Monthly Roundup - August 2024

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I know what you’re thinking, SlugGirl, didn’t we only just have a monthly roundup? Kind of, yeah. It’s been a couple of weeks though and that one was released later than normal due to how much we had going on, so humour me a little, I have a schedule to keep.

With that being said, it’s that time again. This one’s a smaller roundup, as the last was quite beefy, but here it is nonetheless!

Nexus Mods App - Cyberpunk Improvements and Multiple Loadouts
The latest build of our new mod manager is now available to try out. It features improved Cyberpunk 2077 support, the ability for users to have multiple loadouts per game and several large under-the-hood changes to improve the overall experience and lay the groundwork for new features (such as Collections!).

Please remember that the app is an early alpha build and updating to the new version will require users to remove all existing mods and start over. You can read the full changelog here

Design System
More work has been completed on the Next site ( 

  • The Collection page UI and Collection cards have been updated.
  • The Collection lists have been refined, and new link styling has been implemented.
  • We also updated the appearance of the media cards, these will only apply to user profiles, an example of which can be found here

Below you can see how the collection page UI now matches the mod pages.

Updated Social Links
You might have noticed that, for a short period, some of the links to our social pages on the website didn’t work. That was my fault. My team and I decided to change some of our social usernames for stronger branding purposes. The links are working again now if you’d like to use them. Perhaps even give us a follow, watch some of Shaska’s new mod videos on our YouTube, or take a look at what ModularCoccoon has been up to on our other channels.

New Payment System
We’ve now completed the migration of all PayPal and Debit/Credit subscriptions from our old payment provider (Braintree) to our new one (Paddle). This was a pretty big task, so a huge shout-out to everyone who worked on this project.

Other Bits
  • Mods blocked from earning Donation Points are now highlighted in the ‘Permissions’ section of the mod page. 
  • Users who start the chargeback process for Premium payments will now be automatically unbanned if the chargeback is reversed. This was previously handled manually by our Community Team.
  • Users now have the option to request a full refund via the automated bot powered by rather than contacting our support team via email and waiting for a reply. Refunds are only issued automatically if they have not used their Premium membership since the payment was taken.

Eww, Bugs
  • We fixed a bug that caused 2FA backup codes not to work correctly and emailed affected users with steps to fix this problem.
  • Non-alphanumeric characters now display correctly on user profile mod tiles.

As always, keep your feedback coming; we’ll bring more updates next month!


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  1. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 719 kudos
    Thank you for all your comments! Stay tuned for the next post in October! 
  2. rsm000rsm
    • premium
    • 238 kudos

    • Mods blocked from earning Donation Points are now highlighted in the ‘Permissions’ section of the mod page. 

    Not true. I just received my reports for June, July, and August, and it appears that my most popular mod did not accumulate any DPs. In fact, according to my August report, none of the other mods in the series accumulated DPs either. I was not informed in any manner that these mods were ineligible for DPs, and their ineligibility certainly isn't noted in the "Permissions" section.
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 719 kudos
      If you want to PM me with the link to the mod you're talking about I can take a look.

      If your mods were blocked from DP you'd know because a member of staff would've spoken to you. I would imagine you just opted it out without realising it. We have logs I can check if you PM me. 
  3. martinemma
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for updating this
  4. 5iv
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    I'm not sure if it's a bug (on my end) or it's not implemented yet, but on this new 'next' interface I am unable to see if mods have updates available when I click on a user's profile, only that I've downloaded a file before. This wasn't an issue on the older interface.
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      I can confirm that's a bug on our end, it has been implemented and should be working. Well spotted!

      I'll get a fix for this prioritised.
    2. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      This has now been fixed.
    3. 5iv
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
  5. JobiWanUK
    • premium
    • 364 kudos
    And what's happening with DP please and the reports? The silence has been deafening since you botched the big update and had to revert to the old method.

