This Script is to find previsbine conflicts in your Load order/selected mods and optionally build a seed mod that can be used to rebuild previsbines to correct these issue. Can also be used to build Previsbines for new mods (even for PRP).


To run this script first load ALL the plugins in FO4Edit you want the script to consider when it is working, then select the plugin(s) that contain the CELL records you want to check/generate Previs for. This will normally not be all the plugins you loaded into FO4Edit.. .HOWEVER, you can run it on everything simply by selecting "Process complete Load Order" option (ignoring what you selected).

You can even run this script on just a small part of a single mod (say a worldspace or or a single cell) to check/fix Previsbines for just
those cell(s).

Note 1: The mod(s) you select when you run this script ONLY determines the CELLs it will check, it will always look at the full Mod override list for these cells, so ALWAYS load up ALL the mods that influence those cells and their references. It is not the winning override that determines what a Cell looks like - EVERY override contributes, so every mod that effects a cell needs to be loaded in FO4Edit.

Note 2: If the above CELLs are actually Exterior ones then the script actually processes ALL the cells in the Cluster(s) those cells belong in - as they are all interreleated  by their shared Previs.

Note 3: The script has an option "Process Complete Load Order". If this is ticked then your plugin/Cell selection is ignored, and every Mod/cell is checked. Be careful this is NOT checked if you want to run against a single Mod/Cell etc.

FOR INSTANCE - if you use PRP then ALWAYS load FO4edit with PRP (and any of the PRP extra's you use), as well as the mods you wish to check for conflicts between, but ONLY select the mods you are interested in checking/fixing - to run the script against (otherwise every cell in the game will be checked - as that is what PRP contains!).

If you DO wish to check/fix Previsbine issues for your ENTIRE load order, then load everything (the default when you start FO4Edit) and just tick "Process Complete Load Order".

Note 4: This script does a deep scan - including looking in all the Archives - so can take a while if you end up selecting mod(s) with lots of Cells.

What is Checked:

It's logic is quite complex, but basically checks that Cell precombined references were not updated (overridden) after it's corresponding precombine mesh (nif) was built, and the previs for a cluster was created from the one set of consistent member cell precombines (no other mod supplied new precombines).

There is a LOT more checking than this (as date comparison's between mods is useless), but a basic assumption is the physical previsbine files MUST be in the archive of the mod that they were generated for (owning mod) AND that the CK was used to generate/update the PCMB/VISI fields.

I do not support loose previsbine files, or mods that contain previsbine files that they have no CELL records for. This messes up the 'chain of evidence' for conflict detection.

Extra checking/Fixing is included to verify all regions added by mods are included in the winning override, and MHDT/EDID/Location/Weather/Lighting/Fog information is not deleted by the winning mod.

Seed Building:

Building a Seed involves this script creating an Esp containing every CELL that an error was reported on, in such a way that the CK will be induced to create new precombines for those cells. It also needs to include any other CELLs in the same Clusters for building Previs (otherwise the CK will add them itself, and occasionally gets this wrong).

A seperate seed is built (rather than using an existing mod) as the CK will rebuild Precombines/Previs for ANY cell it finds a REFR on (in that mod only) - which may not need rebuilding - and does NOT rebuild precombines on cells without such a REFR (even if it needs to). The Seed method gives full control.

So when building a Seed this script follows the rule that the seed needs a Cell with at least one REFR to cause the CK to rebuild precombines for
it, and a Cluster needs at least one such member cell to force Previs (uvd) to be built. So the Seed will also include overrides of REFR's for this purpose.

The Seed will contain the latest override for every cell, Cluster member, worldspace, and REFR it includes, as well as as masters for EVERY mod it needs.
This means, when used via the CK for batch previsbines builds, there will be NO broken references/XPRI (unlike when using the CK normally), and ONLY the seed needs to be loaded into the CK (or FO4Edit) as all other needed Mods will be automatically loaded too (as they are Masters).

