In vanilla, Power Armor would spawn in the world at a level equal to the player. This meant that at a certain point all Power armor would spawn as X-01 suits and lower qualities would never spawn. Now Power armor has a chance to spawn at a quality level less than or equal to the player level (and there are increased chances to spawn lower level sets). This means that you can find a greater variety of sets in the world and high level sets are much more rare. Unique sets are untouched, so there is still at least one guaranteed set of X-01 for example.

Prior Fallout franchise games made a big deal of gating access to Power Armor by requiring Power Armor training to use. Since you are required to use Power Armor in a very early quest, this isn't an option. Instead I have created a "soft lock". You can use any set of Power Armor at any point in the game, but you will need ranks in Armorer to repair parts. Unfortunately I can't get the game to display that you need a perk to repair (it just says you don't have the requirements), so this is something you just need to remember.

-Raider Power Armor requires Armorer 2 to repair.
-All other Power Armors require Armorer 3 to repair.
-All Power Armor is more durable to compensate for the increased damage of weapons.
-Raider Power Armor heavily nerfed. It's just scrap wrapped around a frame. Reduced resistances and durability quite a bit, but still better than regular armor.
-You can still use the power armors you find in the game world.
-Higher quality Power Armor types will not show up in the world until much higher levels(X-01 not until 75).
-Power armor that spawns in the world is now "less than or equal" to your level (so T-45 will not stop spawning once T-51 or higher is available).
-Power armor condition rate goes down much slower.
-Power Armor repair requires an additional material type per class making better power armors more expensive to maintiain.
-Vanilla NPC Power Armor took 3x condition damage (meaning it broke much faster). I have changed this to 1x (equal to player durability).

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