FIS - Howto Modify And Extend

So there is the exact specification of the new FallUI item sorting possibilities, but that document is a little dry, isn't it? So here are easier and more specific examples for you!

Some basics

The most important thing is there are two types of configs:

  • Tag configuration - Specifies the [Tag], the icon, subicons and color
    • Put your extension in folder "Interface\ItemSorter\FIS\TagConfiguration.Addons\". All files there will be auto-loaded by FIS.
  • Categorization - Sort your [Tag] into one or more categories
    • Put your extension in folder "Interface\ItemSorter\FIS\Categories.Addons\". All files there will be auto-loaded by FIS.

So now to the howtos:

Recolor a tag icon

The power armor is blue-gray and you don't like it. You want it red! So let's do it.


1) Create a file "MyTags.xml" in this folder:
Tip: You can name the file as you like - just keep the ".xml" at the end.

2) Edit the file with a text editor and paste this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <color name='myred' rgb='255,0,0' />
    <tags iconLibraryFile="FallUI_IconLib.swf">
        <tag keyword="PowerArmor" colorname="myred" />
And voila - Your power armor icon is now red!

  • See this tag overview or file Interface\ItemSorter\FIS (FallUI Item Sorter).xml for existing [Tags]
  • See file Interface\ItemSorter\ColorSets\Default.xml for possible default color names

Change icon of tag

Lets exchange the standard battery symbol for [AmmoEnergy] with an red atom icon!


1) Create a file "MyTags.xml" in this folder:

2) Edit the file with a text editor and paste this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <tags iconLibraryFile="FallUI_IconLib.swf">
       <tag keyword="AmmoEnergy" icon="M8r.Repo.Atom"  colorname="red" />
And voila - Your energy cells are now red atoms.

  • To find the names for icons of FallUI Icon Library see this icon overview
  • See this tag overview or file Interface\ItemSorter\FIS (FallUI Item Sorter).xml for existing [Tags]
  • See file Interface\ItemSorter\ColorSets\Default.xml for color names

Add sub-icon to tag

Add a fancy fire sub-icon to the tag [Grenade]


1) Create a file "MyTags.xml" in this folder:

2) Edit the file with a text editor and paste this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <tags iconLibraryFile="FallUI_IconLib.swf">
       <tag keyword="Grenade" subicon="M8r.Made.Fire" colorname="green,fire" />
And voila - Your grenade has now a new fire subicon.

  • To find the names for icons of FallUI Icon Library see this icon overview
  • See this tag overview or file Interface\ItemSorter\FIS (FallUI Item Sorter).xml for existing [Tags]
  • See file Interface\ItemSorter\ColorSets\Default.xml for possible default color names

Add a new tag

Add a new tag: "MyPistol", can be used in-game as "[MyPistol] Pistol".
Also putting it to the tag-group "pistols" and sorting it before "Pistol".


1) Create a file "MyTags.xml" in this folder:

2) Edit the file with a text editor and paste this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <color name='myred' rgb='255,0,0' />
    <tags iconLibraryFile="FallUI_IconLib.swf">
        <tag keyword="MyPistol" icon="M8r.Fo4Wpn.Pistol"  colorname="myred"
             addto-taggroup="pistols" tagSortBefore="Pistol" />

And voila - Now you have a new tag [MyPistol] with a red pistol icon in your game.

  • See this tag overview or file Interface\ItemSorter\FIS (FallUI Item Sorter).xml for existing [Tags]
  • To find the names for icons of FallUI Icon Library see this overview
  • See file Interface\ItemSorter\ColorSets\Default.xml for possible default color names
  • See file Interface\ItemSorter\FIS\FIS Categories.xml for existing tag-groups and categories

Change a color

So you don't like the default color for clothes. So let's overwrite that color and re-color all clothes!


1) Create a file "MyTags.xml" in this folder:

2) Edit the file with a text editor and paste this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <color name='Clothes' rgb='0,255,0' />

And voila - All tags, which use the color name "Clothes", will now be green.

  • See file Interface\ItemSorter\ColorSets\Default.xml for color names

Add a new Pipboy subcategory

Maybe you have a new tag [MyPistol] and want it to be in its own Pipboy subcategory.
So let's create a new tag group "my_pistols_group" with the icon "Pistol" and the name "«My pistols group»", sort all [MyPistol] items in there and push it to the Pipboy subcategories.


1) Create a file "MyCategories.xml" in this folder:

2) Edit the file with a text editor and paste this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <taggroup id="my_pistols_group" icontag="Pistol" name="«My pistols group»" tags="MyPistol" />
        <tab id='pip_weapons' add-taggroups="my_pistols_group" />

And voila - You have a new Pipboy subcategory containing your new tag [MyPistol].

  • To find the names for icons of FallUI Icon Library see this overview
  • See file Interface\ItemSorter\FIS\FIS Categories.xml for existing tag groups and (sub-)categories

Add a new Container tab

Maybe you have a new tag [MyPistol] and want it to be in its own container tab.
So let's create a new tag group "my_pistols_group" with the icon "Pistol" and the name "«My pistols group»" ,sort all [MyPistol] items in there and make a new container tab from it.