To resolve a few other issues with the CK, the seed will also include:

  • All CELLs needing  overrides to restore missing Regions/MHDT/EDID/Lighting/etc information
  • All References that require an explicit Matswap will be included (so no extra xedit scripts required).
  • All references with bad Header Dates (VCI1) - overriden to have that date set to 'today'
  • All references with Alpha Blending (are set to No Precombine) as precombining them breaks Alpha blending (such as wear on pictures)
  • Any Persistent References that have been included (incorrectly) in Exterior precombines (are set to No Precombine)

The references used purely to force Precombine generation, for Matswaps, or to force their exclusion from Precombines,  are marked with EDID of "Pleaseremove" so they can be later cleaned out easily (via my automated generatePrevisbines command procedure). They are NOT to be left in the Seed once it has been tiuned into a proper Previsbine Patch mod via the CK.

(Interactive) Run options:

When running script interactively you will get a menu of Tasks. Selecting "Verify Only (No Patch created)" just does the full Verify process .
The other Tasks will generate a seed "Patch file" which is meant to be fed into the GeneratePrevisibines.bat script to generate the Previsbines patch.
Note: These Tasks are really just collections of pre-selected Advanced options (listed in green) for your convenience.

"Create Seed Patch to fix all detected problems" (0,3-6,8,9,16-23) - This option builds a Seed to fix all detectable problems (recommended).
" As above but only fix obvious Previs issues (Minimum Fix)" (0,6,9,16,17,18,22,23) -  Only fixes issues that generate obvious visual errors (smaller fix).

Run ONE of these options against your entire load order to create a "Final" patch to fix any remaining issues after you have created/downloaded patches for individual plugins.

The rest of the options are designed to be run against individual mods to create previsbine patches to improve them (or release to NexusMods).
Make sure you only load into FO4Edit those mods you are creating this patch for AND NO OTHERS. This will normally be the mod in question and PRP.
Also make sure you leave unticked Process complete Load Order otherwise your patch will include other mods.

"Create Seed to Rebuild Previs in selected Plugin(s) for improve FPS" (0,1,3,4,6,9,16-19,21-23) - Builds new precombines for mods without them,
   or where they have just added new content so are not getting a preformance improvement from Precombines.
" As above but also rebuild Previs if disabled by another Plugin" (0-4,6,9,16-19,21-23) - Also cells that have had precombines deliberately disabled in an override.

"Create Seed to Rebuild ALL Previs for a Plugin (Replace existing)" (0-7,9,16-19,21-23) - Completely rebuilds new precombines for the selected mod.
   Use this if it's existing precombines are broken. You should not need to use this - especially if the mod is followed by PRP. Use the above options.
" As above but also include Adjacent Clusters" (0-9,16-19,21-23) - Also rebuild adjacent Exterior clusters touched by the rebuilt Precombines.

"Create Patch to only fix wrong Regions/MHDT/LCN/EDID/etc (from mod conflicts)" (0,13,16-22) - Is not a Precombine patch, but instead will just
  create a patch to merge in regions from the selected plugins (to fix issues caused by mods that remove/override cell  locations, MHDT, EDID,Lighting).
  Generate this against your entire patched Load order and place it at the end. Change the Patch name to something appropriate before you run it.

(If none of these Tasks exactly fit your requirements then select the closest one and click "Advanced" button  so you can change individual options manually - explained in next section).

"Only process New (Plugin added) Worldspace/Interior Cells" option means only New Cells/Worldspaces will have Precombines generated.
This is useful if you want to create seperate Precombines for a mod that don't need to be rebuilt when you add/change other mods in your Load order
(say for a mod that adds a huge new worldspace). Your 'final reconsiliation' patch for your Load order will be much quicker to generate.

"Process complete Load Order (Ignore Plugin Selection)" option causes all plugins loaded into FO4Edit (your entire Load Order) to be processed.
"Process only User Plugins (Ignore Plugin Selection, PRP, UFO4P, and Game)" option only processes all users plugins (quicker).

The following Display options control what is displayed (verbosity) but have no effect on what is generated.

