother survived WW2, and my brother, sister and grandfather survived from my father's side.

    I know what war is (This True - not from TV), so I help, because it's my duty.
    Poles used to save Jews, now they help Ukrainian people with the same Love for Freedom, Independence and Identity.But the West doesn't understand anything!
    1000 years of Poland's existence - that is obligatory!
    We will defend ourselves until the Last Drop of Blood - this is the motto.

    Some western countries surrendered immediately others after a few days, so,!
    How are they supposed to like Ukraine's attitude?

                    And so I go from store to store and collect gifts for neighbors (from Ukraine)
     and deliver them wherever they are missing!
    1. JamesClark1111
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I heavily appreciate the amount of work you do. As much as I am thankful for or nexus for the Red Cross donations, giving food and gifts directly to refugees and people in need is more impactful and sufficient for them. 
    2. deleted116756623
      • account closed
      • 6 kudos
      Responsibility !
      it doesn't take a moment!I love freedom and even behind bars, I will be free.
      Unfortunately, there are those who consider freedom to be evil!
      Is there freedom of the rich or is there freedom of the poor?
      Which freedom is more important!
      Freedom is for everyone, YES !!!
      provided that another Freedom is not disturbing!
      The so-called liquid border, only depends on the money ??
    3. xrayy
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      it makes me feel so sorry and humble as a german even after 80 years what happend in ww2. and it hurts even more and it is an irony of history that putin calls the ukrainian president with jewish roots part of a nazi regime! putin itself is the one who acts like a nazi and no one else and it seems to me he mutated to an irrational monster like hitler was.  
  3. SoN6of6TrediS
    • premium
    • 257 kudos
    Hello everyone, dear friends!
    First of all, I would like to say that I am a Russian myself, born in Russia and who has lived on the territory of the Russian Federation all my life.
    I have many relatives and friends in Ukraine. I have always considered Ukraine closer to me in spirit, but unfortunately I have not been able to go there to visit my relatives and friends.

    I express my complete disagreement with the actions of our government, as well as the majority of sensible Russians. No one wants war except Putin and his f-king government. And I really want everything go back to normal, when all of us could live in peace.

    What is happening in Russia now is an economic catastrophe and I don't think our country will be able to recover after so many foreign companies leave cooperation with Russia.
    I understand that there are a lot of people in the world now, including our brothers Ukrainians, who believe that the Russian people are to blame for everything.
    In part, I cannot disagree with this, because we really have a theoretical opportunity to go to the red square in front of the Kremlin and ALL OF US oppose the goverment. BUT here's an interesting thing that few people talk about from the foreign media.

    The Russian Federation now has a LAW according to which the ongoing WAR can be called ONLY as a "Military operation to liberate Ukraine from the Nazi regime." Most of our independent media outlets are CLOSED as "Foreign Agents" or "Extremist Organizations".
    At the same time, deputies say literally the following through government FEDERAL channels: "Those of you who are against the war are traitors to our country."

    Next comes a text that justifies the inaction of the Russian people. Please take it seriously and don't think that I'm trying to get pity from you.

    For spreading the TRUTH about the situation in Ukraine, for mentioning the WAR in Ukraine, for the slogan "NO TO WAR", ordinary citizens who have not previously expressed their opinion on this situation face a fine from 150'000 to 300'000 rubles. (On average, people in the Russian Federation earn from 25'000 to 70'000 rubles). Given the current dollar exchange rate, this is $1,345 - $2,691 (administrative fine), with a salary in Russia = $224-$627.

    It follows from this that it is too much for many people to pay a fine for violating the new law.

    Also, in accordance with this law, people who have already received this administrative fine will not receive it again. Instead, they will be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison. For large companies and legal entities, this term of imprisonment increases to 10 years. If a media person speaks out with anti-war and pacifist speeches and if this leads to new sanctions for the Russian Federation, then such a person gets up to 15 years in prison.

    NO TO WAR!
    1. IProZacI
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      You are heard my dude.
      A lot of people don't understand that you're victims in this too. There are people over there getting arrested for protesting this war including a women who used to report Kremlin propaganda. It's clear that the people of Russia are against this act of terror but they're powerless to stop it. Yet despite that there are still people protesting. Sadly there's a road full of prejudice ahead for the people of Russia thanks to the actions of one man. Take care of yourself in these tough times. <3 
    2. DarkDominion
      • premium
      • 479 kudos
    3. hunlucansu
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      you are a great person, thank you <3
    4. sodx
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      One of my closest, dearest friends is former Russian military (cancer took her out of service and she moved to Canada with her husband) and it gave me a lot of context that the media doesn't. I wish you didn't have to declare your opposition to what is going on but I understand why- a lot of people in the world just don't go out and seek out information for themselves.I hope your family- all Ukraine denizens, actually- stay safe and that this stops soon.

