As you play the game, you may find patrols wandering the Commonwealth. They also frequent the locations added by this mod and may visit your settlements, Diamond City, and Goodneighbor. Normally the patrols contain three minutemen, though they may also have a dog and can potentially have an eyebot playing Radio Freedom. (Note: Due to how it was implemented, Radio Freedom will only play if you have the unofficial patch or who's the general installed, or are tuned in on your pipboy). These patrols will fight monsters and hostile factions, and may be killed in those battles. Don't worry! They respawn over time, so you can carry on without worry that the mod will run out of patrollers.

When patrols enter combat, they may call for help using a flare gun. Nearby patrols can respond to this, so it won't be unusual to see the flare gun in the distance or notice a patrol sprinting past you. Similarly, if a patrol member dies, other members of the patrol may call for heavy support by using an artillery smoke grenade. You can even hear the announcer over the radio for this like you would for your own artillery requests. You don't need to worry about this blowing your cooldowns, because their use of the flare guns and artillery is on a separate timer from yours.

As a special note, you may also encounter patrols guarding some settlers, who will ask to live in your settlements. Similarly, you may also encounter patrols escorting a trader, who will be willing to barter with you.

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  1. teridactyl
    • premium
    • 54 kudos
    I just ran into a group of guarded settlers in Nahant for the first time and loved that little detail. However, I did find the Minutemen patrol a little TOO friendly with the settlers. It was a brand new settlement at Croup Manor and I hadn't even recruited anyone there yet. So I assigned the settlers to their jobs, and the MM still stuck to them like Wonderglue. It was a tad...uncomfortable to watch.

    What I finally figured out was that I'd forgotten to set up any defenses at the settlement. After I popped up my first turret, the MM broke up and started instantly marching away. Of course the settlers tried to follow them. 😂 I'm assuming once I leave for a bit and come back, they'll sort themselves all out. 

    Works great with We Are the Minutemen AND Militarized Minutemen (at least as so far as I can tell).

    I guess if I have any criticism, it's that I was a little disappointed to see that they were already camping right in front of a few locations I'd yet to discover, such as the Nahant Oceanic Society and right near the giant satellite place where all the SuperMutants hang out near Finch Farm. It sorta breaks the illusion of wandering into an abandoned place that nobody's been for decades, thus making me feel slightly less, hmm...significant? Venturesome? Authoritative? Being able to plant a flag in a location, even if it was a pre-built shack that you somehow activate ("I should assign someone to this..."), so it gives the illusion of having at least a little control over where to pitch one of these camps would be way cool--though probably a nightmare to script. In lieu of that, I'd say between the wandering patrols and the camps, maybe thin them out by about half?
  2. aloyicious
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    • 0 kudos
    I'm really impressed with what I've read about this mod, and would like to try it out -- BUT -- I'm concerned about possible interference between it, and the "We Are the Minutemen" by TheFirstEnd.  His (or her) mod also has random patrols of Minutemen visiting settlements and sometimes random encounters on the road. 
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 820 kudos
      We Are The Minutemen doesn't actually add new patrols to the game. It just increases the chances for you to encounter some randomly spawned patrols that already exist in the base game. Anyway, they work just fine together.
    2. aloyicious
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That's good to know, Thanks.  I also have Spiffrino's Watchtower mod on another machine, and I read what you said about his mod.  The only other question I have (that just occurred to me), will this have problems with tenhats new settlement mods?  I have Prospect Hill park, Fiddler Green, and 2 of his Nuka Workd mods - along with the Fairline Hill settlement by  Ragoda.  Will the alternate settlements cooperate with yours (they all create new, proper settlement flags on the map).

      EDIT:  I've also got the Roadside Pines settlement mod by kahvoz....
    3. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 820 kudos
      In theory, this should work properly with any fully functional, properly built settlement. I've actually received a few complaints from people running mods that turn Home Plate into a full settlement because of that, which is why I now have a blacklist keyword that can be used to make this mod ignore a location.

      I know mine are set up in a way that would allow it, and Tenhats follows the same guide that I do. Pra's should work too, as should anything uploaded by Yagichan. Ragoda I can't speak for, however.
    4. aloyicious
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Again - many thanks
  3. RavenKing95
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    So, I haven't had a chance to test this myself yet because I'm on console and the update kind of messed up mods for the foreseeable, but I did want to clarify something for when it's back up. I might have misunderstood the wording or possibly gotten it mixed up with YAWA1 (which I also never really got a chance to use), but do these patrols follow the same routes as provisioners? I ask largely because I was curious about how that would work when two settlements are very close together (admittedly, the only example I can think of right now would be Sanctuary and the Red Rocket Station). If I set up a supply line between those two areas, am I just going to see two patrols constantly going back and forth over the bridge?
    Of course, it could be that I really have just misunderstood. It occurs to me that if they followed supply routes, they'd only spawn in after you'd set them up. Any help would be appreciated!
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 820 kudos
      That's pretty much exactly how YAWA1 worked, yeah. YAWA2 has patrols which will pick a random destination from the locations they should be protecting and will travel there, idle for a while, and then move on to a new location. It also has a lot of temporary patrols that will only exist as long as you stay near them.