"Verbose (show multiple Errors per Cell)"  - Normally I try to just report one error per cell, but if you want to see everything that is wrong...
"Display Errors only (no Warnings, Info)" - If you only want to see errors.
"Calculate Reference Handles required by Seed" - (unpatched by CK Fixes) CK has a limit of 2097152 so use this to see if this will be exceeded.
"Log all messages to <Patch>.log" - Copy all messages to this file (found in directory containing FO4Edit.exe)
"Dont show Progress messages" - Don't display activity messages.

Manual (Advanced) Options:

0) "Build Seed" - Create a seed "xPrevisPatch.esp" to fix all the resulting errors found. Use this seed in GeneratePrevisibines.bat to build previsbines.

Seed Patch Rebuild Options:
1) "Build Precombines for new added Content (Improve FPS)" - Make the seed rebuild cells that have new unprecombined references.
    Mods that add content, but say they 'wont break precombines' usually have such references. This will improve FPS in such cells
    but also makes the conflict area of your patch larger (new content doesn't interfere with other mods, but rebuilt previsbines does).
    Note: You can use this option to also build previs for mods that add new worldspaces/Interiors created without Previs.
2) "Build Precombines if removed/disabled by other Plugins" - make the seed also rebuild precombines on Cells deliberately set to 'no previs',
    or have their XCRI/PCMB/VISI removed, in an overriding mod (such as a 'scrap everything mod).
    Note: Use carefully as there may be a good reason a mod has done this.
3) "Rebuild Precombines if mesh changed on Static References" - Model overrides/replacements on Precombined references should be rebuilt.
4) "Rebuild Precombines if Ref deleted or in wrong Cell" - Rebuild Precombines containing References that are Deleted or moved to another Cell.
    These sort of changes to Precombined Refs do NOT break precombines, however the reference will remain visible in it's original place if not rebuilt.
5) "Rebuild Visibility on partially updated Clusters" - If a Mod updates a Cluster's Visibility (uvd), but does not update all the Cells in that Cluster,
    it is possible some other mods will cause conflicts that cannot be seen by this script. This option forces the Visibilty to be rebuilt just in case.
6) "Rebuild Precombines with Mixed Precombine mesh sources" - Default On. Untick to ignore Cells with Precombine nifs from multiple mods.
    This mixing of meshes normally indicates a problem, and is ALWAYS bad when PRP is i your load order.
7) "Rebuild all Precombines for a plugin (Ignore existing Previs)" - Make the 'seed' rebuild ALL cells that have modified (overridden) references.
     Use this if you don't trust the previs supplied by the mod and want completely new previs, or the mod has incorrect Previs (wrong PRP version)
     Note: Previs supplied by PRP is treated like the Base game Previs so never ignored.
8) "Rebuild Visibility on effected Adjacent Clusters"  - The CK Previs pass can generate previs (uvd files) for cells/clusters you never specified.
     This is because the CK generates Previs for the Cluster a cell is in AND every Cluster that borders that cell. See below explanation.
     Normally those excess uvd files are removed by my scripts, however, setting this option adds extra cells to the seed so they are kept correctly.
9) "Rebuild Precombines if required to force Previs rebuild" - Clusters that need new Previs may require a 'sacrificial' Cell to be rebuilt to trigger it.
      Untick this option if you plan to run a separate 'Previs Only' patch later. If unticked then Clusters that only require new Previs will be ignored.
10) "Rebuild Everything - Including Base Game and DLCs"  - Same as "Build new Previs" option, but do it for base game/DLC cells as well.
     Do NOT select this unless you plan to make a patch the size of PRP (It was used to build PRP).

