While I'm still working on stability and performance improvements, I'd like to share some useful tips with you that might solve your CTD problems not just with Transfer Settlements but possibly other script mods as well.

I've received these INI settings from kinggath, author of Sim Settlements, which should solve most (if not all) CTD issues caused by performance problems. kinggath said these INI tweaks solved all import CTDs he was experiencing before.

These lines should be changed (or added) within your ../Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Fallout4Custom.ini under the [Papyrus] section:


This setting controls how much time the main Papyrus update loop gets. This loop mainly controls function dispatch. If a lot of function calls are being made and a lot of scripts are running, increasing this value may improve script performance at the cost of reduced game framerate. However most of the time the VM won't take this entire time slice and increasing the value will have no effect.

Default: 1.2

This setting controls how much time taken out of another game thread is taken up by running script tasklets (the code that runs the raw script byte code). This time is on top of the time that the tasklets normally get in their own thread, but because that thread is shared they may end up being starved if other systems are highly stressed. If the game is not stressed, this time will not be used. Increasing this value may improve script performance in high-stress situations at the expense of framerate.

Default: 1.2

This is the smallest amount of memory the VM will allocate for a single stack page, in bytes. Smaller values will waste less memory on small stacks, but larger values will reduce the number of allocations for stacks with many small frames (which improves performance).

Default: 128

This is the largest amount of memory the VM will allocate for a single stack page, in bytes. Smaller values may force the VM to allocate more pages for large stack frames. Larger values may cause the memory allocator to allocate differently, decreasing performance for large stack frames.

Default: 512

This is the maximum amount of memory the VM will allocate in total for stack frames. If an allocation would push memory usage over this limit, the VM will instead wait for more memory to be freed. Increasing this value may improve performance in high-stress situations with lots of scripts running, but will use more memory. Note that it is possible to exceed this value temporarily while loading a save game due to slightly different allocation ordering.

Default: 153600 (150kb)

Read more of possible INI tweaks in the Creation Kit wiki.

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  1. craigdown
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    when I am Transferring Settlements or when it has completed it I crash when saving

    EDIT it seems leaving it for 5+mins unfroze the game or it was taking really long to save

    so If people think they have crashed leave it for 5-10 mins as it might be auto saving

    this is all without putting the above lines in Fallout4Custom.ini
  2. FullMetalMadcat
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    Tried this to no avail because 1 time out of 3 the game freezes on me when I select Transfer Settlement in the Pip Boy. I then have to exit the game, either by returning to the main menu or using ctrl-alt-del if that fails. 
  3. Scytheofluna
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Unfortunately, these changes didn't do anything for me. The mod gets partway through the export process & crashes. After hours of trying to troubleshoot, I relent. Clipboard requires a bit more precision to get things placed correctly, but it doesn't crash, so I'll limp along with that for now.
    1. thedoors2003
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Did you ever try again and maybe found a fix? I managed to export Sanctuary on my 1st try and 1st use of this mod.
      Worked a treat, but after that I've never got it to work again.

      When the export gets to 99% it crashes back to the desktop. Tried this several times on a few other settlements but the same thing happens every time...Crashes when it reaches 99% of export complete... I tried the changes mentioned in this article but no joy.

      Such a shame as now when I walk past all the old settlements, they look in such a bad state and all I can think of is how nicely I build them them.
      And I cannot redo it again, just takes too much time.

  4. Lillbearzski
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you, I'm going to try this