1) Create a file "MyCategories.xml" in this folder:

2) Edit the file with a text editor and paste this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <taggroup id="my_pistols_group" icontag="Pistol" name="«My pistols group»" tags="MyPistol" />
        <tab id='con_my_pistols_tab' src="WEAPONS" icontag="Pistol" taggroups="my_pistols_group" />

And voila - You have a new Pipboy subcategory containing your new tag [MyPistol].

Tip: You may noticed the tag group "my_pistols_group" was used in the previous howto too. You only need to define it once!

  • To find the names for icons of FallUI Icon Library see this overview
  • See file Interface\ItemSorter\FIS\FIS Categories.xml for existing tag groups and (sub-)categories

More tips
  • As you may have noticed, the xml always looks similar, and have the same structure. You can combine same <tags>, for example you can have many <color> in the <colors> section. (Also you must do it, because you can only have one outer <TagCategories>/<TagConfiguration>.)
  • You can edit (existing) xml files while the game is running. Just lower and raise your Pipboy or close and re-open the container to reload the tag configuration!
    • Note: This doesn't work for new files. So if you create a new file, you have to restart once.
  • Also you can take a look at the Demo.xml.dummy files in the "...Addons"-folders. There are many comments in there, and maybe it's easier for you to learn from a working example.

Share your extension

Yes, you can share your extension! And it's easy to do too - So here are the steps:


  • Create a new folder anywhere
  • Create the folder structure beginning from "Interface" for your files. So create "Interface". Go in there. Create "ItemSorter". Go in there. Create "TagConfiguration.Addons" and/or "Categories.Addons".
  • Then put your xml files(s) in the appropriate folder(s)
  • Go up and zip that "Interface" folder. Give it a nice name, like "My FIS" (or rar).
  • Done - You can now share the zip/rar file on Nexus!

Tip: You can create your extension as own mod in your Mod Organizer. That will greatly simplify the development and deploying process.

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  1. ifoxie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What's the difference between adding tags + icons + subicons + color in "FIS (FallUI Item Sorter).xml" and adding tags by creating various additional files in the "TagConfiguration.Addons" folder?

    For example:
    I can add tag with icon, subicon and any color in  "FIS (FallUI Item Sorter).xml" adding just one line like
     <tag keyword="BrotherhoodReconSet" icon="M8r.Fo4Locs.BoS"            subicon="M8r.Fo4Misc.Star"           colorname="myred,gold" />
    And it works.

    Or I can do the same according to the instructions above, but it's more complicated and longer.

    And if there is no color i wanna use in "FIS (FallUI Item Sorter).xml", I also can add color in "Default.xml"

    So can I use this method (edit "FIS (FallUI Item Sorter).xml") instead of instruction above? And are there any negative consequences?
  2. succulentCobOfCorn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How would I go about changing the tags for a modded item? (Flashbangs going in the weapons tab instead of explosives)
  3. Furglitch
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Is there a way to put a tag into a different tab than it's originally in?
    Example: I'd want to put an settings item called ITEM from AID into a custom category called cat in MISC

    Edit: Figured it out, just have to set src="all" in the <tab>
    Edit2: Just noticed, that moves the item into the subcategory but it's still remaining in MISC's 'all' category. Any ideas how to fix that?
  4. Slipnot6ololo
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Dunno why but I tried to add subcategory like in description but it didnt work(
    1. Khundiann
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      I ran into some problems too, but after some searching through the well documented files I got it to work. When I looked through the files of the mod I saw that the code in the turorial differs a bit from what is in the actual files.

      For adding a new subcategory in pipboy it is missing some parameters.. "tab" and "src" , "tab" being the page in pipboy where you want to add your sub category (WEAPON, APPAREL, AID, etc..). And "src" is to define wich class of items should be added to the tab (WEAPON, APPAREL, AID, etc..).

      I'm using it to clean up my inventory after installing Outfit Switcher Hotkey Loadouts and defining some loadouts, it allows you to create 5 items that enable you to switch loadouts on the fly. These are recognized as "APPAREL" items by the game, and after using Complex Item Sorter they were classified as Gloves. So they were among regular clothing in pip boy inventory window.

      I wanted to create a new [Loadout] tag and add it in a new "Equipment Loadouts" subcategory on the "APPAREL" tab in pipboy.

      This is what my MyTags.xml looks like...

      And this is what my MyCategories.xml looks like...

      Note that the "icontag" name in the MyCategories.xml is not the same as from the page referenced in the tutorial, when I used icons from that page for the subcategory the icon didn't show on pipboy. I ended up looking through the original files and choosing an icon that is used for another subcategory already and that worked. The code for the container at the bottom of the MyCategories.xml works for making a seperate tab in the trading interface, it shows up after the "APPAREL" tab in this case.

      P.S.: if you don't feel like fiddling with FO4Edit to change the tags on your items, you can install Rename Anything and rename and hence re-sort things on the fly ingame. I was surprised to see it even has a fancy interface for re-sorting stuff with FallUI and FIS.

  5. scruffyscrode
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm hoping to add a column to the inventory UIs for the calculated value of the components if an item were to be scrapped, any pointers on where to start? I'm a coder but I've never written an FO4 mod before.
  6. MarkVarley
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    It looks like I'm going to be spending way to much of my limited fallout-time experimenting and fiddling with these tags now!
    I do love personalising things!
    Thank you for writing this and the mods behind it all.