★ Guide for Modders ★

To make use of additional dialogue options, you need to flag your scene as XDI-enabled.

This is as simple as adding the XDI keyword to your scene.

First, enable multiple masters so that you can load Fallout4.esm and XDI.esm at the same time. Navigate to your Fallout 4 directory (same folder as the exe) and create a CreationKitCustom.ini file. Ensure that you have the following inside the INI:


In the Creation Kit, in addition to loading your plugin, also make sure to select the XDI.esm masterfile. This only needs to be done once - after the keyword is added, XDI.esm will subsequently be loaded automatically.

In your scene, right click in the Alias Keywords section and select Add, then choose the XDI keyword.

(Alias Keywords is actually a misnomer - this keyword is only added to the scene and not to any of your aliases.)

Once you have done so, you can start adding dialogue. Adding dialogue for the extended dialogue system is the exact same process as adding dialogue for the vanilla dialogue system, except that you can add as many options as you like in each response category. See the image below:

It does not matter which response category (Positive, Negative, Question, Neutral) that you place your dialogue options in, but you may find it useful to centralize all responses in just one category.

For easier management of dialogue options, select the Topic button for the category to open a larger and more useful dialogue management interface that allows you to re-order dialogue and view all options at a glance.

Note that the Condition system works in the extended dialogue system as well - you can conditionalize the display of any player dialogue or NPC response dialogue.

You can also have multiple NPC responses for a single player dialogue (for example, for skill check success and failure) - just make sure each player dialogue is horizontally aligned with its NPC response counterpart. You can do this by adding empty options to the player dialogue, or by using a different response category (Positive/Negative/Neutral/Question).

Remember - each response can have its own (different) scene link, so you can branch dialogue out to different phases (for minor variations) or a separate scene (for major branches). Note that the Scene Collections tab will allow you to create and modify scene links by clicking-and-dragging from a source topic to the destination scene phase.

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1 comment

  1. conius7
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    I know this may seem obvious but is there any way you could record some sort of video tutorial for this? Please. As the dialogue options re-assign themselves horizontally in the Creation Kit for me and I'm not sure where exactly I have gone wrong in the process. Any help is appreciated as I can't see many forums discussing this mod from a modder's perspective.
    1. Reaver179
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah I can't get it to recognise what I am doing, I can't get it to link to any of the dialogues either. It feels like it should be simple but I am clearly missing something. I've read the instructions many times but it is not working.