Restrict Cells to Check:
11) "Only process New (Plugin added) Worldspaces/Interiors" - Duplicate of option on firts page.
12) "   OR Ignore plugin added Worldspace/Interior Cells"  - Only check Cells in the Bethesda base/DLC Interior/exterior Cells. Ignore New ones.
13) "Only PreCheck Cells (Ignore all Previsbine faults)" - Useful if you only want the check MHDT/EDID/Region/Lighting issues.
14) "Only check for Disabled Previsbines" - Only scan for Cells that have Previs disabled (deliberately or by the game). Fast but won't find most errors.
15) "Only Check Precombines (Dont check Previs Clusters)"  - Only check Precombines (Don't check for Occlusion/Previs issues).
16) "Ignore Unused/Junk Interior Cells"  - Leave On. Untick to check Interior Cells that the player never enters, so normally ignored.
17) "Ignore Fallout4.esm and DLCs Issues (Recommended)" - Leave On. Untick to Report/Fix errors in non-CC Bethesda Base/DLC Plugins as well.
18) "Ignore UFO4P and PRP (Recommended)"  - Leave On. Untick to Report/Fix errors in UFO4P and PRP. Unticking this may cause PRP to hide some errors.
      "Process complete Load Order (Ignore Plugin Selection)" - Duplicate of option on first page.
      "Only Process User Plugins (Ignore Plugin Selection)" - Duplicate of option on first page.

Other Recommended Fixes:
19) "Check for Precombined Refs with Alpha channel"  - Default On. Refs with Alpha, such as pictures, are set as 'no precombine' in the seed.
20) "Check Cells for regression of fields/settings" - Default On. Precheck overidden EDID,Location, missing regions, etc, and flag for fix.
21) "Fix field/settings regression in Seed Cells" - Default On. Fix above in any cell added to seed.
22) "Exclude STATs with Bad/High Precision Meshes" - Check Meshes for "High Precision" and exclude them from Precombines.
23) "Recursively add Masters of Masters to Seed Master List" - Add every referenced plugin to the Seed's Master List (Otherwise CK Previs phase may fail)
24) "Add Overrides for REFRs with Null VCI1" - Null VCI1 can disable Precombines, If false then add override to set VCI1 to 'today'.

Rebuild Threshold: Allows you to change the Threshold (number of unprecombined Refs found in a CELL before it is flagged for Rebuild)

Batch (non-interactive) mode:

The script can be run from the command line, which causes it to scan all Cells (of all mods - unless "-Mod" specified) without requesting options.
To do this either:

  • Copy it to "FO4Check_Previsbines.fo4pas" and double-click on it, or
  • Create a shortcut to run FO4Edit.exe with -Script:FO4Check_previsbines.pas as a parameter.

When run this way it will just do the verify process, however if you add an extra parameter it can build the Seed. That parameter can be:
  •  -Fix (Task "Create Seed Patch to fix all Previs problems")
  •  -Opt (Task "Create Seed to Rebuild Previs in selected Plugin(s) for improve FPS" and "if disabled by another Plugin").
  •  -Opt:nn As above but also set Rebuild threshold to nn.
  •  -FullMin (Task "Create Seed to Rebuild ALL Previs for a Plugin (Replace existing)")
  • -Full (As above but with Option "Rebuild Visibility on Adjacent updated Clusters" selected)
  • -Reg (Task "Create Patch to only fix wrong Regions/MHDT/LCN/EDID/etc (from mod conflicts)")
  •  -All (Manual options "Build Seed" and "Rebuild Everything - Including Base Game and DLCs" - don't use this unless creating a PRP replacement!)

Additional useful options (when running the script unattended) are :-
  • -Mod:modfilename (only scan this mod's Cells). Surround the modfilename with double quotes if it includes spaces.
  • -Log:logfilename (save all messages generated by this script to the specified file). Make sure you surround the logfilename with double quotes.
  • -Seed:SeedFileName (specify name of Seed Mod to generate)
  • -P:modlistfile (Restrict the FO4Edit mod list to only those specified in this file, and their masters).

The -P option is a standard xEdit option and expects a mod list like "plugins.txt" (that the FO4 game uses).
An example of such a modlistfile if you wanted to build a PRP seed for "atomic World" would contain 2 lines
   *Atomic World.esp

No need to include the main game or DLC's as these are masters of PRP so would automatically be loaded.