    When can we expect to see the new style reports and payouts?
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      In the near future. When we have more to share on this it'll be done in a separate new post.
    2. toostruus
      • premium
      • 672 kudos
      Pending at 0 right now? Is that normal?
    3. StoneSpiralGaming
      • premium
      • 251 kudos
      This normally means the payout is in progress 
    4. RemmyKun
      • premium
      • 578 kudos
      Can confirm it’s showing “0 pending” right now. I hope StoneSpiralGaming is right and they honor the previous reports for those of us who made some plans based on that… 
      If not I might be a bit cooked hahaha
      Anyways… let’s cross our fingers and hope for a future where nexus figures out the new algorithm and most people here are happy with it xD
    5. ManWhoLaughs
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Same here on the "0 Pending"
  6. Sonja
    • member
    • 184 kudos
    It all looks good from a technical standpoint.
    However, I initially had no idea what "Nexus Mods App" was, until I continued reading, and remembered it was the new name for Vortex... I still think the name change is silly. If you want something to stick in peoples' minds, give it a name that isn't generic and instantly forgettable; this is basic and obvious. I don't use Vortex, and, as such, have no pony in the race, one way or the other, but seriously... it's poor marketing (an area I actually have some background in).
    1. showler
      • supporter
      • 35 kudos
      I found eight other pieces of software called "Vortex" on google.  The most popular one is airport control software.

      The only association between "Vortex" and "Nexus Mods" is among people who already know that association.

      "Nexus Mods App" makes the association much more clear.  And since the NMA is a new product, not a continuation of Vortex I think it makes sense to have a new name.  Otherwise they might as well have called "Vortex" "Mod Organizer 3".
    2. Sonja
      • member
      • 184 kudos
      I'm not stating "Vortex" is a unique name. Quite frankly, at this point, finding a "unique" name for anything is a near impossible task. However, Vortex is the name people have come to know it by, and if you search (at least on Qwant, which draws its results from Google) for "Vortex Mod Manager," it's the very first thing that appears. Also, while a name doesn't need to be "unique" for it to be memorable... something as homogenous as "Nexus Mod App" .. *yawn*

      But, as I said, I don't even use the thing... so...*shrug*
    3. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      To clarify, the "Nexus Mods App" is not the new name for Vortex. It is an entirely new application being built and has no relation to Vortex. You can read more about this here:
    4. Sonja
      • member
      • 184 kudos
      Quoted directly from the above-linked article:

      Question: It looks like instead of building a “Vortex 2” or iterating our current mod manager, you want to go back and build mod management from the ground up, why is that?

      Answer: In many ways, this is a “Vortex 2” just under a different name. The name change from “Vortex” to “The Nexus Mods App” is a marketing decision more than anything. We realised that a lot of new users didn’t know why a thing called “Vortex” should be central to their modding workflow. In addition, even the term “mod manager” is foreign to a lot of users, we were getting feedback along the lines of “I don’t make mods, why do I need a manager for them, I just want to install mods?”. So while “the App” is a rather sterile and boring title it instantly conveys what the app does. If you want to run Discord on your desktop you download the “Discord App”, if you want to install mods from Nexus Mods, download the “Nexus Mods App”. 

      Whether this will indeed be a good marketing decision clearly needs to be seen. However, Halgari unambiguously states here that the "Nexus Mod App," is, for all intents and purposes, "Vortex 2." 
    5. klementineQt
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      2 as in a sequel. It will eventually replace Vortex as the primary official mod manager. It's Vortex 2 in the same way Vortex was NMM 2. But it's a completely new codebase and uses an entirely different approach to handling modding. I think you're arguing semantics too deeply. It's not an update or even a refactor, but an entirely separate app being built from the ground up. And they will co-exist for a time, as they do now.
  7. Locked
    Hello everyone, I installed the Puglin in my Photoshop CC 2019 and but I don't have the DC3/DTX5 option, where I can download it for 64b, can help me?!
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      I think this may have been posted in the wrong place? =)

      If you're looking for help with a specific mod, please post on the mod page for help.
  8. LostInACave
    • premium
    • 77 kudos
    All looking good!
    Is there any functional difference between Loadouts and Profiles then?
    1. NexusModsLuke
      • Product Manager
      • 1 kudos
      Functionally, Loadouts in the app are similar to Profiles in Vortex. Loadouts are completely isolated in the app which means that the same mod in different loadouts can have completely different contents. 
  9. dalantoc
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hope more "Oops something went wrong" isn't part of the update, I get enough of that from Microsoft
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      We hope not! On a serious note, we've scaled up our Ops/DevOps team now to three full-time staff and they're working full-time on improving the site stability and performance.
  10. lightgamez31
    • member
    • 66 kudos
    Will Vortex still be usable once Nexusmods App releases? Please dont pull the plug!!
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      We'll be ceasing all development on Vortex once Nexus Mods App releases, it'll be in the hands of the community at that point to keep it functional (much in the same way the community has taken over the legacy Nexus Mod Manager).