If you're using M8r98a4f2's Complex Item Sorter and the Legendary Patcher plugin part of this mod this whole article becomes obsolete because the Legendary Patcher is able to do that automatically.

If you're in the process of creating a mod with custom legendary effects or you're using one and want to make it work with LEO's dynamic slot system you'll find a simply rundown below. The pictures are taken from the Crafting Framework/ECO article. They might not show the exact/current values but should get the point across. The text is accurate, though, and applies 100% to LEO.

Menus and first legendary effect:

1. Select your plugin and Dank_LEO.esp in the starting screen of FO4Edit (or zEdit, but this guide covers FO4Edit only). Once the files are fully loaded, right-click on your plugin and add Dank_LEO.esp as a master to it. Sometimes FO4Edit requires a restart to properly apply the new master.

2. Go to your OMODs (Object Modification) and select the legendary effect you want to alter. In the "Attach Parent Slot" Section add the following keywords (right-click and Add):
  • LEO_ap_ScrapOption
  • LEO_ap_LegendarySlots

3. Done. Your legendary effect is now able to make use of LEO's additional menu/slots.

Second Legendary Effect:

If you want to have your effects also as a second legendary effect you have to create new records:

1. The easiest way to do that is by copying all your existing records for legendary slot 1 ("Copy as new record into...") and adding a pre- or suffix to it.

2. Add the "ap_Legendary_2" keyword to your newly created OMODs for the second legendary effect.

3. Repeat that process for the third, fourth and fifth slot if you want your effect to be available on all of them.

4. Done. Your mod now fully features LEO's functionality.

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  1. Giorno2001
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I don't think this tutorial works anymore
    1. DankRafft
      • premium
      • 1,256 kudos
      Yes, it does. Nothing in that regard has changed since the article was published.
    2. Giorno2001
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      well the keywords don't appear the same to me as in the images and when i "copy as new record into" it says to change the editor id and not the suffix
    3. DankRafft
      • premium
      • 1,256 kudos
      First paragraph of the article:
      The pictures are taken from the Crafting Framework/ECO article. They might not show the exact/current values but should get the point across. The text is accurate, though, and applies 100% to LEO.
    4. Giorno2001
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      and what about all of the other keywords like "LEO_ap_ScrapOption" when copying all existing records? do i keep them there or do i delete them or is there something else to do?
    5. DankRafft
      • premium
      • 1,256 kudos
      By "copying all existing records" you're probably referring to the "Second Legendary Effect" paragraph. No, you don't keep them, they are only meant to be available on the first slot. The other slot's effects (L2 to L5) aren't meant to have any Attach Parent Slots. That image is still up to date. Remove all Attach Parent Slots keywords and just change the Attach Point keyword to the one of the respective legendary slot you've created the effect forms for.
    6. Giorno2001
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      well i did that but the effects still doesn't appear on the l2 slot
      here is some proof
      is there something else that i must do?
    7. DankRafft
      • premium
      • 1,256 kudos
      Yeah, sure, you also have to create new recipes (COBJ form type) for all the new OMODs you created, otherwise the OMODs won't appear in workbenches. And then all the new OMODs have to reference new loose mods (MISC form type) if you want to be able to detach and swap the new effects.
    8. Giorno2001
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      and how can i do that like what's the most easiest way possible? by the way thank you for answering all my questions, it really helps a lot
    9. DankRafft
      • premium
      • 1,256 kudos
      You could copy existing ones, either those for the desired effects in slot L1 or copy the L2 to L5 ones from other legendary effects. It doesn't really matter since you have to modify various categories of all those forms by hand anyway.
    10. Giorno2001
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you, it now works, thank you so much for your help
    11. DankRafft
      • premium
      • 1,256 kudos
      Glad we got that figured out. You're welcome.