      солидарность и поддержка
    5. madfox11
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Well, I can say that everything you say is true, but this is only in Moscow, ordinary citizens were not affected by sanctions, by the way, in no way at all, Muscovites lost a catastrophic opportunity to eat KFC and dress in Addidas, have you been in the provinces for a long time.All disputes and confrontations are only in Moscow, in other cities everything is the same as it was-and it remains.
      Yes, and some kind of biased judgment.
      Before judging your fellow soldiers and the fatherland, do not forget that they are dying there now, it's not very nice of you to say this until it's all over.
    6. SoN6of6TrediS
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Thank you all, friends! <3
    7. DeafPhoenix
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      madfox11, ordinary citizens WERE affected by sanctions. My parents live in Ekaterinburg and prices are rising there. Car prices are high af, clothing stores are closing (like literally every foreign shop was closed, not just those for rich people). Also there are a lot of things that I didn't mention but you can google it. 
    8. xrayy
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      russia without people like putin and belarus without lukaschenko would be a peacebringer for the whole globe. let us pray for that wonder together with  all peaceful russians!
  4. Aneksunamun
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    To the Nexus staff, mod authors and all people who made this possible! I thank you all on behalf of my country, and this means so much to all the people here who have suffered from war.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. <3
    1. luxor8071
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      • 2,840 kudos
    2. SpaceMinion
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
    3. IProZacI
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
    4. DarkDominion
      • premium
      • 479 kudos
    5. SpiritWebb
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
    6. COGSpartan130
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
    7. Patrik2000CZ
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
    8. NeageBloudr
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  5. Skribionkie
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Will you keep the DP charity version on the site, the same way you've done for other charities like the Wildlife Conservation Society, after the Just Giving donation drive is closed?

    Regardless, thank you so much for doing this
    1. AliceL93
      • premium
      • 247 kudos
      I would also like to know this.
    2. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 715 kudos
      The charity option will remain in the store for now. I would imagine that some users will want to add it to their DP split so we'll likely keep it up for a few months to allow those donations to go through. 
    3. HazakTheMad
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      I doubt that would help anything, it has been shown that there are plenty of Russians that hate the war, some just happen to be brainwashed.
    4. mr2blobby
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Dont hate the common people hate the people in power.

      The russian people dont get alot of news from outside of russia so they dont see the view from the outside.
      Theres also the consequences of protesting getting arrested.. and that may not be the only thing,...
    5. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Jesus ..
    6. brony71
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      In response to this post.
      You know, even in Russia this could be judged by people as a wild xenophobia.
      If you want to suspend Russians, prepare to be hatred by them. Most of the people of Russia aren't supporting this war (we can't protest against it because Putin's goverment threated us with 15-years prison sentence and the terrorist status), while foreigner's actions not against Russian Federation goverment, but against russian people make us to turn from foreigners and this left us alone with our problems, or even can push some of us into Putin supporters' groups, because we're living in a principle: "Кто не с нами - тот против нас" (You are either with us, or against us).
      Damn, boy! Our goverment at first tried to lie to us that Russian army has no casualties, and then tried to lie about no using of military conscripts (first and largest part of Russian army, men from 18 to 27 years of age are required to complete one year of military service, we call it 'a second type of prison') and only using soldiers from the contract army (second part of army, professional militaries (all officers are contract militaries, for example), in EU and US it's called volunteer military system, as we call it in Russia the contract army), but we aren't fools! All of us have the internet, many of us have relatives in Ukraine or in Russian army. Everyone has enough information of Putin's war crimes, but we have nothing to do with it, because of harsh consequences followed by protests even in social media!
    7. urbon
      • premium
      • 951 kudos
      @brony71 don't listen to those trolls. That make every person on earth responsable for this then and I don't see @newBornPB666 protesting in russia.
      We all know isn't your fault or the russian common people. This is just the gov s#*! like every country who invade another one in the past or still invading. Common people just want peace. Banning russians IS NOT GOING TO FIX ANYTHING. That's just a xenofophic SHIT. Is just a gamming community for god's sake. 
    8. MrJoseCuervo
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      If we banned everyone for the actions of their government there would t be any users.
    9. deleted116756623
      • account closed
      • 6 kudos
      mistake ! in reasoning!
      13,000 Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine because they are fighting for the Kremlin's Rule.
      In the name of this Principle, more than 15,000 ordinary Russians were imprisoned.

      does one contradict the other?
    10. madfox11
      • member
      • 3 kudos
    11. DevourerPi
      • premium
      • 182 kudos
  6. Dendimon25
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you very much to all those who support Ukraine. I myself am from Kyiv. All day long they are forced to hear rocket strikes, sirens. I hope your help will reach those in need, of whom there are a lot, and who are now in trouble. Thank you everybody.
    P. S War should only be in games.
  7. onestep87
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you very much from a mere citizen of Ukraine :)
    1. luxor8071
      • premium
      • 2,840 kudos
    2. COGSpartan130
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
    3. Patrik2000CZ
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
    4. Patrik2000CZ
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
  8. Feuerkl1nge
    • supporter
    • 35 kudos
    To help citizens in need is always a good idea in such conflicts.
    But also an old chinese saying is to help yourself first before you can help others with any useful effect.
    A lot is going wrong on the whole world because nobody helps himself first but rather his ego.

    "An unprovoked attack on their country."
    Yes the citizens usually don't provoke such conflict directly and may also not indirectly and lot of them are still russia friendly at the time being.
    Here is where goverments in general usually do their own stuff. But often indirectly supported by the citizens.
  9. gibbothegracious
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
  10. SpiritWebb
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    That is amazing!  *High fives everyone*