Stealth Mode

Whirly has a basic mini-quest to acquire "stealth field" technology. This enables him to be stealthy while the player character is sneaking and not "in combat" or while a Stealth Boy effect is active.

The quest begins upon reaching Level 2 and having already exited Vault 111. It is intentionally very basic in order to make it easy to get and be useful for most of the game, yet not be available when initially acquiring Whirly with a new character.

Note that the optional Location Markers are useful for understanding his current location while invisible. For those who generally do not use those markers, there is now an Enable Sneak-Only option which will make the markers appear only when Whirly's stealth field is active.

And of course Whirly will not fight while the player character is sneaking and not yet "in combat". But once the game decides that the player character is "in combat" (meaning discovered by enemies), Whirly will once again be permitted to enter combat, even if the player is still crouching. The exception is Follow No Fighting - when Whirly has his Stealth Field he remains invisible and passive while the player character is sneaking regardless of combat status.

Follow Modes

Unlike other companions that simply follow the player character, Whirly is also able to roam around the general area while the player character is exploring. This "scouting" activity is useful for early detection of threats that would otherwise not be discovered as soon. And switching between Follow modes can provide notable tactical advantages.

-- Follow Roaming: general scouting for potential threats, long range for attacking and pursuing enemies, hampered by tall structures
-- Follow No Roaming: follows closely until combat begins, long range for attacking and pursuing enemies, hampered by tall structures
-- Follow Defending: follows closely, stays nearby, medium range for attacking enemies with little to no pursuit
-- Follow No Fighting: follows closely, does not identify potential threats, does not engage enemies in combat

Recall & Defend

This is an excellent tactical choice for those situations where things start going badly, when Whirly is distant, and closer conflict becomes extra hazardous to your health. Issue Recall & Defend to have Whirly [re]engage nearby enemies at your current position, instead of hoping he returns quickly enough. Note: the Extended Combat Range setting is *not* recommended for Recall & Defend or Follow Defending.

Sentry Duty

When instructed to begin Sentry Duty, Whirly will begin patrolling an area that is centered at the location where you issued the command. He patrols aggressively, attacking potential enemies that venture too close. Whirly remains guarding that area until instructed otherwise. This can be very useful in establishing either a defensive position, or in setting up a crossfire ambush wherein you and Whirly are at separate locations with the enemy being drawn into the trap by whatever tactics you choose, or simply for setting up dual fields of fire.

Other Settings - Extended Combat Range

Whirly's combat range can be extended beyond the original default. Note that this can draw Whirly even farther away from the player's character, and as a result may at times necessitate a tactical Recall to [re]engage nearer enemies if/when closer conflict becomes extra hazardous. Extended Combat Range is *not* recommended for Follow Defending, and may adversely affect Recall & Defend.

Model Resizing

Whirly's vertibird model can be (modestly) enlarged. See the Other Settings selection in the Whirligig Controller display. A good way to compare sizes is to issue a Recall & Wait command, then swivel the camera view so that both your character and Whirly can be seen while changing the model's size.

Land & Wait

When Whirly is instructed to Land & Wait, a mini-helipad is automatically deployed where Whirly will land, and it is assigned a Map Marker. Which means if you are out in the middle of nowhere with no nearby map marker, you can land Whirly, map travel to a destination for whatever purpose, then use Whirly's marker to return. Whirly becomes a portable "return" map marker while landed.

Whirly Engine Noise

If the sound volume of Whirly's engine noise is too loud for you, then try installing this: Whirly Audio Patch. It is a temporary "patch mod" that is meant to be a relatively short-term fix since it affects *all* vertibirds, not just Whirly. So use the patch mod only if Whirly's noise is too annoying, and you are willing to have quieter vertibirds overall until a proper fix is created for Whirly's mod in a future update.

Reset Whirly

If Whirly becomes unresponsive (for example is suddenly motionless when he should be flying around), or is otherwise misbehaving, try issuing the Reset Whirly command to see if it resolves the problem. That command is in the Other Settings section of Whirly's controller.

Be sure to create a new saved game *before* using Reset in case other problems occur.

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