COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MODS - IN-DEPTH                                 

When it comes to compatibility with other mods, using Laser Plasma Pulse Overhaul (LPPO) with some mod-added energy weapons that use certain keywords or keyword combinations will cause unexpected behavior. Most Laser and Plasma weapons will work fine, as long as they use vanilla keywords (WeapTypeLaser/WeapTypePlasma). The trouble usually comes from weapons that deal increased damage to Robots, Synths, Turrets, or Power Armored NPCs.

This unexpected behavior will most likely manifest in these weapons dealing inappropriate and unintended amounts of damage to the previously mentioned NPCs. The weapons will either deal too much damage (Likely), or too little damage (Less likely).

In order to maintain compatibility with as many mods as possible, and to attempt to make it easier for users/mod authors to add compatibility for their mods for LPPO, I've made some custom keywords and FormID lists that the incoming damage/spell magnitude modifier perks can read as potential shortcuts in and out of the different energy weapon damage type classifications.

The Babaloo_CustomLaserWeaponKeywordBabaloo_CustomPlasmaWeaponKeyword, and Babaloo_CustomLightningWeaponKeyword Keywords can be added to weapons (Or weapon OMODs) to make the perks believe them (Or the weapons they're attached to) to be as if they had different energy weapon damage types than they actually do. This is, however, NOT a replacement for REMOVING vanilla keywords, as all of the different energy weapon damage type definer entries do not allow other keywords that the other definer entries DO allow. For example, if you have a Laser Rifle (Or another weapon with the WeapTypeLaser Keyword), but you change it to shoot Plasma projectiles, the damage it does to Power Armor will not increase to that of plasma damage standards, unless the WeapTypeLaser keyword is removed by some means. However, if by changing said Laser Rifle to shoot Plasma projectiles, the WeapTypePlasma or Babaloo_CustomPlasmaWeaponKeyword keywords are added to it, the weapon will do as much damage to Power Armor as it would have before ever installing LPPO in the first place.

- The Babaloo_CustomEnergyWeaponExclusionKeyword Keyword can be added to a weapon (Or weapon OMOD) to exclude it (Or the weapon it's attached to) from having its damage modified by LPPO at all.

- The Babaloo_LaserEffectKeywordBabaloo_PlasmaEffectKeyword, and Babaloo_LightningEffectKeyword Keywords specify which effects should have their magnitude increased/decreased when being applied to NPCs that are strong/weak against the corresponding energy weapon damage type. I have manually added each of the keywords to the effects that should have them, since RobCo Patcher doesn't currently have this capability.

- The Babaloo_DamageModifierPerkPA_ExlusionListLaserBabaloo_DamageModifierPerkPA_ExlusionListPlasma, and Babaloo_DamageModifierPerkPA_ExlusionListLightning FormID Lists can be used to exclude whole weapons from having their damage modified by each of the energy weapon damage type definer entries. These are mainly used for disqualifying a weapon from having it's damage modified by an entry, if it's keyword combinations happen to slip through the cracks and get modified by two entries.

To know for sure if a mod-added weapon will be incompatible with LPPO, we first need to take a look back at the TECHNICAL DETAILS section in the mod description. Under the line This is how I differentiated the energy damage types:

Laser Damage is defined in the Perk as Energy damage coming from a weapon that currently has the WeaponTypeLaser Keyword (And/Or a few others, read here) BUT NOT the s_40_RifleLightning Keyword, as well as any effect that has the Babaloo_LaserEffectKeyword Keyword attached.

Plasma Damage is defined in the Perk as Energy and Ballistic damage coming from a weapon that currently has the WeaponTypePlasma Keyword (And/Or a few others, read here), isn't coming from a Plasma Grenade or Mine (Handled directly by the explosion record), as well as any effect that has the Babaloo_PlasmaEffectKeyword Keyword attached.

Pulse Damage isn't defined in the Perk. This is because there are no pulse weapons in vanilla apart from pulse grenades/mines. The damage increase/decrease is handled directly in the explosion record.

Lightning/Tesla damage is defined in the Perk as Energy damage coming from a weapon that currently has the s_40_RifleLightning Keyword (And/Or a few others, read here), as well as any effect that has the Babaloo_LightningEffectKeyword Keyword attached.

Let me explain the conditions that each energy weapon damage type definer entry has in more detail:

1) Laser Weapon damage is defined as damage coming from an energy weapon that:
HasLegendary_Weapon_PlasmaBullets, s_40_RifleLightningWeaponTypePlasmaBabaloo_CustomEnergyWeaponExclusionKeywordBabaloo_CustomLightningWeaponKeyword, or Babaloo_CustomPlasmaWeaponKeyword Keywords.
b) IS NOT in the Babaloo_DamageModifierPerkPA_ExlusionListLaser FormID List.
Babaloo_CustomLaserWeaponKeywordWeaponTypeLaserAnimAssaultronLaserWeaponTypeGatlingLasers_40_LaserProtectrons_40_RifleLasers_40_RifleLaserGatlings_40_RifleLaserMuskets_40_PistolLasers_40_LaserInstitutes_40_LaserGutsys_40_Laser, or s_40_TurretHighTechLaser Keywords.

2) Plasma Weapon damage is defined as damage coming from an energy weapon that:
WeaponTypePlasmaMineWeaponTypePlasmaGrenadeWeaponTypeLasers_40_RifleLightningBabaloo_CustomEnergyWeaponExclusionKeywordBabaloo_CustomLightningWeaponKeyword, or Babaloo_CustomLaserWeaponKeyword Keywords.
b) IS NOT in the Babaloo_DamageModifierPerkPA_ExlusionListPlasma FormID List.
Babaloo_CustomPlasmaWeaponKeywordWeaponTypePlasmas_40_Plasma, or HasLegendary_Weapon_PlasmaBullets Keywords.

3) Lightning Weapon damage is defined as damage coming from an energy weapon that:
WeaponTypePlasmaBabaloo_CustomEnergyWeaponExclusionKeywordBabaloo_CustomPlasmaWeaponKeyword, or Babaloo_CustomLaserWeaponKeyword Keywords.
b) IS NOT in the Babaloo_DamageModifierPerkPA_ExlusionListLightning FormID List.
Babaloo_CustomLightningWeaponKeyword or s_40_RifleLightning Keywords.

The mods LAER (Laser Assisted Electrical Rifle), Arc Welder, and AnotherOne YK42B Reborn WILL need specific patches, and will not work properly without them. I've listed the patches I've released below:
(LPPO Addon for LAER)
(Patch for Arc Welder)
(Patch for AnotherOne YK42B Reborn)

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