About this mod

Since Wide vs Tall is no real thing in Civ VI, this mod tries to add some tweaks to make Tall play viable and balance it out with Wide play.
This mod aims to be minimal invasive! When playing wide you should experience no change in gameplay, at all.

Permissions and credits
Adds some tweaks to make Tall play viable and balance it out with Wide play.
This mod aims to be minimal invasive! When playing wide you should experience no change in gameplay, at all.

Requirements: This mod supports any combination of Vanilla, Rise & Fall and Gathering Storm! All DLCs are optional!

Most significant Changes and Mechanics

Boosted City Growth
The more eras progress and the fewer cities you have, the more the city growth is boosted.
Yield Bonus for Tall Empires

Large cities in empires with few cities receive yield bonus on Science, Faith and Culture.
Building Tall Extensions

Large cities, once they reach a certain population size, receive Tall Extension Slots. These slots can each be spent on upgrading one of the more advanced buildings in specialty districts.

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Cities with a large population can build more districts and thus can build all types of districts. A large empire generates fewer yields of one type, but will generate all types of yields equally, due to the higher number of district slots available.
This mod adds the ability for tall empires to specialize and compete with wide empires. Tall empires will still end up more generalized than wide empires, but they should be able to compete. It is a strategic decision which way to go.

Why the Tall Bonus instead of a Wide Penalty?

I wanted minimal impact on ordinary playstyle. So when no focusing on tall cities gameplay is not supposed to change at all. Since there is no wide penalty in the original game it felt wrong to add one afterwards.

Boosted City Growth
  • Grants a population growth bonus when the total number of cities in your empire is low. 
  • The initially very small growth bonus increases as the game progresses and reaches its peak in the Industrial Era. 
  • Additional cities reduce this bonus. 
  • If there are more than 10 cities in your empire, no bonus is granted.


    Table 1: City growth bonus per total number of cities and era

    Yield Bonus for tall Empires
  • Grants a bonus to Science, Faith , Culture and Great Person Points for cities with high population.
  • Empires with 7 or more cities will receive no yield bonuses. 
  • The lower the number of cities in your empire, the higher the bonus. 
  • This bonus will kick in once a city hits 12 population and gradually scales up until reaching 20 population.

    Chart 1: Yield bonus for low total number of cities

    Building Tall Extensions
  • Tall Extensions complement existing buildings in districts.
  • As for districts, there is a population requirement for Tall Extensions.
  • Forget about the formulas if you like. The Tall Extension Slot indicator building in the city center will tell you when the next slot is available!
  • In empires with 1-3 citie, a city gets its first slot at 15 population. For every additional city, 2 more population are required for the first slot.
  • Each additional slot requires 2 more population for empires with at most 5 cities, 3 more population for empires with at most 7 cities and so on.
  • Some Tall Extension effects require a governor to be installed in that city. It's not too complicated and the ingame description will explain it to you.
  • When a city is conquered or overthrown by loyalty pressure, the Tall Extensions of buildings in districts cannot be maintained and will be razed.
  • Just try it, you will get a feeling for it!
  • For almost every specialty district there are 2 Tall Extensions.

    Sketch 1: Tall Extensions Example Campus

    Tall Extension Slot Formula and Details
    • X is the number of cities in your empire (rounded down, at least 2).
    • Required population for the first Tall Extension Slot is 9 + (2 * X), but at least 15. 
    • For every X / 2 population your city receives another Tall Extension slot. 
    • Empires with 10 cities and beyond will not receive any Tall Extension slots.
      Table 2: Tall Extension Slots per total number of cities and city population

    Policy Cards

    • New Economic Policy Cards Cultural Melting Pot, Religious Urban Space and Megacity Innovations: Culture, Faith or Science for large cities in empires with at most 7 cities and even more boost in empires with at most 5 cities. Available after researching Urbanization.
    • New Military Policy Cards Urban Offensive and Urban Defensive: Additional Amenities and Combat Strength for high populated cities in large empires during war.
    • Modified existing Policy Cards to take into account Tall Extensions: Frescoes, Symphonies, Military Research, Military Organization, Laissez Faire, Science Foundation and Third Alternative.

    Great People

    • Modified existing Great Person effects to take into account Tall Extensions: James Watt, Jamsetji Tata, Masaru Ibuka, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

    Era Dedication

    • New era dedication: City Life: Boosts city growth and Science, Faith or Culture in cities with at least 20 population. Grants Era points when capital grows. Available from Renaissance to Atomic Era.

    Project Abandon City
    • Abandons city.
    • Unlocks at Nationalism civic.
    • Available for all cities but original capital.

    Project Puppet Government
    • City can't build Tall Extensions. All existing Tall Extensions will be razed. 
    • City suffers heavy yield penalties. 
    • City is no longer considered in any way for bonuses for tall cities and is not counted as such. 
    • Unlocks at Colonialism civic.
    • Available for captured original capitals.

    Compatibility (Expansions, DLCs & Mods)
    Most mods out there are compatible! The following list shows those mods that we coded explicit compatibility for.

    • English (en_US)
    • German (de_DE)

    How can I contribute?
    You can help by providing:
    • Translation
    • 3D Models (Tall Extensions)
    • Feedback (leave a Comment and add a positive Rating)
    • Report Bugs

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