Platform: Fallout 4 (PC, XBOX)
ModFile:  SKKWorkshopUtilities.ESP
ModName:  SKK Workshop Ownership Utilities
Author:   [email protected]
Date:     October 2018
Version:  003 onwards


The master list of workshops managed by the WorkshopParent quest script can become corrupt for many and varied reasons:

(1) Removing a mod/DLC that has added a script registered workshop. WorkshopParentScript.Workshops and  WorkshopParentScript.Locations arrays will have unrecoverable holes.

(2) Mods that improperly register a new improperly configured workshop.

(2) Trying to register more than 128 workshops (a Papyrus script array limit that assigns Workshop IDs).

(3) Mods that mess with base game workshop scripts or Workshop IDs.

(4) Moving a workshop to a different cell/location that doesn't have the right location keywords and is different to that recorded in WorkshopScript and WorkshopParentScript. 

(5) Overlapping workshop tagged world locations. A cell can only belong to one location and a location can only be assigned to one workshop, else the WorkshopParentScript.Workshops and WorkshopParentScript.Locations arrays will not align.

(6) Overwriting workshop location information with other location/cell changes later in the load order that unflag the workshop location and/or change its name. A workshop gets it name from the Location record.

(7) Changing workshop attributes with the console when you have no actual idea what you are doing. The classic incorrect brute force [setpv OwnedByPlayer True] that is constantly cited by the ignorant of reddit IS WRONG. The actual command would be [cf "WorkshopScript.SetOwnedByPlayer" 1] which does set that variable but also does a bunch of other necessary stuff that reddit doesnt seem to know about.

Some symptoms are:

> Resources not being assigned or produced correctly.

> Quests and messages report [...] Location.

> Workshop is not on the assign caravan, move settler or dismiss companion list.

> Base game scripts and mods that use GetWorkshopFromLocation() or IsWithinBuildableArea() fail to work, including the ultra critical WorkshopParentScript.ResetWorkshop function that manages workshop resources.

If you dont know whether your local workshop is or is not WorkshopParent registered as a "settlement" for resource production read Workshop Keyword Test and run that test.


SKK Workshop Ownership Utilities mod can help expose problems if you run [ Detect Workshop Parent Issues ] holotape option. When missing or mismatched workshop ID and Location lists are detected, it will try and figure out where in the list of 30+ workshops the break or misalignment started, and report those workshop location names that seem to be causing the error:



Version 008 onwards of the mod includes a repair option which will try to clean and align the lists. As workshop IDs can not be changed (many many reasons) any holes that can not be repaired because (for example) the original mod injected workshop or location has been removed, are filled with a placeholder workshop and location generated by the repair script. FTLOG DO NOT REMOVE THIS MOD IF YOU HAVE USED THE FUNCTION.


This is not 100% accurate as the base error is a misalignment in the lists so the reported location names may be wrong. Fact is you got fundamental tech issues. To absolutely identify the problem workshops, you need to be PC (sorry consoles).

(1) Enable debug logging

(2) Run the [ Detect Workshop Parent Issues ] option again. 

(3) Using explorer or a file manager open the log file at:
..\Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\Logs\Script\User\SKK_WUTestWorkshopList_NNNNNN.log

(A) Good Records:

Workshop,GOOD,ListIndex,5,WorkshopID,5,WorkshopList,[Location < (000397DC)>],LocationList,[Location < (000397DC)>],[workshopscript < (000E0505)>]
Location,GOOD,ListIndex,5,WorkshopID,5,WorkshopList,[Location < (000397DC)>],LocationList,[Location < (000397DC)>],[workshopscript < (000E0505)>]

(B) Bad records (Workshop List and Location List misalignment):

Workshop,MISSING ,ListIndex,5,[Location < (000397DC)>]
Location,MISSING ,ListIndex,5,[Location < (000397DC)>]  

(4) The most accurate way to identify problem workshops is to check the list of GOOD workshopscript ReferenceIDs and LocationIDs against the list of known Base Game + DLC workshops and see who is missing:  