More details on "Rebuild Visibility on effected Adjacent Clusters" option:

The way the CK decides a cluster (3x3 cells) needs previs (uvd files) built is if any of those 9 cells have new precombines built for it (i.e. the cell contains at least one REFR in the seed).
However, it does not build previs for just the cluster that cell is in - it build it for every cluster that cell touches.

This means if the cell is in the corner of a cluster, the CK will build previs for 4 clusters. You specified one cell to be rebuilt yet you have effected 35 other cells.
My included previs 'merge' scripts will prune out these extra (unexpected) cluster uvd files, however in some cases you may want to keep them.
The above option will add all effected cells into the seed so those extra previs files will not be removed. They will now be correctly referenced in the Mod.
Note: This means your previsbines patch will probably effect twice as many cells so conflict with more mods.

Normally you do not need to worry about including these extra previs clusters as you mod will work perfectly without them, however there are a few locations where changing the precombines in one cluster will effect the previs in a nearby cluster. Normally where the border of 2 clusters has buildings on it.
In those cases you can either use the above option (and assume the CK knows best), or just manually rebuild that problem cluster later in a 'final' patch.

My Recommended Previsbine Build process:

My current process is to make previsbine patches for individual mods that need special attention (as if they are the only mod in the game).
Once all that is done (and those previs patches are installed in my game) I create a final previs patch for my entire load order (to fix conflicts).

Mods that get the special attention are:
  • Mods that add a lot of new content, yet have no rebuilt previsbines (or have no Previsbines and add new Worldspaces)
        Use "Create Seed to Rebuild Previs in selected Plugin(s) for improve FPS"
  • Mods that include Previsbines that do not support PRP (as I use PRP I need to rebuild their Previsbines so they support PRP)
        Place that mod higher than PRP and use "Create Seed to Rebuild Previs in selected Plugin(s) for improve FPS"
  • Mods that deleted Previs (so they didn't have to rebuild previsbines)
        Use "As above but also rebuild Previs if disabled by another Plugin"
  • Mods that you think have bad Previsbines and want to build new ones for it.
        Use "Create Seed to Rebuild ALL Previs for a Plugin (Replace existing)"

CK Reference Limit issues (Handle array):

If your seed contains too many big mods (that add lots of new items/worldspaces) you can reach the reference item limit of the CK and it will fail to load  your seed properly (and thus not create correct Previsbines). This issue results in (possibly thousands) of "OUT OF HANDLE ARRAY ENTRIES" errors in your CK log.

You can check if this will happen by loading JUST your seed mod in FO4Edit and running the "count_loaded_refs_in_load_order_CK.pas" (don't need to select a mod) OR selecting the "Calculate Reference Handles required by Seed" option when you built the seed.

If the resulting total is >2097152 then you cannot build previsbines for your seed and you have 2 options:

  • (Recommened) Set "BSHandleRefObjectPatch=true" in fallout4_test.ini for CKFixes to increase the limit to 67108864.
    OR Set bBSPointerHandleExtremly=true in CreationKitPlatformExtended.ini if using CKPE.
  • Create your problem patch in 'slices' instead of one big patch, with a process like:

        Load all the mods as normal, but pick one of your mods that adds lots of new content and build a seed based on it.
   If this does not exceed the handle limit then create previsbines for this seed, install it in your load order.
   Now you can try building a seed for your entire load order again, which  'may' not exceed the limit (as it will not contain the above mod).
   If you still exceed your reference limit then pick another mod that adds new content and repeat the process.

Load Order rules to minimize Previs conflicts (and thus patch size):

The general rules I use for Load order are -

  • ALL mods that add things into worldspaces (that don't have Previsbines) go high (i.e. nearer to Fallout4.esm)
  • Also any mods you plan to rebuild previsbines for (require 'special attention')
  • All normal mods
  • Towards the bottom you have PRP (and all it's extra PRP_*.esp mods)
  • All the mods that supply their own 'PRP compatible' previsbines go after PRP
  • All your 'special attention' generated previs patches (or PRP patches created by others) go next
  • The 'final' previs patch(s).
  • Patch(s) to bring forward special changes to cells (fog, lighhting, MHDT, regions, EDID etc) from earlier mods.

