As stated in the FAQ article, there are mods that contain recipes for the vanilla legendary effects. Those can cause problems when used simultaneously with LEO (or any other legendary mod). This guide tries to explain how to identify those plugins and resolve the unwanted interactions.
The pictures below are taken from the Crafting Framework guide. The shown content might not fully represent LEO but the associated text is 100% accurate.

1. You need xEdit (FO4Edit in this case). Start it and load your entire plugin list.

2. Once the processing is finished open "Dank_LEO.esp" structure and then the "Object Modification" category.

3. Let's assume the Wounding effect is causing trouble, click on it in the left pane and then the right part of the window should populate. Below that, you can find the "Referenced By" tab, open it.

4. In the reference list, we're specifically looking for records with the COBJ (or Constructible Object) signature. If there's only one COBJ reference, the one from LEO, everything is as it should be and you can stop here.

5. As soon as there are more references than those from LEO you probably have to disable them to prevent unwanted interactions. Double-click on one of them in the list and the record will open. I use one from LEO because I currently don't have another mod installed which would qualify for this case.

6. You should see something similar to what's shown below. In the right pane scroll down until you see the "CNAM - Created Object" entry. Right-click into the value field and hit "Remove".

7. Repeat this process until all duplicate references are removed. Then close xEdit and all altered plugins will get saved. Done.

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