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  1. cortlong50
    • premium
    • 127 kudos


  2. SaeRenIyo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any idea how long till the release of the new version?
  3. masquerademage
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    been on the fence about this mod for a little while (i suck ass at combat normally lol) but i think i'm gonna give it a go. less bullet sponge and harder hitting weapons sounds like a lot of fun. excited for the newest version to drop! :)
  4. NickDela
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    What happened to the mod? Is there any discord server where there are any announcements?....
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      gonna upload a new version tonight
      still considering whether i should start a new page or not (since each new version has its own issues and all the comments and bugs are outdated)
    2. SerMagikarp
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Came around today absolutely chuffed to get a new game started but there are zero files available (aside from archived files from last year). Did the planned upload not go through? Looking forward to a good hardcore play through!
  5. KesslerKush
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Yo so does this absolutely overwrite the gore from headshots? Kinda weird, not really digging it (the gore change, that is)
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      this doesnt touch gore at all. 

      or really anything that people keep bringing up. 

      it levels enemy health and makes guns do more damage. 

      if you just downloaded tonight, the currently available version is a bit of a mess
      i have a new version taht is much better and tested coming out in a day or two. either message me privately or wait til new version comes out. 
  6. ManuxTheKiller
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    OMG Bro, I forgot about this mod completely T.T, I started using this mod since day 1 you dropped it here because I felt that in the 1.0 the game was so bland with enemies eating bullets all the time and I was looking for weapon mods and by chance remembered this mod, it makes the game more fun and engaging in stealth is better.
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      theres a huge update coming that gets it to where i originally wanted it
      if you wanna get early access shoot me a message!
  7. Buzzerker1775
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Just wanna say it is pretty cool how dedicated and enthusiastic the mod author seems to be. This mod seems like a must for this game. Can't wait to have time to reinstall and play CP 2077 again, now modded and with PL
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      haha thanks dude, i appreciate it. 
      i just hate playing with bullet sponges and dont wanna leave anyone having to deal with em. 

      i also need to get PL. gonna order this weekend. 
    2. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      In Vanilla, How does enemy HP scale up with levels? For example, if I go from level 35 to 40, how much more damage will an enemy take?
  8. VirtualChrisM
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Does this mod improve enemy AI responsiveness, accuracy, etc? If not, can someone recommend a mod to improve the AI?
    1. L3monGuy
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Enemies of night city is a nice addition, however it makes some enemies, particularly elite ones, bullet sponges
    2. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah, I saw that. That mod seems more focused on weak points and strategy. I just want a mod that has the enemies detecting you quicker, responding quicker, and aiming more accurately… and certainly not adding sponge. Is there such a mod?
    3. Welkthar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Enemies of Night City will add all of that. Just use Damage Scaling to offset the bullet sponges or use ENC with Hardcore22, they compliment eachother mostly.
    4. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Ok, I’ll look at it more closely. Thanks. 
    5. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      So I gather if I run ENC and this Hardcore mod, that I should adjust all the ENC health multiplier settings down to 1 to minimize sponge?  Is there anything else to do to make these two mods compatible?
    6. baccaratsuite
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Is ENC compatible with this mod? I wanted to get both but I heard one time they conflicted unless I'm mistaking it with another mod
    7. Welkthar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      @weluvtaj yes they are otherwise I wouldn't recommend them. The ENC author said in his description something like "with minor adjustments they are compatible" but I have found nothing so far as long as I have had installed them both. Just some issues pertaining to the mods themselves, no conflicts. 

      Of course there could be conflicts so keep an eye on the comment sections, I usually start here on Nexusmod anyway to see if updates have been produced before I boot the game.
    8. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      "I just want a mod that has the enemies detecting you quicker, responding quicker, and aiming more accurately… and certainly not adding sponge. Is there such a mod?"

      this is exactly how i would describe this mod. 
    9. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Really? The description doesn't mention AI behaviour at all... just health levels.
    10. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      I’d say, create a save. 
      Install the mod. 
      go start some fights. 

