So because a lot of people have asked, here's some of the basic notes into research on how Fallout 4's AI works. 

This is a request. As such, I don't want to debate any of this with you, I don't want to hear about how smart you are. Seems like whenever I publish notes like these everyone's a big genius who's happy to tell me off on my knowledge and mansplain to me how this shit works, and yet when it's time to get the work done I'm seeing my mods out there. All the big genius Einstein mods are nowhere to be found. So let your work talk. Don't use words like a little baby, live according to your labours like a man. 

And also I don't really care about credit or attribution. People steal my inventions all the time without giving me credit. You think I don't know what you're doing, but I do. Often I see features from Statesec suddenly crop up as standalone mods with zero mention of who actually invented these systems. But that's not their fault. Capitalism is designed to allow stupid and immoral people to thrive at the expense of their hardworking superiors. What would concern me is if I was wealthy and famous, since that is the hallmark of irreparable degeneracy. 

And I would also like to let the parasites know that I'm working on a new update for Statesec that actually features some really cool stuff so keep an eye on that over the next few months. You'll have at least half a dozen features to repackage and pretend you understand.

So with that venting out of the way, let me tell you what I know about AI. 

First off, none of this is AI according to pedantic people. It's not artificial intelligence, rather it's intelligence that happens to be artificial, and only a moron would describe intelligence that is artificial as artificial intelligence. Why? Because academics are extremely annoying, that's why.

There's a lot to go over, and I figured the most intuitive way to do it is to just list all the variables within my mod, and give whatever commentary I have on them starting from top to bottom.

PLEASE NOTE: This research has been done using both Gamebryo AND Creation Engine, some values may be redundant in the newer engine. I mostly just included them since frankly, you never know. It's very nebulous. 

There are A LOT of things to go over. So I'll be doing it in parts. This is part 1. 

This one is pretty straightforward. It sets the limit for how far NPCs can traverse when using the fleeing behaviour. I recommend using large distances since that's typically the approach when people are running for their lives. 

A multiplier for when NPCs interact with objects in the game. Very useful for preventing NPCs from just kind of standing around and doing nothing. Instead once they find a chair or a workbench they use it for a while and look busy. 

This one is complicated because on its own you'll probably not see the results you want (in fact, it might be unused for all I know), but theoretically speaking it's one of the many checks and balances for AI detection. In this case I believe it's used exclusively for the player since NPCs don't technically "sneak". They can crouch and sneak but also they can't, because they don't have the same kind of perk/skills/variables assigned to them as the player character does. If you're doing something involving detection range then I'd say bump it up just to be sure. 8000 units of distance at least if you want NPCs to start paying attention to sneaking players... but also keep in mind that you'll need to configure lots of other stuff to to see the difference. 

This one eludes me a little bit since there's already different sound level values that match the inputs for weapons and explosions. However the heavy/medium tiers seem to reflect values I've seen related to game physics. So my theory is that this one governs how NPCs perceive the impact of physical objects. Sadly this feature is very watered down in the vanilla game. 

I think this is a cooldown for greetings. If Bethesda had increased this number to 120 during their work on TES, then the world would've lost a million Oblivion memes on Youtube. 

This variable governs how effective the NPCs perception attribute is. No idea what the functioning maximum is although an educated guess would be 255. 

The ceiling for how long NPCs can have dinner. The game actually features a schedule for various mealtimes. Most of my research on this was for New Vegas, but DinnerMax determines the latest time of day that they can have dinner. 

How long a meal can last for. 99% sure it's calculated according to ingame hours. 

In Fallout 4, NPCs can actually jump. This is a new thing and I'm not a super expert at how it works, but I think it governs what NPCs regard as a safe distance to jump from. I say this because when I increased the value, it made NPCs jump more. Had it been the minimum height at which they thought jumping was feasible, then obviously a higher number would result in less jumping. Also keep in mind that I've never actually seen them jump ONTO something. They seem to only want to jump FROM something. So they use it to reduce elevation as opposed to increasing it. Especially in situations when they want to get down from the top of a rock really quickly. In theory I think you could up this number to something really high like 5000 and at that point they'll pretty much jump from anything in order to save travel time. Which could be really funny. 

This is a fun variable. It governs what an NPC regards as a burst with an automatic weapon. I like to crank this value up a lot to reflect how most people in Fallout 4 lack any formal firearm training and just let the bullets spray. Plus it adds a lot of nice and dramatic bulletstorms for your video gaming pleasure. Should be set to at least 3 in any game that has a minigun. 

NPCs, especially in group combat behaviour, have the ability to send and receive "orders." One such order is to fall back. This governs how much they retreat. This is not the same as fleeing, they're still engaged in combat and they're certainly able to advance if they feel like that's a good idea. I'd say 1000-2000 units is a good distance if you want to give their fallback orders some real strategic impact on things. For horror mods I would go even further like 4000-8000 so that enemies will mysteriously vanish once in a while. 

This determines how long they're falling back for. I use a setting of 120 seconds. Usually people fall back because they want better firing positions, so I don't see why they'd be in a hurry to leave. 

This is honestly kind of a stupid setting. Because sandbox packages already determine the distance at which NPCs will find furniture to interact with. I put it up to 15000 so that packages always work as intended. I see no point in reducing it unless you're making a mod where everyone suffers from lead poisoning and have no concept of object permanence. 

As far as I can tell this is used by the aiming model to determine when NPCs feel like firing their weapons. In theory it might seem like a cool way to optimise things but in practice it just makes the NPCs kind of finnicky. In a real gunfight people generally fire their guns even if they don't anticipate to hit their targets because of things like panic, suppression and not to mention pressure to conform with the rest of their combat formation. I like to give NPCs the opportunity to miss, makes them more humanlike. So I often up this value a bit. But keep in mind, this does NOT determine their spread or accuracy, it just determines how they point the gun itself. A value of 40 gives the NPCs reasonable room for human error. A value of 180 makes raiders arbitrarily fire at random objects even though you're standing right next to them. 

