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About this mod

Adds dozens of new chems with unique effects to the game, along with chem-fillable weapons, visual effects, smokable cigarettes, cross-tolerant addictions, and more. Version 031.

Permissions and credits
Better Living Through Chems v.0.3.2 (Shpongled)



- Added Followers Relax compatibility to Jericho
- Make new syringe weapon entries for NPCs (fixes infinite needle glitch)
- Added FOOK compatibility for the Dart Gun (BLTC handling for WeapPLxDartGun)
- Changed beginning chest to contain random medicines
- Changed Venom Dart Gun to deal damage per second instead of immediately
- Weight to chems: (plus other changes);RadAway: .1; RadX: .2; Stimpak: .15 (changed value to 50); Nuka Cola: .5 (set back to food item); Super Stimpak: 2 (set value to 300); Cave Fungus: .2; Fire Ant Nectar .25 (now satisfies ant nectar cravings)
- Renamed XanderRoot to bltcXanderRoot, helps prevent RI conflict
- Adjusted visuals for Voodoo and 2C-E

Users updating to version .3.2 may have a problem if their player is currently affected by Broc Poisoning (stimpak addiction). It is recommended you cure the effect at a doctor or with the Coldturkene chem before updating.

Please do not use bltcstim.esp or bltcNCA.esp with this version, as they are incompatible. They have been replaced by a different plugin, check out the installation directions for details.

BLTC now intergrates Better Booze ( so if you like the way the new alcohol looks, please give CptJoker your vote.

This mod is best played with a new game, but it will work with existing saves. The changes made by the mod will not take effect in preloaded cells until the cell resets.

Installing BLTC:

To install this mod, simply extract the archive to your "\Fallout 3\Data" folder. Let it overwrite if it wants to. Then activate "bltc.esp" in the Data Files section of your favorite Fallout 3 launcher. That's it. You're ready to go, if you want.

There are four additional .esp files, you may activate them if you wish, but they are not required.

Immersion Patch.esp - Removes the sci-fi sound and visual effects from addiction and chems wearing off. Much better that way, in my opinion.

No Visual Effects.esp - Disables hallucinogenic visuals from chems. Better for low-end systems or if you just plain don't want them.

No Overdosing.esp - Disables the kill script when player overdoses, allowing the player to take as many chems as they want without dying. Unrealistic.

Less Addictions.esp - Removes addictions from Stimpaks, NukaCola, RadAway and Rad-X. This plugin replaces the older bltcstim.esp and bltcNCA.esp files, and they should not
be used any longer.

Make sure the optional plugins load after BLTC.esp.

If you are updating from version 0.2.6 or below, first follow the installation instructions as written above. Then, remove bltcstim.esp and bltcNCA.esp from your load list, or existence.

What This Does:

This mod adds several dozen fictional and real-world alcoholic drinks and chems, many with unique effects, to all chem and liquor related leveled lists of Fallout 3. So, they spawn everywhere the vanilla chems do, and in locations appropriate to the chem in question.

Chems affect the body and the mind. Like all good things, too much is bad.
Some of these chemicals can be used to fill empty syringes, or Dart Gun toxin feeds, to be unleashed upon your enemies. Others may be used to fill up empty hypos left over from Stimpak use. They can help save your life or help end another's.

Alternatively, you can sell them - chemical assistance is in high demand by the suffering remains of humanity. Maybe you'll just keep them, and use them to help you save the world... or destroy it. Maybe you'll just have fun with them. Be warned, addiction and death may await the unwary.

Where to find these spawns of modern medicine? Good old Doc Church won't sell you cocaine, but he'll sell you some Coldturkene to cure your habit. You'll have to get your buzz from a dealer.

Unlike a Pre-War street drug, these chems are often medical grade and very pure. After the bombs fell, the street trade withered, but more than enough chems survived in hospitals, pharmacies and laboratories for the survivors to scavenge and make use of them for ages.

Steps have been taken to ensure that balance was retained. The drugs have been priced similarly to the vanilla ones - most cost about 20 and the very rare ones cost about 50. The chems with more potent physical effects will usually carry more debilitating addictions. None of the added chems are stronger (per se) than the vanilla ones - just different.

Abridged List of Features:

- Fill syringes, hypos and dart guns with various chemical substances and unleash them on your enemies with various effects.