Note1: Mods that have non-PRP previsbines (or previsbines that don't support PRP) I place BEFORE (higher than) PRP.esp, so that PRP overrides them.

This is because there is less conflict if you can build new previsbines yourself for them (PRP after them throws away their previsbines).
If you however build previsbines to patch existing previsbines you actually end up rebuilding more cells (so more chance to conflict with other mods).

This is because most people build previsbines for every cell their mod touches (just feeding their mod into the CK causes this).
Remember the CK rebuilds a cell if it has ANY reference, it does not need to be a precombined one!
This means just feeding a mod into the CK will rebuild previsbines for every cell touched in that mod - this is why a tailored 'seed' is a better idea.

Note2:  Mods that replace almost everything (i.e. total conversions like Desperados) I always place after PRP - as long as they support PRP!
If they don't, then you need to look for a PRP patch built by someone else, as building one for these sort of mods takes a lot of resources...

Note3: Special care needs to be taken with mods that deliberately disable Previs (such as some settlement scrap all mods), or just make cell changes (Fog, lighting,MHDT etc). You should still put them high up, but also need to manually create a patch to merge in cell changes (from the previsbine patches) for the cells they touch include their changes.

Suggested Mod Grouping for Previsbine generation:

If you want to minimize the chore of rebuilding/patching Previsbines when a mod is updated, I suggest you see if you can build previsbines/patches for groups of mods that don't interfere with each other. For instance a separate patch for all Nukaworld Mods.


Envy's Nukaworld Reborn mods, which only effect Nukaworld, include Previsbines, but NOT for PRP, So in my load order I place them before PRP.
  • Generate a patch (to go after PRP) just for Envy's mods (and any others that touch Nukaworld).
  • Start up FO4Edit and ONLY enable Envy's mods, PRP.esp, and (in my case) PRP-Compat-RegionNames.esp (as I use region-names-on-saves).
  • Highlight ONLY Envys Mods (select all their esps at once and then choose 'run script') and select FO4Check_Previsbines script.
  • Select "Create Seed to Rebuild Previs in selected Plugin(s) for improve FPS." (as I don't want to use theirs), and I know those mods add a ton of new objects)

"Atomic World" mod adds new worldspace(s) as well as adding new content to many areas of the commonwealth. It has no previsbines - so placed before PRP.
  • As it's new worldspaces will never interfere with other mods I want to create previs for them separately first so load up just this mod in FO4Edit.
  • Select just the AW mod and "run script" for FO4Check_Previsbines.
  • select "As above but also rebuild Previs if disabled by another Plugin" and tick Only process New (Plugin added) Worldspaces/Interiors.
  • Build previsbines using this seed and place the resulting patch mod anywhere in your LO (even straight after AtomicWorld.esp)
  • Now you can treat the rest of that mod as just another mod that adds/updates content in the commonwealth.

Create a patch mod that adds in missing "region names" for "tales of the commonwealth" (because I use 'region names on saves')
  • In FO4Edit clear all selection and just re-select 3DNPC_FO4.esp (and any other TotC mods), and Region Names on Save Files.esp.
  • Select all the 3DNPC*.esp mods and "run script" for FO4Check_Previsbines.
  • Select "Create Patch to only fix missing Regions/MHDT/LCN/EDID (from mod conflicts)" and change the patch name to (say) 3DNPC_Regions_patch.esp.
  • Create a 7zip/zip archive from this file and install via your mod manage.

Explanation of messages from FO4Check_previsbines script:

Warnings are things that don't break Previsbines but you should be aware of.
Errors have the potential to cause visual issues (and will get new Precombines generated for that cell if you build a seed).
Issues are problems in your setup/mods that make the results from this script possibly inaccurate. You should fix them and re-run the script.

