
  • For MAIM's lethal headshots to function correctly, your modded weapons and armor must use the correct vanilla keywords.
  • To check if equipment is keyworded correctly, open the MCM, go to MAIM > Misc and enable Show equipped gear on Pip-Boy perks screen, then perform a Force Refresh.
  • The easiest method to add keywords is with the EZ Keywords plugin included in the installer. This allows you to attach keywords in-game at a workbench to any items that have a legendary mod slot (most modded items do).
  • Alternatively you can add keywords manually with a few clicks in FO4Edit.

  • Many mod added weapons will already contain the correct keywords (as some are required for weapon perks) so patching may not be required.
  • Pistols do not need patching; if none of the other keywords are detected, MAIM treats the weapon as a pistol.
  • Standard rifles and shotguns will not need patching 99% of the time.
  • Helmets and sniper/armor-piercing rifles are hit and miss, so may need patching.
  • Anti-materiel rifles will definitely need patching.

Patching Standard Rifles (rarely required)
Standard rifles have an increased chance to penetrate helmets.
  • Open the mod that needs patching in FO4Edit.
  • Open the Weapon tab and click on the weapon you want to patch.
  • Find the Keywords section and right click the blank area next to KWDA - Keywords then click Add.
  • Double click on the new keyword and paste the following entries if they are not already present:
    WeaponTypeRifle [KYWD:0004A0A1]
    WeaponTypeAssaultRifle [KYWD:00226455] (if appropriate)
  • Close FO4Edit and click save.

Patching Shotguns (rarely required)
Shotguns can only penetrate helmets at close range.
  • Open the mod that needs patching in FO4Edit.
  • Open the Weapon tab and click on the weapon you want to patch.
  • Find the Keywords section and right click the blank area next to KWDA - Keywords then click Add.
  • Double click on the new keyword and paste the following if not already present:
    WeaponTypeShotgun [KYWD:0004A0A1]
  • Close FO4Edit and click save.

Patching Sniper/Armor-Piercing rifles
Sniper/armor-piercing rifles will always penetrate standard helmets.
  • Open the mod that needs patching in FO4Edit.
  • Open the Weapon tab and click on the weapon you want to patch.
  • Find the Keywords section and right click the blank area next to KWDA - Keywords then click Add.
  • Double click on the new keyword and paste the two entries if they are not already present:
    WeaponTypeRifle [KYWD:0004A0A1]
    WeaponTypeSniper [KYWD:001E325D]
  • Close FO4Edit and click save.

Patching Anti-Materiel Rifles
Anti-materiel rifles can headshot almost anything at close range, including power armor and deathclaws.
  • Open the mod that needs patching in FO4Edit.
  • Open the Weapon tab and click on the weapon you want to patch.
  • Find the Keywords section and right click the blank area next to KWDA - Keywords then click Add.
  • Double click on the new keyword and paste the following:
    WeaponTypeGaussRifle [KYWD:00226456]
  • Close FO4Edit and click save.

Patching Standard Helmets
Standard helmets offer some protection against small-arms fire.
  • Open the mod that needs patching in FO4Edit.
  • Open the Armor tab and click on the helmet you want to patch.
  • Find the Keywords section and right click the blank area next to KWDA - Keywords then click Add.
  • Double click on the new keyword and paste the following:
    ArmorBodyPartHead [KYWD:0010C418]
  • Close FO4Edit and click save.

Patching Power Armor/Heavy Helmets
Power armor/heavy helmets offer total protection against small-arms fire and some protection against anti-materiel rifles.
  • Open the mod that needs patching in FO4Edit.
  • Open the Armor tab and click on the helmet you want to patch.
  • Find the Keywords section and right click the blank area next to KWDA - Keywords then click Add.
  • Double click on the new keyword and paste the following:
    dn_PowerArmor_Helmet [KYWD:00188174]
  • Close FO4Edit and click save.


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  1. dan005
    • member
    • 0 kudos

      WeaponTypeShotgun [KYWD:0004A0A1] and WeaponTypeRifle [KYWD:0004A0A1] are the same. Can WeaponTypeShotgun [KYWD:0004A0A1] be changed to WeaponTypeShotgun [KYWD:00226454] ?

  2. wangkx23
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Will there be any problem if WeaponTypeSniper [KYWD:001E325D] and WeaponTypeGaussRifle [KYWD:00226456] exist at the same time?
    1. eclix
      • premium
      • 143 kudos
      Sorry, didn't see this. No, that's fine.