- Psychedelic and dissociative drug visuals (optional)

- Smokable cigarettes

- Blood toxicity and overdosing effects (optional)

- Toxic/Addictive Stimpak, Rad-X, RadAway and Cola (optional)

- Addictions caused by one drug can be appeased by any drug that shares that addiction type.

- Diazepam and Clonazepam will reduce the weapon wobble when zooming with a scoped weapon, as well as increasing accuracy in VATS.

- Cave Fungus (probably ergot) now produces a psychedelic effect upon consumption.

- Activates Bethesda-made Ant Nectar visuals. It is similar to Night Eye from The Elder Scrolls.

- Super Stimpaks added to Brotherhood and Enclave chem loot.

- Withdrawal to certain chems (I.E. benzodiazepenes, opiates, and cocaine) will cause an intermittent concussion-type effect until the player either satisfies their craving, gets treatment, recovers with time, or dies.

- A mercenary guard in the Megaton clinic

- More difficult to get addicted to substances; most now require repeated extended use

- Hematophages become euphoric from consuming Blood Packs

The Chems

Added alcohol courtesy of CptJoker71:

Black Velvet Whiskey, Blatz Beer, Booze (classic Fallout beverage), Budweiser Beer, Crown Royal Whiskey, Gamma Gulp Beer, Rot Gut, Jack Daniels Whiskey, Jim Beam Bourbon, Prestige Vodka, Pre-War Red and White Whines, Roentgen Rum, and Smirnoff Vodka.

Vanilla alcohol renamed:
Whiskey -> Old Royale
Vodka -> Moonshine Vodka
Beer -> Lambic Beer
Wine -> Cooking Sherry
Scotch -> Homemade Scotch

2CB is a powerful empathogen causing visual distortions, mystical thinking, and euphoria.
EFFECTS: Visuals, +3 luck, +2 Intelligence, +1 Perception

2CE is a strong entheogen that triggers potent visual effects, delusion, and a heightened awareness.
EFFECTS: Visuals, +2 luck, +3 Perception

2CI is a psychedelic that provides intellectual stimulation, a sense of synchronicity, and visual distortions.
EFFECTS: Visuals, +5 luck

After Burner Gum contains moderate doses of methamphetamine, cinnamon and sugar.
EFFECTS: AP+10, Damage Rads

Alprazolam causes extreme muscle relaxation, sedation and mental slowness.
EFFECTS: Damage Resistance +25, Fire Resistance +25, AP -30, Agility -4, Intelligence -2, Cures Visuals

Amphetamine causes enhanced focus and CNS stimulation.
EFFECTS: Repair & Science +15, AP +15

Aspirin comes from a tree, and it dulls pain.
EFFECTS: Increased Damage Resistance 5%

Clonazepam causes moderate muscle relaxation and mental slowness.
EFFECTS: Increased Damage Resistance 25%, Agility -2, AP -20, Steady Aim, Stop Visuals

Cocaine speeds the metabolism and stimulates the brain's reward center.
EFFECTS: Damage Head 10, Agility +3, AP +10, Stop Visuals

Coldturkene is that "pre-war stuff" the doctors talk about.
EFFECTS: Cures all addictions immediately

Diazepam is an addictive but low potency muscle relaxant.
EFFECTS: AP -10, Damage Resist +9, Steady Aim, Stop Visuals

Diet Mentats are made with aspartame instead of sugar. I dunno. Regular Mentats look sugary to me.
EFFECTS: Intelligence & Perception +2, Rads +5

Heroin is a potent and highly addictive painkiller.
EFFECTS: Agility and Strength -2, Damage Resistance 50%

Ibuprofen is a synthetic non-steroidal anti infammatory often called Advil.
EFFECTS: Increased Damage Resistance 5%

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic similar to PCP when taken in low doses.
EFFECTS: Increased Carry Weight +50, Agility -5, Perception -5, Visuals

MDMA provides euhporia, emotional awareness, and a sense of excited tranquility.

