About this mod
Elf Male Sliders (Male Lavellan) for Inquisition!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
I am sharing my Lavellan sliders here with you all just in case some of you might like him!
At first, I was just going to save the sliders on my USB to keep them safe but I figured I could share him here in case someone found this helpful or would like to simply use him as he is!
This is my main Inquisitor, as I have a habit to have my Warden and Inquisitor to be Dalish Males (my favorites!), so I added some extra care into how he looked and I think I re-did him around 7 times before finally settling on this!
He was inspired by my first Inquisitor on my ps4, before the console bricked itself and I finally got a good pc-- Which means this one is made with mods!
Yay for long hair!
And the sliders!
If you struggle with a bump near the cheek when making characters, it really is because of how thin the cheek is and how wide the lips are!
I did not realize this for so long!
Here is the mod list I used to make him:
I had all of these installed but I did not use the Solas or Sera complexion as fas I know!
Enhanced Character Creation Complete (You will need the sliders part of it too!)
Hair: Anto Nadia EM (it is a bit hidden down the list, but it is there and specifically says it is for EM in the title under Files!)
Skin: Octavia Skin + Trespasser version (The skin is under the Files and it works for males and females! Woo!)
Lashes: SOS Lashes (Neat!)
Eyebrows: Basic Brows (sparse version) (Yay for these working for males too!)
Extra: Veins be gone! (Not sure if I used it or not but it was there in the list!)
And now that I am looking for the link, I can't find it, so I probably got it off another site somewhere.. Sorry..
Mods which were in the game but which weren't used as far as I know: (adding these in case they skew the sliders a bit)
Solas Complexion for the Inquisitor v3:
Sera Complexion for the Inquisitor:
I hope you all will have a lovely day!!
- Majere
1) Fixed the ReadMe Notes!