V1.5.2 (and later) Supports Mod Authors creating their own Landing Pads.

The only requirement for a Landing Pad to be recognized by this mod is:

- If statically placed via the CK (say as part of a Settlement expansion mod) it CANNOT be part of a precombine. AND it must have a BaseID of HitExtRoofHelipad01 (STAT:0008B9B2), BOSHelipad01 (STAT:00184FD5), OR have the "FPVertbird:FPVVertipad" script attached to it.
- If it is a Workshop constructable object then it always needs the "FPVertbird:FPVVertipad" script attached to it.
- If it is a 'Portable' landing Pad you carry in your Inventory (Like the craftable "Portable Landing Marker" provided in this Mod) then it also needs to have  the "FPVertbird:FPVVertipad" script attached to it.

Note that in this case (a craftable landing Pad) it will place a Map marker at it's drop point if you set the property bPassive to "False" (the default).
I would recommend setting it to "true" as there can only be one such Map Marker so it would get confusing if you crafted and placed lots of these.

Only Recognized Landing Pads will be used as the prefered destination by the Vertibird for all Menu based flying instructions (Recall, Land, Send to).
The "FPVertbird:FPVVertipad" script is only required on a CK placed landing Pad to make it Recognized if it wasn't already.

I would suggest you just use the existing HitExtRoofHelipad01 (STAT:0008B9B2) or BOSHelipad01 (STAT:00184FD5) statics as the base for CK added landing pads in your mod as then you will not have any dependancies on FPV (so be more useable).

NOTE: If you want Vertibirds to use this CK added landing pad when selected via the Pipboy Map (Like the Helipad on Cambridge PD) you need to ALSO:

- (for statically placed via CK) the Helipad reference must be marked persistent AND the MapMarker reference must have a Linked reference (XLKR) pointing to it using the keyword FastTravelFlightLandingFurnitureLinkedRef (KYWD:0020E8B0)
- (for Landing Pads constructed in the Workshop) having the script "FPVertbird:FPVVertipad" on it will automatically enable this.

Note: Doing this means they work for ALL Vertibirds (mod added Personal ones as well as the in-game VFT supplied by the BoS).

V1.5.2-3 (and later) Supports Landing Lights on Landing Pads.

The requirement is the script "FPVertibird:FPVVertipadLandingLight" be added to the Light/Activator to turn on and off the light effect on that object.
This object can be light(s) you place on (or near) an existing recognized LandingPad, or a recognized LandingPad with built in lights.

Craftable lights are included in the FPVertibird V1.6 (and later) and can be examined to show the principles.
The properties on the FPVertibird:FPVVertipadLandingLight script must correspond to how your light is turned on and off:-

String LightOff - the name of the animation that turns the light off
String LightOn - the name of the animation that turns the light on
String LightOnOccupied - an optional 3rd animation that is only used when the Landing Pad is occupied (uses LightOn if nothing supplied).
Int Mode - The mode of operation:
0 = Turn Light on when Landing Pad is destination for Vertibird (or Vertibird is on the Pad), and Off when it leaves.
1 = Turn Light on when Landing Pad is destination for Vertibird, and then off when it lands.
2 = Turn Light on only when Landing Pad is occupied.
Bool bIntegrated - Set to True If the landing light(s) are part of a Landing Pad Mesh (you will then also need the "FPVertbird:FPVVertipad" script attached)

This script simply uses the Events generated by the FPV_Events source (see article) so you could write your own.

NOTE: If you place Landing Lights via the CK they will NOT work unless you are using FPV 1.6.3 Hotfix 8a or later - sorry.

Note: If the destination is chosen via the Pipboy (as the game does not tell the Vertibird where it is going) then lights are only activated when the vertibird starts it's landing sequence.

Updated: for V1.6.3-8a

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