Methadone is an opioid compound commonly used to manage opiate addiction.
EFFECTS: Agility -1, AP-10, Damage Resistance +10

Methamphetamine is a dangerously addictive and potent stimulant.
EFFECTS: AP+30, Damage Health 10

Methaqualone is an outdated antispasmodic depressant that is often consumed for its euphoric effects.
EFFECTS: AP-30, Energy Resistance +25, Agility -3, Cure Visuals

Morphine is what Med-X was called before the Australian government gave Bethesda the boot.
EFFECTS: Damage Resistance 25%

Phencyclidine is a dissociative anesthetic used first on humans, then on animals, and then by humans.
EFFECTS: Damage Resistance 25%, Endurance +5, Perception -4, Visuals

Phenobarbital is a muscle relaxant used offensively by thugs and secret agents alike.
EFFECTS: AP-30, Cold Resistance +25, Carry Weight -20, Intelligence -2

Sativex is the vaporous extract of cannabis flowers, and provides euphoric relief for radiation symptoms.
EFFECTS: Charisma +1, Rad Resist +15, mild visuals

Tobacco cigarettes are cheap, common, and well-known for their deleterious effects.
EFFECTS: Charisma +1, Rads +5, AP +5, Speech + 10

Thorazine is an antipsychotic sedative with a paralytic effect.
EFFECTS: Ends hallucinations, 15 second paralysis, AP -20. Thorazine lasts one minute longer than all other chems.

Voodoo is a vile draught containing the pulpified endocrine glands of mutated creatures.
EFFECTS: Agility +2, Critical Chance +25, Luck +3, Damage Resistance +20, Visuals*
*Voodoo visions cannot be interrupted by known medicine.

When used as weapons:

- Heroin will quickly kill all but the most hardy individuals.

- Thorazine and Methaqualone cause the victim to keel over helpless for a short time.

- Alprazolam and Phenobarbital stun the victim and stuns them for a brief period.

- Methamphetamine will poison the victim after sending them into a violent rage.

- PCP, Voodoo or Ketamine make the victim unable to distinguish friend from foe and will attack anyone in the vicinity.

- MDMA makes a person blissful and unable to respond normally to dangerous situations.

- 2C-B, 2C-E and 2C-I each cause the victim to experience terrifying visions and bodily sensations. The slightest thing will frighten them.

- Clonazepam and Diazepam will each calm the victim if they are combative or affected by another chemical.


This is a growing consideration for me. One of the first things I intend to do for this mod is to write in some better compatibility with other mods affecting chems.

BLTC is incompatible in various ways with other mods that edit cigarettes, addictions, and the chem related level lists, unless a patch file of some sort is introduced into the load order. I intend to pursue this for a number of mods I like using.

The following mods need to be loaded AFTER BLTC.esp in order to work fully:

kschenk's RealInjuries
- Orfevs has a patch here:


XFO Balance Overhaul
- XFO_drugs_rarity .esp will conflict slightly

Loading these and other similar mods after BLTC can have some effects:

- Other mods affecting the Doctors quest may prevent doctors from curing BLTC addictions.*
- Other mods affecting My First Laboratory can prevent it from curing BLTC addictions.*
- Sedatives currently only improve skill with vanilla scoped weapons.
- Syringes used on NPCs wearing armor added by mods will pierce the armor unless the author has added the armor to the form list "AnimationRestrictedArmor."

*All addictions can be cured with the Coldturkene chem, regardless of where they came from.


Each version is tested before being uploaded, but issues can get through, so please let me know if you find any. I'll keep fixing glitches as long as people are finding them. Tell me all your problems.

If you have any questions or comments about the mod, you can find me across the Internets at [email protected]. Please don't hesitate to tell me about something amiss; many of the glitches I've had to fix have been found by other players.

Read the ReadMe!

Near Future Agena

- Address stacking damage resistance effect for painkillers
- Custom addiction handling
- More unique effects for player characters stabbed by chem weapons
- New textures
- Patches for compatibility
- Expanded laboratory functionality
- Static loot in appropriate locations (once Beth fixes that persistant ref bug)
- Sound modulations for hallucinogens
- Hemp farmers in Oasis. Someday...

Thanks Be To:

I give special thanks to CptJoker71 for making Better Booze textures and allowing me to use them. I also thank Orfevs for making the RealInjuries compatibility patch, Corwin for first reporting the Alprazolam bug, moist369 for first reporting the doctor addiction issue, SullaFenix for reporting the inflated chem values, 0lmus for the Super Stimpacks, Sean Blackwell for prompting me to learn how to make retexture models, LightShadeInc for the notion of more immersive addiction effects, richiecunningham for pointing out the Laboratory addiction cure, zpj for motivating me to make cigarette smoke, igmolicious for ideas regarding chem weapons, harkura and SilasWolfe for the Metal Gear Solid - style Diazepam/Clonazepam effect, Bethesda for the GECK and for giving Fallout new life, everyone who has given me feedback, and everyone who likes this mod.

Until next time.