Makes NPCs into gamers who obsess over DPS builds. In theory it makes NPCs seem smarter by trying to always use the most effective weapon, but in practice it just makes them dogpile over the same damn flamethrower all the time. I'd put this value to 0 if I were you. All it does is turn high DPS guns into sniper bait.

From what I can tell, this setting is used by NPCs to determine how effective their grenades are. If a grenade has a radius of 10 units, and the fraction is set to 0.5, then an NPC will throw a grenade with the intent of putting it at least 5 units away from their target. Lower values mean deadlier throws. Higher values are good for turning grenades into a nice source of scenic and relatively harmless explosions. 

This one's kind of confusing because it doesn't really tell us how often the "chance" of NPCs throwing something is evaluated. Seems to affect anything that's not a grenade, such as throwing knives or what have you. Higher numbers mean more throwing, lower numbers mean less throwing. Should probably be relatively high so throwing mods work properly.

Same thing as what I just explained except this time with grenades. You can put it to maybe 0.25 for normal army behaviour, or to 1.0 for German army behaviour. 

NPCs use this to evaluate if an explosion is big enough to hurt multiple targets. It seems to be a flat threshold. Put it at 1024 for reasonable choices. Put it at 1 if for comedic relief. 

This is a survival mode balancer's wet dream. Any hardcore or high damage mod should pay careful attention to this variable, it's a godsend. It determines how quickly an NPC can draw a bead at a moving target. Increase the value to give their aim some traction as to permit the player to move in open spaces without getting instantly killed. Really nice way of making deadly bullets feel less frustrating to the player.

One of the many Sam Fisher floats out there. This is what determines how relevant locational information is to an NPC. For example: The NPC spots the player in an open space, the player then runs into a shed. The NPC can't tell for sure where the player is, but still has a general idea of how they're probably inside the shed. Give it a higher value to make NPCs better at remembering things instead of just helplessly standing around and waiting for the player to reappear again. Should honestly be as high as is reasonable without causing performance issues. I gave it a nice 30 seconds, but I'm tempted to make it go even higher after making sure the NPCs can deal with the potential CPU costs. 

Aside from being Todd Howard's Pornhub password, this is also a useful setting in determining how much an injured arm will affect the NPC's ability to aim. 

This is actually a cool variable, because it allows you to enable NPC-on-NPC friendly fire. No more flawless target selection, by upping their degree tolerance they'll sometimes shoot at stuff between their intended target and them such as inanimate objects and that one idiot with the baseball bat who's always zigzagging all over the place. It's a humanising and funny setting to play around with. Give it a try.

Basically how long it takes for NPCs to go "Eh. Whatever." after a threat is really far away. I like to give it a high setting so that NPCs will remain on high alert for a while following some kind of incident. 

Part 1 over. Please tune in next time for more parts! 

[Voiceover]: NEXT TIME ON PARTS: 

[Dramatic music from]
Todd Howard: *Frantic typing* I can't remember my pornhub password!
Yoda: Mrrrmg... the pornhub password you will find, when you search through the records you will.
Todd Howard: Shut up you foreigner!
Todd Howard: NOOOOOOO! I have to make a new account! Why didn't I listen to Yoda?! 
Professor in a briefing room: It's worse than that I'm afraid... we've run out of jumpcuts!
Professor in a briefing room: We found a solution to the jumpcut shortage.

Sit booboo sit, good dog.
[20th Century Fox Logo]

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  1. ThreeUnicornsInATrenchcoat
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    I hope that you have some insight into the system that controls an NPC's decision to attack or flee.

    Fallout 4 has a system whereby enemies that cannot damage you beyond a certain threshold will hold fire, cower in place, or flee from you. This makes sense when, say, you're wearing power armor and the group of enemies has only pistols and shotguns. Those would be useless, and this behavior makes sense. You would run away from someone in power armor.

    You don't encounter this often in the base game, since the damage resistance formula prevents damage reduction from rising beyond about 90%. Everything can damage you a little bit no matter how good your armor is.

    This is the problem I've encountered while implementing DT from Damage Threshold Framework on power armors and creatures: As I have set it up now, I can approach the deathclaw in Concord while wearing a full suit of T-45 armor with 115 DT total, and it won't attack me. It runs away from me and stops, then faces me as I approach. It will flee farther away if I come too close, but it won't attack even if I shoot it.

    If I remove a single piece of the armor, however, thereby reducing my total DT by 15 points, the deathclaw suddenly knows it can damage me sufficiently, and attacks. I haven't been able to find the value(s) that control this behavior. I've tried changing the Deathclaw NPC melee and unarmed damage values, as well as attack damage multipliers on their race form, all to no avail. Even if its attack can kill me with a single hit on paper, or at least cause me damage, the deathclaw still won't engage me.
    1. Thumblesteen
      • supporter
      • 636 kudos
      I would need to open up the CK to give you a waterproof answer, and right now I am a bit busy. But off the top of my head: 

      1. Try a rally MGEF. The CK wiki is notoriously sparse, but here's some info from the Oblivion wiki (basically the same thing)

      2. I think I've spotted a flee treshhold in the GMST entries. Never messed around with it though. You could check there using the filter. 

      3. Check their combat interrupt package list/contents thereof. Their procedure tree might have a flee function that you can just alter to exclude deathclaws. 
  2. DitzyDez666
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    This is fascinating as hell
  3. kyks1680
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for this guide, it really helps a lot. I'm eager to see the part 2!