filterByWeapons/Excluded, filterByKeywords/Or/Excluded and filterByHasAmmoFromWeaponList are not connected. They work Independent from each other.


filterByWeapons can be used to specify specific weapons. (multiple separated by ,)

filterByAmmos can be used to filter weapons by ammo type. (multiple separated by ,)

filterByWeaponsExcluded can be used to exclude one or multiple objects. (multiple separated by ,)

filterByKeywords allows you to filter by keywords. The keywords are connected by AND. Multiple keywords need to be separated by ,

filterByKeywordsOr keywords are connected with or. Multiple keywords need to be separated by ,

filterByKeywordsExcluded allows you to exclude keywords. Multiple keywords need to be separated by ,


Fallout4.esm|00092A86,Fallout4.esm|0004A0A0 which translates to:
search for a weapon, which has keyword WeaponTypeBallistic [KYWD:00092A86] AND WeaponTypePistol [KYWD:0004A0A0]

filterByHasAmmoFromWeaponList is set by the ammo patcher and you can group ammo types into two categories: "pistol" and "rifle"


fullName allows you to change the full name of the object. The new name has to be written between ~~

attackDamage allows you to change the attack damage of the weapon.

damageTypesToChange allows you to add/change the damage types of the weapon
Example: filterByWeaponsFallout4.esm|00004822:damageTypesToChange=Fallout4.esm|00060A81=25

damageTypesToRemove allows you to remove the damage types of the weapon
Example: filterByWeaponsFallout4.esm|00004822:damageTypesToRemove=Fallout4.esm|00060A81

bashDamage allows you to change the bash damage(secondary damage) of the weapon.

weight allows you to change the weight of the weapon.

value allows you to change the caps value of the weapon.

coneIronSightsMultiplier allows you to change the coneIronSightsMultiplier value of the aim model of the weapon.

recoilDiminishSpringForce allows you to change the recoilDiminishSpringForce value of the aim model of the weapon. 

recoilPerShotMin allows you to change the recoilPerShotMin value of the aim model of the weapon. 

recoilPerShotMax allows you to change the recoilPerShotMax value of the aim model of the weapon. 

attackActionPointCost allows you to change the VATS action point cost of the weapon.

weaponHitType allows you to change the VATS action point cost of the weapon.

soundLevel allows you to change the VATS action point cost of the weapon.

outOfRangeDamageMult allows you to set the out of range damage multiplier. (Reduced damage at certain distances.)

keywordsToAdd allows you to add keywords(multiple) to the weapon(This is NOT for APPR - Attach Parent Slots)

keywordsToRemove allows you to remove keywords. You can add multiple and they have to be separated by , (This is NOT for APPR - Attach Parent Slots)

aimModel allows you to set a new aim model for the weapon

setNewAmmo allows you to set a new ammo for the weapon

overrideProjectile allows you to set a new ammo for the weapon

setNewAmmoList - sets the NPC Add Ammo List. This is the ammo NPCs will get when they receive a weapon.

attachParentSlotKeywordsToAdd - allows you to add keywords(multiple) to the weapons APPR

attachParentSlotKeywordsToRemove - allows you to remove keywords(multiple) from the weapons APPR

Example strings:

// WeaponTypeBallistic [KYWD:00092A86]
// WeaponTypePistol [KYWD:0004A0A0]
// 10mm "10mm" [WEAP:00004822]
// Ammo44 ".44 Round" [AMMO:0009221C]

//Patches the 10mm weapon and changes the ammo to .308 and also sets the .308 ammo leveled list

//Patches the 10mm weapon and sets its damage to 33 and its secondary damage/bash damage to 40

//Patches the 10mm and .44 weapon and sets its damage to 33 and its secondary damage/bash damage to 40

//Patches all weapons and set their damage to 8 and their secondary damage/bash damage to 9999

//Patches only weapons, which have the keywords WeaponTypeBallistic [KYWD:00092A86] AND WeaponTypePistol [KYWD:0004A0A0] and set their damage to 50

//Patches the 10mm weapon and adds two keywords to it: WeaponTypeBallistic [KYWD:00092A86] and WeaponTypePistol [KYWD:0004A0A0]

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  1. LOLMAN6541
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How can i increase the magazine or ammo count on the weapon?

  2. Gkir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Two questions:
    Is there a way to Filter All Weapons, not a specific formid, like how the Object Modification works?

    Then is there a way to multiply a property, a for example 'weapon base' weights, by a specific value? Say 1.5.
  3. Fantafaust
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Is it really necessary to have even unused operations on a line? the last few examples seem to imply that even though previous examples don't look like that.

    EDIT: it is not necessary