WorkshopRef , LocationID , Location Name , Worldspace , Sanctuary Distance  , Type02AlwaysExclude
0006F5C5 , 0006B4D0 , Abernathy Farm , Commonwealth , 21909 , 
000B3506 , 00084AB0 , Boston Airport , Commonwealth , 157420 , TRUE
00019956 , 000456FA , Bunker Hill , Commonwealth , 123181 , TRUE
00168945 , 00176926 , Coastal Cottage , Commonwealth , 148721 , 
0009B1DB , 0009B1C3 , County Crossing , Commonwealth , 131269 , 
000E0505 , 000397DC , Covenant , Commonwealth , 84791 , 
001654BD , 0003C0FE , Croup Manor , Commonwealth , 177763 , 
xx038EA8 , xx038EAE , Dalton Farm , DLC03FarHarbor  , -1 , TRUE
xx047DFB , xx051BAD , DLC04WorkshopHoldingCell , Interior , -1 , 
xx01C6AA , xx00F101 , Echo Lake Lumber Mill , DLC03FarHarbor  , -1 , TRUE
00164321 , 00021A7F , Egret Tours Marina , Commonwealth , 161257 , 
0009B19D , 0002648A , Finch Farm , Commonwealth , 141021 , TRUE
0009B18F , 000482CF , Graygarden , Commonwealth , 79635 , 
0009B1F1 , 0009B1C5 , Greentop Nursery , Commonwealth , 111335 , 
001F0711 , 001B8C53 , Hangmans Alley , Commonwealth , 123061 , 
001654CF , 00050C08 , Jamaica Plain , Commonwealth , 178632 , 
001654B8 , 0005A5E4 , Kingsport Lighthouse , Commonwealth , 172239 , 
xx02064C , xx020649 , Longfellows Cabin , DLC03FarHarbor  , -1 , TRUE
0016D28E , 00178E7A , Murkwater Construction Site , Commonwealth , 203283 , 
0009B1BE , 0009B1B5 , Nordhagen Beach , Commonwealth , 167208 , 
xx00BCE7 , xx00BCED , Nuka-World Red Rocket , NukaWorld , -1 , 
0009B1D1 , 0009B1C2 , Oberland Station , Commonwealth , 100012 , 
00024A26 , 00055402 , Outpost Zimonja , Commonwealth , 69162 , 
00054BAE , 00024FAB , Red Rocket Truck Stop , Commonwealth , 13289 , 
000250FE , 0001F228 , Sanctuary Hills , Commonwealth , 0 , 
001E81EA , 0009B1C4 , Somerville Place , Commonwealth , 186306 , 
00161F4B , 0008281C , Spectacle Island , Commonwealth , 218705 , 
0001D0E2 , 00024F96 , Starlight Drive-In , Commonwealth , 48380 , 
001654D5 , 00024FAD , Sunshine Tidings Co-op , Commonwealth , 51187 , 
00135A90 , 00056CBA , Taffington Boathouse , Commonwealth , 95854 , 
0009B1AC , 0009B1B4 , Tenpines Bluff , Commonwealth , 56883 , 
00066EB6 , 00066EBA , The Castle , Commonwealth , 187589 , TRUE
xx000E4C , xx0008A4 , The Mechanists lair , Interior , -1 , TRUE
0009B197 , 0006260D , The Slog , Commonwealth , 131362 , 
xx000FEF , xx003DDF , Vault 88 , Interior , -1 , TRUE
xx00AB20 , xx009353 , Visitors Center , DLC03FarHarbor  , -1 , TRUE
0009B1A5 , 0006260C , Warwick Homestead , Commonwealth , 214610 , 

(xx = DLC/mod position in your load order)

To find the Workshop RefID and Location of mod injected workshops check their documentation, ideally mods would publish the lower bytes of key assets such as the Workshop reference ID and Location ID they add. Or you can look them up in the mod ESP with FO4EDIT/xEDIT:


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