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About this mod

This is a *complete* editing of the War Table Operations including all DLC ops, built in the Frosty Mod Editor.

Every operation has been edited to have no time wait, or a very (<2min) limited time wait to complete.

Permissions and credits
CWTO - The Complete War Table Operations no wait time mod for Frosty!

Includes every single timed operation in the game, including those in the DLC. As such, it requires the DLC to be installed.

The missions Truth or Dare: A Dangerous Game, Lake Celestine, Build Watchtowers, and The Teyrn of Highever, all have a short wait associated with them - 1 or 2 minutes. These missions caused bugs & glitches if set to complete instantly, so this side-steps those problems.

Special thanks to Drake0713, Sakanakun893, and ViktoriaLanders for highlighting which specific missions have the lowered but not instant wait times.

UPDATE! - April 2023 - Forced Origin to EA App update, and other game store fix.

The forced update to the EA App has caused problems with DAI & MEA modding when using Frosty. I've posted a workaround for using Origin past it's 'enforced update' in the comments section, but there's also a tool called DatapathFix by Dyvinia which can let you mod with the EA App/Epic Games Store/Steam version of the game. You can go to the DatapathFix GitHub page here for more details. Good luck!

UPDATE! - May 2022 - Use the Alpha version of Frosty?

You may experience a crash on loading when you enable my mod if you're using the beta version of Frosty Mod Manager. For now, this can be worked around by downloading the Alpha version of Frosty from their Discord - invite link here.

UPDATE! - Aug 2021 - New, NO-DLC version has been uploaded.

Version 1.0 is based on the (open source) project created by Adrien Remaz (3VegasModder343), modified to include the operations they missed. From what I've read, it also includes a few changes - reductions - to the costs of some operations. I will be building version 2 from scratch to be entirely 'vanilla' in terms of power costs, but still have no, or very little, wait times till completion.

I've tested this mod extensively including a complete playthrough and have had no issues. So, if you don't mind some possibly low-power-cost ops, it is fully functional and ready to use! If you're not keen on the power-cost changes, version 2 will be along in a few days.

This is my first published mod for Dragon Age Inquisition! I much prefer using proper Frosty mods in DAI because I've found they cause me far fewer problems with incompatibilities and weird glitches, and I was frustrated when I realised my choices for a no-wait operations mod were either a) an incomplete one, or b) a daimod version. So, I did this instead. The best of both worlds :)


Thank you to all the modders out there who've made this game look & play better than I could have hoped.
Most especially, thank you to the following modders. Their mods feature heavily in my game, and have done for months or years!

JerryBullet - for the 'Abilities Revamped' mods. Thank goodness they all convert nicely in Frosty Mod Manager!
KittenTails - for some truly outstanding companion & inquisitor appearance mods!
Ellise - for fantastic and beautiful mods that alter companions & the inquisitor!
munchyfly - for rebuilding a whole host of useful mods from scratch in Frosty! Their game-tweaks are invaluable to me. (off-Nexus link).
CaffienePainter - for some genuinely excellent companion appearance mods. They also made the best Josephine clothes edit I've ever seen!

A final thank you to Anhamirak who shared so much detailed information on how to edit stores. That info was so helpful and got me pointed in the right direction for replicating the changes using the Frosty Mod Editor instead of the old ModMaker. So far I've just used this to create personal mods, putting specific items in specific shops, but who knows.. maybe I'll create a nice Frosty-built shop mod soon.

Keep on modding!