(This used to be on the main page but it got very long)

Containers and Worldspace/Interior Cells
The leveled lists used to decide what spawns in containers have been adjusted to change the chances of different items spawning. The items that spawn have been kept as close to the base game's as possible, just with a lower chance of spawning.

Hundreds, maybe thousands of items have been removed from the Worldspace and Interior cells. The general method for choosing which were removed was based on the number in the cell. If there was only one of a particular item, like Radaway, in a cell, then it got removed. Generally, if there was more than one of an item, then one of them would be picked at random to remain, while the rest were deleted. Sometimes multiple items would be picked to remain, depending on how many there were in the cell, what the item was, or where it was (many chems remain in Vault 81, for example). Dummy objects (objects that are placed at random) have not been removed, but will likely have adjusted lists.

If you're interested in how I did this: I would use FO4Edit to select every placement record of the item and add the Initially Disabled flag. I'd then look through each cell to find ones with more than one item, pick out the ones I didn't want initially disabled, and remove the Initially Disabled flag. This was definitely the most arduous part of the project, especially before I realised I could add the flag to multiple items at once :)

Hardcore Mode
This mod was designed for both normal and survival difficulties. However, no changes have been made one change has been made* to the features and items added by Hardcore Mode. I'll possibly make a patch for it if it's requested.

*The main file reduces the gold value of some food and drink items, little did I realise this is how the Survival script calculates the fulfilment value for hunger/thirst. There's a separate patch on the downloads page which doubles that fulfilment value for all items (not beyond the maximum cap already in the game).

NPC Items
NPCs can spawn with Grenades or Stimpaks, and can drop Stimpaks on death. It's difficult to edit these because it means the NPC won't be able to use them during combat, affecting the gameplay. Because of this, they won't drop Stimpaks on death anymore, but the chances of them spawning with Grenades or Stimpaks to use in combat are unchanged.

Stimpaks, Radiation Meds, and Chems
Items in Medkits (which include Stimpaks, Purified Water, Radaway, Rad-X, and Blood Packs) now have a much smaller chance of spawning. This results in Medkits almost always being empty. This change sounds radical, and it is - but you could cut the amount of Stimpaks in the game by 75% and you'd still have more than you'd ever use. With the reduced spawn rates, all these items still occur outside of Medkits enough to keep you afloat. I've included an optional "Flavour Junk" addon, which will add a bit of random medical junk to the Medkits, just so they aren't always empty.

Basic enhancement Chems (Buffout, Med-X, Mentats, Jet and Psycho) will occur less in containers and the world, while advanced Chems like X-Cell, JetFuel, or Flavoured Mentats are unchanged.

Food and Drink
The spawn rate of Food items has been slightly reduced, while Nuka-Cola and it's variants have been reduced further, both in containers and vending machines (this doesn't yet include the variant Nuka-Colas added by the Nuka-World DLC).

With the Health module, the health value of all food and drink has been reduced, and the time it takes to take effect lengthened, making Stimpaks the only viable option for quick healing during combat.

Explosives boxes and other containers will yield less Frag Grenades, Frag Mines, and Molotov Cocktails. Other Grenades are unchanged. Explosive Mines in the Worldspace/Interior cells are unchanged.

Bobby Pins
Bobby Pins occur less in containers and the Worldspace/Interior Cells, and Bobby Pin Boxes yield less. Most of the time Bobby Pin Boxes will give you one Bobby Pin, but there is a small chance they won't yield any, and a small chance they will yield more.

Many component values for Junk items have been altered slightly either for immersion or balance. Many of these are hardly noticeable, but many valuable components have been reduced or removed from some items. Most notably, the components in Institute tools have been massively changed, as you can go on a scavenging spree around the Institute, finish by shooting Father in the face, and be kicked out with 50+ Nuclear Material and more aluminium than you'd know what to do with.

Adhesive is the one component that's been increased in some of it's items, like Duct Tape, but those items spawn less in toolboxes, which should lead to a net reduction. Also fans only have one screw now because f*** you for wanting to mod weapons.

Health Items Rebalanced
Version 1.2 introduced a new module, which aims to improve on the way healing works in the base game using only changes to current items and the addition of new ones. Stimpak effectiveness has been reduced across all medic perks. To counterbalance this, two new bandage items have been added, which heal greater amounts of HP over a longer period of time. This is because of an issue that arises when Stimpaks are rarer - the player becomes more dependent on food, a woefully unbalanced system this module hopes to correct, including a reduction in the health effects of food by a third (generally). I've gone into further detail about the reasoning here.

This module has been made with both Normal and Hardcore modes in mind. On that note, the extra time healing takes in Hardcore mode has been undone, as it counters the goals of this module.

Any feedback would be incredibly helpful, no matter how in-depth, as for all intents and purposes it's "experimental", and I don't know how people will find it. Based on feedback, I might make changes to this module, expand it further, and possibly make it an independent mod, as it's purposes go a bit beyond the original goal of LootBalance.

Extreme Mode
Do you hate how in Fallout 4, you open containers and there's things in there? Well this module is for you! First Aid Kits have only 5% chance of having something f***ing useful in them, and all placed Stimpaks have been removed from the Worldspace/Interior Cells (Except one in Vault 111, and ones that spawn with dummies). Additionally, NPCs spawn with less Stimpaks and Grenades, and Vendors hide all their aid when they see you approaching, because they know that's the only reason you're here (They still have aid, just much less of it).

This module is experimental and likely has some blind spots and need further adjustment. If you'd like to see these problems fixed, then tell me what they are.

One of the solutions to the problem I had with reducing ammunition was to add ammo crafting, basically allowing you to break down ammo you're not using and craft it into ammo you do. There are already multiple ammunition crafting mods out there, but none of them quite worked how I wanted them to, so I made one myself.

You can break down batches of ammunition to get a new component, Smokeless Powder, as well as other vanilla components needed to craft ammunition. Smokeless Powder can also be created from scratch, requiring bags of fertiliser, among other things, which have had their acid component replaced with Nitric Acid, to make it harder to create.

Everything is done at the Chemistry Station. I might make a ammunition crafting workbench, but it's not really necessary. I haven't changed any of the recipes for the Contraptions Workshop yet, which is a future plan I might not get round to doing. I'd make a Contraptions Workshop "exclusive" mode that means you have to use the factory pieces to craft ammunition, just because it'd be fun.

There are two ammunition reduction modules you can play with, one with moderate reduction, one with massive reduction. All the modules are experimental and are subject to further changes and additions, and probably require quite a bit of balancing.

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