Name:       SKK FastStart new game
ModFile:    SKKFastStart.ESP
Platform:   Fallout 4 (PC, XBOX)
Author:     [email protected]
Date:       Jan 2018
Version:    001 onwards

Starting new games in Fallout 4 can be prone to issues and errors as the new game start is super fragile with heaps of gotchas that mod authors (and Creation Club) do not appreciate. End user symptoms are:

(a) System runs slow so animations (like the vault door) fail to play or quest dialog triggers fail (like Codsworth in Sanctuary or raiders in Concord). This is caused by too many quests and scripts trying to start up all at once, especially at Vault 111 elevator exit.

(b) Quests and scripts do not trigger because ALT start mods dont set the startup quest conditions to let other content know its done.

(c) Mod added inventory items like holotapes never appear in inventory because the base game clears the player inventory several times during startup in prewar Sanctuary, so mods that don't allow for this and just stuff the player inventory when they initialise are lost.


(1) I am just running the base game  

Having published a Fast Start New Game solution that makes it easier for players to start new games fast, the number of new games now being generated exposes issues with the way mod authors are adding items to the player inventory. This is what the unmodfied base game does:

Main Quest MQ101 Pre-War Sanctuary Stage(0) during the transition from the Game Menu > Intro Video > Mirror Scene the quest script calls function PlayerREF.RemoveAllItems() so any mods that have already added player inventory through a player quest alias, OnInit() or OnQuestInit() script events will be lost.

Main Quest MQ101 Pre-War Vault Stage (900) Move Player to Postwar Vault the quest script calls function PlayerREF.RemoveAllItems() again so any mods later in the load order that do actually manage to place stuff in the active player inventory will then be cleared out between MQ101 Pre-War clean Vault and MQ102 Post-War dirty Vault. 

This is why many mods can't add suff to a new vanilla game and you need to grovel around with [ help ] and [ additem ] console commands. 


(2) I am running an ALT or fast start mod  

Many ALT or Fast start mods bypass MQ101 Pre-War Sanctuary and MQ102 Out of Time quests so their quest stages are never set or marked as completed. Thoughtful mods that try to wait for those completion or stage set triggers will never start/populate inventory.

SKK FastStart New Game intercepts MQ101 at Stage(20) to take control and bypass the Stage(900) inventory clear down, but, any top of load order mods that are unaware of this new game condition will have already lost their stuff at Stage(0). Forever in time, like tears in the rain. It sets MQ101 quest completed and MQ102 vault exit stages 10 and 15 as completed.

SKK SyntheticPlayer intercepts MQ101 at Stage(0) by hacking modifying base game scripts to take control and bypass all stages so the inventory is never cleared. It sets MQ101 quest completed and MQ102 stages 0, 10, and 15 as completed.


(3) Vault 111 exit bottleneck WARNING

Many well crafted mods are using MQ102 Stage(10) "Vault exit elevator" or Stage(15) "Radios on" to start their processing, and now Creation Club content also seems to kick ALL OF ITS QUESTS AT ONCE here as well. Some sort of throttling is in order (technical and metaphorical).

 "If only someone would do something about the apathy here"

This has lead to massive backlogs in quest event processing, to the point where the main quest MQ102 can take several minutes to return stages which can miss scenes and triggers. The player can sprint to Sanctuary, trip all manner of out of sequence triggers and glitch Codsworth dialogue before MQ102 has caught up.

I have had to re-architect SKK FastStart from a sweet and simple linear single script to split multi thread at vault exit to get my unfair share of resource time, just to try and shutdown and clear space for all this nonsense.

As you can't count on any MQ102 stages firing with most ALT and FAST start mods bypassing them, plus the vault exit bottleneck, mod authors should have a fallback of player location changes in the world using the OnLocationChange event. Be aware that the Vault111 location spans both the internal vault and the external vault elevator areas, so it will not trigger until the player is moving down the hill.

If you are a mod author and unsure what all this is about, please reach out to me and help reduce your mod users bitching about your inventory problems that SKK FastStart or SyntheticPlayer is exposing (no, not causing).

 "If only someone would do something about the irony here"


(4) Robust new game start script

This is the model script that over 50 different SKK solutions use to give the player confguration items at the right time whilst coping with many and varied new game start conditions. EXCEPT if starting a game using an ALT start mod that does not set MQ102 stages AND is in an interior OR a worldspace other than Commonwealth as that combination of conditions is logically undetectable (NOT prewar Sanctuary, NOT prewar Vault 111 interior, NOT postwar Vault 111 interior & etc):


Scriptname SKK_ModelQuestScript extends Quest


Actor      Property pPlayerREF     Auto Const Mandatory
Quest      Property pMQ101         Auto Const Mandatory
Quest      Property pMQ102         Auto Const Mandatory
Worldspace Property pCommonwealth  Auto Const Mandatory

Bool bAddInventoryDone = FALSE ;one time switch


Event OnQuestInit()
   If (pPlayerREF.GetWorldspace() == pCommonwealth)
      AddInventory() ;Player is in the world
   ElseIf (pMQ102.GetStage() >= 10)
      AddInventory() ;Player is on V111 elevator
   ElseIf (pMQ102.GetStage() >= 0)
      AddInventory() ;Player is in V111 cryo - remove if too early for your mod.
   ElseIf (pMQ101.IsCompleted() == True)
      AddInventory() ;Game is past MQ101 RemoveAllItems quest stages - remove if too early for your mod.
      Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(pMQ101, "OnStageSet")
      Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(pMQ102, "OnStageSet")
      Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(pPlayerREF), "OnLocationChange")


Event Quest.OnStageSet(Quest akSender, int auiStageID, int auiItemID)
   If (akSender == pMQ101) && (auiStageID > 900) ;past the last MQ101 inventory clear-down.
      AddInventory() ; stuff that can be available in V111 (although no Pipboy to activate) 
   ElseIf (akSender == pMQ102) && (auiStageID >= 0)  ;player wakes in cryo pod.
      AddInventory() ;stuff that can be available in V111 (although no Pipboy to activate) 
   ElseIf (akSender == pMQ102) && (auiStageID >= 10) ;v111 elevator exit.
      AddInventory() ; stuff that shoud only be available in the world.


Event Actor.OnLocationChange(Actor akSender, Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc)
   If (pPlayerREF.GetWorldspace() == pCommonwealth) ;exiting V111 location. 


Function AddInventory()
   Self.UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(pMQ101, "OnStageSet")
   Self.UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(pMQ102, "OnStageSet")
   Self.UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(pPlayerREF), "OnLocationChange")
   If (bAddInventoryDone == FALSE) ;onetime switch
      bAddInventoryDone = TRUE
      Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(pPlayerREF, "OnPlayerLoadGame") ; for updates
      ;do your stuff


Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender)
   ;do update stuff



(5) Startup script dependencies.

If your solution depends on base game workshops be aware that i
t can take WorkshopParentScript TWO MINUTES from looks menu to complete base game workshop registrations.

A quick 'n dirty new game startup wait test:

While (pWorkshopParent.GetStage() < 20) ; not finished registering.
Utility.WaitMenuMode(5.0) ; scripts are not actually running behind menus.

Or, a more long winded but lower overhead event based test:


If  (pWorkshopParent.GetStage() < 20) ; not finished registering
Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(pMQ102, "OnStageSet")
Event Quest.OnStageSet(Quest akSender, int auiStageID, int auiItemID)
If (akSender == pWorkshopParent) && (auiStageID >= 20)
Self.UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(pWorkshopParent., "OnStageSet")

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