Reinforcement Radio Base Edition
Updated for v3.0.0
The base edition of the mod is the building block for the other variations. Reliant only on Fallout4.esm and purposefully trying not to customise or edit too much it is designed for the Minutemen Militia Squad call in to hopefully be compatible with most other Minutemen mods out of the box. Example load order:

ReinforcementRadio - Base.esp

It features the radio item that when used allows reinforcements to be called from the following factions:

  • Gunners
  • Minutemen

Each faction has a unique set of squads / teams that can be called in to support the player. These are explained in further detail below, along with explaining any criteria that may be required for their availability.

Dependencies recap

Gunner Faction
The Gunners are implemented in a way that they are not hostile to the player during or after the hiring period. They are different to other factions reinforcements in that there is a caps cost for every time you request support. The following Squads are available:

Gunner Squad

Gunner Squad

Image here

Minimum Player level: 5
Squad size: 4
Call in cost: 300 caps
Task duration: 5 mins (real time)
Cooldown period: 12 hrs (ingame)

Squad and equipment composition:
Levelled Gunners: 4
Weapons: based on Gunners levelled lists


Gunner Sniper Team

Gunner Sniper Team

Image here

Minimum Player level: 15
Squad size: 2
Call in cost: 500 caps
Task duration: 5 mins (real time)
Cooldown period: 12 hrs (ingame)

Squad and equipment composition:
Levelled Gunner Snipers: 2
Weapons: Sniper Rifles based on Gunners levelled lists


Gunner Power Armour Team

Gunner Power Armour Team

Image here

Minimum Player level: 35
Squad size: 3
Call in cost: 1000 caps
Task duration: 5 mins (real time)
Cooldown period: 12 hrs (ingame)

Squad and equipment composition:
Levelled Gunner: 1
Levelled Gunner Boss (PA): 2
Weapons: Weapons based on Gunners levelled lists


Minutemen Faction
The minutemen are originally the focus of the mod, the idea is that the squads called in using the radio are to supplement the flaregun rather than outright replace it. Acquiring Minutemen squads differs from the Gunners in that once the initial training costs have been met calling in the reinforcements is free. This is to simulate the expansion of the Minutemen as the game progresses and the factions 'grows' through the story. Each squad has a player level and global settlement population requirement before it can be used. This system is done through the Master Drill Sergeant,  a new unique character introduced with the mod.

Master Drill Sergeant

Master Drill Sergeant

Image here

The Drill Sgt will appear at The Castle after the completion of the Minutemen quest 'Old Guns'. He arrives randomly at some point between 12 - 48hrs (game time) after he hears the artillery fire and the relaunch of the Minutemen Radio.

Currently he has a default vendor voice set, through interaction with him you can access his barter menu that will allow the acquisition of training manuals that when used 'unlock' that squad type to be called in via the radio. There is a misc quest that will alert you to when new training manuals are ready for collection.

Militia Section

Militia Section

Image here

Minimum Player level: 0
Population required: 0
Squad size: 6
Training cost: None
Task duration: 5 mins (real time)
Cooldown period: 12 hrs (ingame)

Squad and equipment composition:
Levelled Minutemen: 6
Weapons: Weapons based on levelled list

Increase Squad size: +2

Infantry Section

Infantry Section

Image here

Minimum Player level: 0
Population required: 10
Squad size: 6
Training cost: 300 caps
Task duration: 5 mins (real time)
Cooldown period: 12 hrs (ingame)

Squad and equipment composition:
Infantry Sergeant: 1
Infantry Soldier: 5
Weapons: Hunting Rifles, Laser Muskets, SMGs, CombatRifles
Armour: Leather

Increase Squad size: +2

Elite Section

Elite Section

Image here

Minimum Player level: 20
Population required: 50
Squad size: 4
Training cost: 400 caps
Task duration: 5 mins (real time)
Cooldown period: 12 hrs (ingame)

Squad and equipment composition:
Elite Sergeant: 1
Elite Soldier: 5
Weapons: Laser Rifles
Armour: Combat Armour

Increase Squad size: +2

Mechanised Infantry Team

Mech Inf Team

Image here

Minimum Player level: 30
Population required: 100
Squad size: 3
Training cost: 750 caps
Task duration: 5 mins (real time)
Cooldown period: 12 hrs (ingame)

Squad and equipment composition:
Mech Inf Sergeant: 1
Mech Inf Trooper (PA): 1
Mech Inf Technician: 1
Weapons: Laser Guns (Sgt and Technician), Minigun or Gat Laser (PA Trooper)

Increase Squad size: +1 (PA)

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