Messages you may see:

CELL xxxxxxxx (of mod1.esp) uses Precombines from multiple mods (such as mod2.esp), built at different times, which can break Previs
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines from multiple mods (such as Mod2.esp) which can break Previs
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines from itself and Mod2.esp
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines from itself and ones with more recent date [yyyy-mm-dd] from Mod2.esp
CELL xxxxxxxx (of mod1.esp) uses Precombines from mod2.esp but precombinemesh.nif from mod3.esp
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines from Mod2.esp but PrecombinedMesh.nif from Mod3.esp with more recent date [yyyy-mm-dd]
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has PCMB dated [yyyy-mm-dd] which is different from some of the Precombines it uses [yyyy-mm-dd] from Mod2.esp
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines from Mod2.esp which were built from different References
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines from Mod2.esp as well as the Base Game. This should be ok but check.
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines from Mod2.esp as well as the Base Game, which can break Previs.

These mean this cell uses precombine meshes coming from different mods.
This usually indicates multiple mods have independently built precombines for this cell, with the winning XCRI being mismatched to this.
Generally a bad thing (will cause occlusion issues), except for the last case (which normally means a mod has supplied 'pruned' precombine meshes).

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines from Mod2.esp which were built from different References

means Mod1 has overwritten/regressed the XCRI (previsbine) information supplied by Mod2.
Can cause all sorts of issues (deleted objects re-appearing etc). Most easily fixed by swapping the order of Mod1 and Mod2 in your Load order.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has set PCMB to earlier than the Mod its Precombines are from (mod2.esp with PCMB [yyyy-mm-dd])

means Mod1 has overwritten/regressed the PCMB information supplied by Mod2.
This is not actually causing an issue now, but suggests mod1 should be placed before (higher) than mod2.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombines dated [yyyy-mm-dd] but Cluster cccccccc Previs was created earlier [yyyy-mm-dd] on member CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has higher VISI date yyyy-mm-dd than member CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)

Means multiple Mods have independently changed the Precombines of different cells in the same cluster.
This generally causes Occlusion issues (objects flashing on and off when you move) and requires new previs (uvd) to be built for this cluster.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Cluster yyyyyyyy Previs is outdated due to Unknown update/override of LAND rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Cluster yyyyyyyy Previs is outdated due to later update/override of LAND rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)

The LAND override on this Cell is not incorporated in the Cluster uvd so you may get occlusion issues (as the terrain height has changed).

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Precombines are outdated due to later override due to later update/override REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Precombines are outdated due to reference rrrrrrrr having a changed Mesh on base STAT xxxxxxxx (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Bad Precombine <PrecombinedMesh.nif> (from Mod2.esp) due to later Timestamp on REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Precombine <PrecombinedMesh.nif> (from Mod2.esp) which has no Reference for REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod3.esp) Precombines (used by Mod1.esp) are outdated due to Mod override on REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod3.esp) Precombines (used by Mod1.esp) are probably broken as they were built without knowledge of the override on REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Precombines are disabled due to later Timestamp on REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Precombines are disabled due to NO Timestamp on REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Precombined reference rrrrrrrr has invalid base type STAT xxxxxxxx (of mod2.esp)

The Precombines used by Mod1 do not include changes made by Mod2 (to References built into those precombines).
This usually means the Precombines (supplied by Mod1 or Mod3) for this cell need to be rebuilt to include changes made by Mod2.
You may not see any effects, but the changes made by Mod2 won't be visible.In the case of the last 2 errors, the game will disable Previs so your FPS will tank.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has Reference that was Disabled but still visible as it is Precombined - REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has Reference that was Deleted but still visible as it is Precombined - REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has Reference that was changed to Persistent and moved so may be duplicated as Precombined - REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has a Precombined Reference that was moved to Cell [yyyyyyyy] - REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has a Precombined Reference from another Cell [
yyyyyyyy] - REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)

Means Mod2 has changed a precombined reference such that it has moved Cell/become persistent/Deleted but left it in the original Precombine.
This won't break precombines, but any change intended for this reference won't be visible (so probably not what Mod2 intended).

