• Some unusual weapon types may need to be forcibly excluded or included in the True Damage system.
 • This is achieved using two keywords which can be added to any weapon:

 • TrueDamageExclusion - forces TD to ignore this weapon. No stats will be altered.
 •  This is typically used to exclude ballistic weapons whose damage should be derived primarily from the receiver, not the ammo itself e.g. bows, crossbows etc.
 •  Bear in mind that any damage present on the ammo that this weapon uses will remain, however, since that can only be edited via a patch.

 • TrueDamageInclusion - forces TD to include this weapon, reducing its damage by 90%.
 • Useful if you want to include any specific non-ballistic weapons.
 • It's worth noting that only physical damage can be added to the ammo record, so patching energy weapons into the TD system will replace their energy damage with physical.
• The only way around this is to add your energy damage via an explosion on the projectile.

1. Open the mod that needs patching AND True Damage.esp in FO4Edit.
2. Expand the Weapon tab and select the weapon(s) you want to patch.
3. Right click and choose Copy as override into....
4. Select <newfile>.esp with the ESL flag only. Name your patch starting with "TD - " then the mod name. E.g. "TD - LString Bow".
5. Right click on your new patch in the left hand column. Select Add Master... then select True Damage.esp.
6. Double click your new patch in the left hand pane and find the copied weapons record(s).
7. Find the row labeled KWDA - Keywords (sorted). On this row, right click the blank space in the rightmost column and click Add.
8. Double click NULL - Null Reference then type either TrueDamageExclusion or TrueDamageInclusion and hit enter.
9. Close FO4Edit and save the patch. If you're using MO2, the patch will be located in your Overwrite folder at the very bottom of your mod list (left pane).


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  1. Cowmoomoonoob
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    I am trying to get this working with DegenerateDak's SMMG mod, but nothing seems to make it work. I initially tried just adding the WeaponTypeBallistic keyword, since it's missing that (for some reason) in the mod, but that didn't work, so I added the TrueDamageInclusion keyword (like in this tutorial) and that also did not work.
    I know that the keywords are actually on the weapon, since I player.wornhaskeyword says 1 for both.
    I tried reinitializing the scripts too, but that didn't work
    Tried a new character, also did not work
    The mod does seem to recognize it as a ballistic heavy gun, because that slider does effect it's damage, but it isn't reducing it's damage, so the SMMG is doing 2000+ damage (around 1300 on new character though)

    I was able to successfully patch a different weapon (Creation Club Gauss rifle) using the inclusion keyword, so the keyword is working.
    1. Pileggi
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Same here.

      edit: Looks like NoRicochet [KYWD:002049E5] is the offending keyword and is stopping true damage from working for whatever reason.
      I removed this keyword and added weapontypeballistic all working great. Hope this helps.
    2. nightcat97
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for saving tons of my time, kind sir. I was about to start messing with each keyword one by one, but you spared me :)
    3. AntarcticMonke
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you all above for your comments, this was the exact weapon I was looking to patch. I might upload the patch to Nexus to help others who might not be so lucky as to see this comment chain :)
  2. SirWumbus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I excluded a weapon from true damage then found a patch for it to work with true damage is there any way to remove my exclusion patch or do I have to make a new inclusion patch to override my exclusion. I think I've broken everything
  3. VertDrak4er
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Well it seems you have to add master to both the original mod and the copy to successfully patch the weapons
    1. IamBlu
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Could you elaborate on this, please? Just got done doing everything in this guide.

      Do you mean I have to add TrueDamage esp. as a master for each respective weapon mod that I tweak?

      Edit: Just tried that, and I don't see the option for adding a master to the weapon file within the esp. file. So, I don't think that was it, lol. I do see the option when I right-click the esp. file, so I am going to try that.