Many changes had to be made to make some features work with SS2 and WSFW.
This release is based on 1.1.3 of the SS1 version.

- The auto-open/close options for sliding vault doors have been removed as Workshop Framework's door settings already has them covered.
- Settlement Menu Manager is no longer required as Workshop Framework handles menu injection now.
- Most non-residential plots have been reclassified to fit SS2's new classifications and have had their produced resources/stats standardized.
    - Cool Fusion is now an Advanced Power Plant Municipal Plot
    - Vault-Tec Pump is now an Advanced Water Plant Municipal Plot
    - Gear Door is now an Advanced Defense Martial Plot
    - Holding Cell is now a Basic Defense Martial Plot
    - Vault Holding Cell is now an Advanced Defense Martial Plot
    - Vault Hydroponics is now an Advanced Farm Agriculture Plot
    - Power Gym is now an Endurance Training Recreation Plot
    - Expandable Classroom is now an Intelligence Training Recreation Plot
    - Expandable Restroom is now a Relaxation Recreation Plot
- Added a Vault Power Grid Relay to SS2's Power menu.
    This acts just like a Municipal Power Grid Pylon/Switchbox, but snaps vault walls to provide municipal power through the vault wall power grid.
- Cool Fusion
    - Plot is no longer direct select only and can be selected at random from the Power Plant class options.
    - Plot no longer has a power connector.
        To connect Cool Fusion to the power grid place a Vault Power Relay (or Municipal Power Grid Pylon/Switchbox) anywhere in the settlement and connect it to your power grid.
        To power a vault wall power grid snap a Vault Power Grid Relay to it, or place a normal Vault Power Conduit and connect it to a Municipal Power Grid Pylon/Switchbox.
- Gear Door
    - The entire plot has been flipped and is no longer facing backwards, so now the back of the plot is the back of the door.
    - The ASAM Sensor has been moved to the front-left corner of the plot.
    - The placement helper now automatically selects the Gear Door building plan.
- Vault Hydroponics no longer has a level 4.

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