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has invalid Precombine reference yyyyyyy
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has invalid PreVis RVIS yyyyyyy
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has no RVIS specified (yet has VISI)

means these fields contain missing/invalid objects.
May indicate a corruption in Mod1 (can be caused by removing masters, or sometimes the CK). Won't break Precombines, but indicates a problem.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has disabled Previsbines (no PCMB), yet has Precombines (XCRI)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has disabled Previsbines (Removed PCMB) of CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has disabled Previsbines (removed XCRI) of CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has disabled Previsbines, with the NoPrevis Flag, on CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has disabled Occlusion (removed VISI) of Mod2.esp
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has disabled Occlusion (no VISI) yet supplies a uvd file

Means Previs optimization in this cell has been disabled by Mod1.
You FPS while in this cell will be lower. Interior Cells may also exhibit voids. Many "Settlement Scrapping" mods do this deliberately.
Specifying the option "Create Previs if removed by a Mod" will get these cells added to the Seed so they will have Precombines re-added.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) may have broken Previs due to later override on LAND yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has different XPRI compared to the Previs in CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)

You may have Previs (occlusion/culling) issues due to changes from mod2 occurring after Previs was generated.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has missing Region <name> from CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has removed EditorID <name> from CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has removed MHDT data from CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has removed/changed <Cell atribute> from CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)

Means Mod1 has removed some feature of the cell added by Mod2.
This is usually a (non-critical) mod conflict. If you generate a Seed it will contain a merged fix for these issues.
The last message means Mod1 has removed (unintentionally) a change made by Mod2. This will also be restored in the seed.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Incomplete check of Previsbines as no Timestamp on REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) No VISI date on uvd owning CELL yyyyyyyy (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) No Previs date found for Cluster yyyyyyyy

These records are missing Timestamps the script uses to find issues.
They should be fixed otherwise other issues may be missed or falsely reported as a problem.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) is flagged Partial, yet has override for LAND yyyyyyyy

A LAND record on a Cell flagged as Partial Form can cause the terrain to disappear in that cell.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Cant find Mod that provided uvd for Cluster yyyyyyyy
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Cant find Mod that provided uvd for this Interior Cell
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) No Visibility file (uvd) found for Cluster yyyyyyyy
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) No Visibility file (uvd) found for this Cell
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uvd (Previs) for Cluster yyyyyyyy found in unrelated Mod Mod2.esp which has no reference to this Cluster
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Cant find Mod that provided Precombine PrecombinedMesh.nif or it is in an unrelated Mod.
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Found loose Previsbine file fffffff - It will hide problems
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) Missing Precombine <PrecombinedMesh.nif>
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) uses Previs from <Mod2.esp> which has no override for this Cell so may cause Occlusion issues

Specified Previsbine files are not where they should be, missing entirely, or accidently included.
They should be fixed otherwise other issues may be missed or falsely reported as a problem.

CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) having Precombines Rebuilt as at least nn unprecombined references found like REFR rrrrrrrr (of Mod2.esp)
CELL xxxxxxxx (of Mod1.esp) has no Previs and is not part of Base Game, so building Precombines for it

These cells are being added to the Seed, even though they have no issues, due to an option you selected requiring them.

Warning: Cluster xxxxxxxx flagged for Previs rebuild, but no References found, so ignored.
Warning: Invalid Material swap <name> found for Reference xxxxxxxx so ignored.
Warning: Override REFR rrrrrrrr placed in different Cell xxxxxxxx so was moved back.
(indicates a reference in the wrong Cell)
Error: Failed to add override <Type> xxxxxxxx (<modname>) Reason: <reason>
Error: Added override for CELL xxxxxxxx went into wrong mod anothermod.esp
Error: Delete failed on previous Seedfile <SeedPath>

These messages only happen during the Seed build phase, the errors are important as it indicates a failure updating the seed file.

(Updated for V4.5)

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