      This mod is designed specifically to be added and removed at any time. 

      enemies aren’t detecting the player quicker (I am gonna expand their range if I can find the values) but they’re certainly far more accurate.

      really all I can say is run it, either you’ll like it like some people do or it won’t be for you

      ACTUALLY:  if you want. I can send you the most recent version and you can try it out.  It’s basically the first “not beta” version. I’m currently just playing through the game making sure there aren’t any super broken boss fights but so far it’s been running great. Just fought that buff bish at grand imperial. 
    11. tomanoku
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I'd like them to be LESS accurate, to balance with the fact that I die from 2 shots now.
    12. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      i agree, ive been trying to figure out what governs their accuracy because they shoot lasers now. 
      thats actually something stalling the new version coming out. that and the INSANELY LOUD sound that plays when you get hit, what the hell was CDPR thinking adding that noise in god. i have to learn how to extract sounds and remove it. and its a pain in the ass. 

      but yeah, i would like SLIGHTLY less accurate. not how they used to be where they would never hit you but they are chipped too and so you should have to play smart. 
  9. VirtualChrisM
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Any chance you could offer a stand-alone mod for grenade damage?  I've got my game fairly well balanced for my taste, and this mod does way more than I want. The only remaining issue I have is that frag grenades and explosives in general barely tickle enemies... any chance you'd be interested in carving that out and offering a stand-alone mod for enhanced explosive damage?
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      create a text document in your Cyberpunk 2077\r6\tweaks folder

      paste these lines into it 

          $type: gamedataConstantStatModifier_Record
          value: 300
          modifierType: Additive
          statType: BaseStats.PhysicalDamage

          $type: gamedataConstantStatModifier_Record
          value: 100
          modifierType: Additive
          statType: BaseStats.PhysicalDamage

      save this text document as "GRENADES.yaml" (click save as, and copy and paste exactly the name in the quotes into the file name youre saving. it NEEDS to be a YAML file for the game to load it. 

      change the "value:300" to taste. 300 feels good for my mod but may need changes based on what your setup is. 
    2. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Awesome… thanks! Will give this a try. 
    3. VirtualChrisM
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      So that worked perfectly... thanks!  

      I turned on god mode and lobbed grenades at the Mech gaurding the exit to Dog Town...
      300 took 5 grenades to disable it
      1000 took 3 grenades to disable it
      2000 took 2 grenades to disable it

      All those values will kill a human so I'm opting for 1000 since that seems reasonable to me to take out a mech.

      Now my next annoyance is that enemies continue to shoot while blinded by a flash bang or burning from an incendiary, making them useless.  Any thoughts on how to solve that issue?
    4. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      haha thats funny thats like exactly how i set up the mechs for my mod. 
      i think it takes 4 to kill a mech, but the arms are weaker so it knocks their arms off and stuff. 

      that tweak system i just showed you, you can open up the tweakDB in cyberenginetweaks and find any value under "constantstatemodifiers" and change it, so if you want (lets say) o'five to have like 5000 damage you can do it super easily. 

      far as the flashbangs, nope, i could never figure it out. they are definitely just there to make a noise. 
      i guess you could try to up their radius, not entirely sure how youd have to search through the tweakdb (search flash and start digging) but yeah...i couldnt crack that one. 
  10. Lethkun
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Would love to ask what mods you used in the 4th image?
    1. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
  11. Dallerie
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This mod makes the game much easier than vanilla because enemies die from 2-3 shots, """hardcore""" my ass. 
    1. Corg
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I run The Pickup few times yesterday, with and without mod and to be fair it was more challenging on vanilla with 2.5x more damage form enemies from Damage Scaling and Balance mod vs hardcore22 with x1 from enemies and 0.30 x to enemies. Something wrong with weapon curves. Mod need updating, not sure we need more power to weapons anymore compared to vanilla and emeries health is bit to low i think.
    2. DarkWraithKevin
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I haven't used the mod but that's what I figured just from looking at the numbers and video. Don't get me wrong, I think this is a great project and I'm looking forward to it down the road, but I think you're better off playing on Very Hard with low health if you want a 'difficult' experience. However, I think if you don't like bullet sponges then this is the mod for you. Personally, bullet sponges never really bothered me in Cyberpunk because it kind of makes sense that people are going to tank some low caliber hits in this world because of the technology available. It's just not for me in its current state.
    3. Welkthar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      What a pointless comment. Sure it makes the game easier in particular fire fights but the scope of this mod is not just easier dropped enemies, you yourself are squishy to.

      Besides that it's job is to make combat more real life like, where a headshot or shotgun to the chest will kill you, foe and friend. This is thoroughly explained in the mod description. 

      So this mod does exactly what it proclaims it wants to do. I have done a 1 full playthrough of about 150hours with this mod enabled, and can wholeheartedly recommend it.

      Dallerie, a next time you're very welcome to just shut up and move on. What else did you accomplish with your bad-faith remark besides piss people off?
    4. cortlong50
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      sorry your ass is hardcore. 
      go to a doctor. 
    5. maximustrajan
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
    6. maximustrajan
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Bruh, that dude's ass .. its just so hardcore. it's sad, really. 