Given time, Orphans will fill your settlements up with a nice array of children and adults.  However, some of us want it now.  For those folk I can provide the following solutions.

In-game option
If functioning properly the Spawn Settler Button should spawn both children and adults:

For both kids and adults

  • Console command to spawn settlers: player.placeatme 00020593 1
  • This will spawn 1 generic settler, change the 1 to any number you like to spawn

For kids only
  • Console codes for boys and girls: xx00a7c5 or xx00a7c6
  • Replace the "xx" with the load order # of the Orphans esp
  • In the console type the following: player.placeatme xx00a7c5 1, this will spawn 1 child. You change the last number to the desired amount of children you wish to spawn
  • After the child is spawned, open up the workshop menu by holding "V". Hover over the child and select "move" and move the child to the settlement of you choosing

Further Explanation/Example
Identify your load order # for the Orphans esp. In my case it would be 66 (see image below)

It is vital you identify the correct number here for this to work. If you
are having problems with this part share a screenshot of your mod
manager's load order.

Then In game and inside a settlement boundary I open console and type the following inside the quotes
"player.placeatme 6600a7c5 1". This will spawn a boy.
Notice the 66 at the front, that's what your load order number for orphans will replace.
To spawn 2 girls I would type "player.placeatme 6600a7c6 2"

Once spawn I will still have to "move" them to the settlement of my choosing before they will function as full settlers.

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  1. Alekzie
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I'm completely lost here, and my Dyscalculia isn't helping lol.
    My Load Order is 99 and my Mod Index number is 13, but I can't manage to spawn any of them (wanna create a family in a settlement). This used to be easier when I wasn't using Vortex.
    Any help would be appreciated

    EDIT: Solved it in the silliest way:
    - Opened console in-game, typed    help settler 4
    - Scrolled up until I found      child settler
    - In my case, the first 2 digits in every 'child settler' result I got started with '18', so I just put      player.placeatme 1800a7c6 1     and   1800a7ac5 1, and I finally got them to spawn.
  2. Truchses
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Reply to:

    1) "i take the mod index instead of the load order number. "
    2) "Consoles not working. my load order is 158 so when i type player.placeatme 15800a7c5 3 nothing happens. it says item 15800a7c5 not found."
    3) "i found that its not the load order but the mod ref next to it that works, should be something like 4a or 8d"
    4) "That's not a valid command for me. Looking for a work-around."

    'Load order number', 'mod index', 'mod ref' is all the same: it's the place of your mod in your load order.
    If you look at the given examples you might recognize that 'a' and 'c' are not valid decimal digits, they are hexadecimal digits. Thus you have to use a hex-value. And as you see in the given example 'xx00a7c5 ' you can only add 2 digits; if you add 3 digits you get a number that is out of the processable range. The highest possible number is FF(hex) = 255(dec), that's the max amount of plugins. In Mod Organizer the left column shows the dec number, the right column shows the hex number, but their value is the same. If you would interprete 158 as hex number: 158(hex) = 1*16*16 + 5*16 + 8 (dec) = 256 + 80 + 8 (dec) = 344(dec), which is beyond the possible plugin number. But with 158(dec) = 9E(hex) = 9*16 + 14 (dec) = 144 + 14 (dec).
    1. alderwiki
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      "Thus you have to use a hex-value. And as you see in the given example 'xx00a7c5 ' you can only add 2 digits; if you add 3 digits you get a number that is out of the processable range. The highest possible number is FF(hex) = 255(dec), that's the max amount of plugins. In Mod Organizer the left column shows the dec number, the right column shows the hex number, but their value is the same. If you would interprete 158 as hex number: 158(hex) = 1*16*16 + 5*16 + 8 (dec) = 256 + 80 + 8 (dec) = 344(dec), which is beyond the possible plugin number. But with 158(dec) = 9E(hex) = 9*16 + 14 (dec) = 144 + 14 (dec)."

      you lost me in all this - it is far from my knowledge base. I understand the concept but not how to then find out the hex number if it's not just listed. I'm using vortex, which as far as I can tell doesn't give the hex as an option to view just the deploy order which is a triple digit number. Thus, out of range for the code referencing...
    2. jim45823
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      If you need the hex-value for load orders over 99, you can always use a search engine like google (for those of us who's head starts to spin when trying to do the math @_@ ).
  3. kadarth
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    IT WORKS!! IT FINALLY WORKS! Oh Sir I'm so happy I can't believe it!

    Seriously tho the mod script line worked for me instead of the load order, but that's ok because at least it is working now.. Thanks to the creator and other posters for the detailed explanation.
  4. amerthegamer33
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    None of the things here work, all of them say Compiled script not saved! what do I do now?
  5. SK3W1989
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, mine is not working at all.

    ?Tried the mod index: player.placeatme 5e00a7c5 1
    also tried load order: player.placeatme 13100a7c5 1

    It says compiled script not saved. Please could you advise if it's maybe the load order?
  6. Aryell
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    player.placeatme 20593 . Then go back in the console, click on the new settler, then use "recycleactor"
  7. simplyeasy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    1. Console on PC-Version: Load order will not function, Mod index will do.
    2. xx00a7c5 1 spawns 1 girl, xx00a7c6 3 spawns 3 boys ... where xx is the Mod index
  8. mbrto1
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    this is my go-to resource fo all settler testing
    thank you
  9. DevinJam
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Consoles not working. my load order is 158 so when i type player.placeatme 15800a7c5 3 nothing happens. it says item 15800a7c5 not found.
    1. tankok1998
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      i found that its not the load order but the mod ref next to it that works, should be something like 4a or 8d
  10. mlmlars
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    i take the mod index instead of the load order number.