Fallout 4 key config

Skyrim's controlmap.txt seems to be obsolete in Fallout 4.
Instead, F4SE provides the functionality.


Skyrim has a Skyrim Pad Config, but using it in Fallout 4 breaks the config.
It seems strange that the line that says! Activate cannot be processed.
it seems that there is no choice but to edit directly with a text editor.
It seems that simultaneous pressing is not supported.
Even if I wrote it, it didn't work.
If you change this file, you can reflect it by resetting the key settings to the default on the title screen.

Hotkeys set in MCM

MCM hotkeys are stored together in the following files.


The controller buttons cannot be set in the in-game MCM for some reason, but they can be set by editing this file directly.
The key code can be found on the CK Wiki.

Setting tips

Simultaneous push

Unlike Skyrim, it seems that simultaneous pressing on the game side cannot be realized, so set an arbitrary key for simultaneous pressing on the JoyToKey side, and set that key on the game side.

JoyToKey is free software from Japanese author.

For example, on the JoyToKey side, set G to RB, set H to RT + RB, set attack to G on the game side, set melee attack to H, and leave nothing set to RB.

Compatibility of keyboard and controller

The last column of CustomControlMap.txt is 0x8 or 0x108, but if you leave this as 0 or blank, the keyboard will respond even if you have a controller.

The role of the key changes depending on the situation

The role of the key changes when the crosshairs are aligned with the container.
For example, if you assign a sneak to ↓, you may or may not be able to turn the sneak on or off, so it is better to assign it to a different key such as LT or L3.

MCM hotkeys

Even if LT and RT are set directly to the MCM hotkey, the operation seems to be unstable.
It may or may not be activated even if you hit it repeatedly.
In MCM, it seems good to set keyboard keys and assign keyboard keys to LT and RT with JoyToKey so that they can be used indirectly.
If you assign the same key to the key set in the sprint and the MCM hotkey, the MCM hotkey does not seem to work during the sprint.

Save by opening unused keys

It can be disabled by setting the key to 0xff in CustomControlMap.txt.
You should disable unused features and turn them into mod hotkeys.

Guide button

The stick doesn't seem to work while I hold down the guide button.

Key code set in CustomControlMap.txt


It is written around the 53rd line of CustomControlMap.txt.

Key setting    Value
Left stick     0x000b
Right stick    0x000c
LB             0x0100
RB             0x0200
LT             0x0009
RT             0x000a
A              0x1000
B              0x2000
X              0x4000
Y              0x8000
Above          0x0001
Below          0x0002
Left           0x0004
Right          0x0008
Start          0x0010
Select         0x0020
L3             0x0040
R3             0x0080


Key setting    Value
A              0x41
B              0x42
C              0x43
D              0x44
E              0x45
F              0x46
G              0x47
H              0x48
I              0x49
J              0x4a
K              0x4b
L              0x4c
M              0x4d
N              0x4e
O              0x4f
P              0x50
Q              0x51
R              0x52
S              0x53
T              0x54
U              0x55
V              0x56
W              0x57
X              0x58
Y              0x59
Z              0x5a

Key setting    Value
1              0x31
9              0x39
0              0x30
–              0xbd

I referred to the Keycode constant.

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