Avoiding Issues Guidelines
Importing & Exporting: As Stable as Possible

This is a guideline on how to use Transfer Settlement in a as stable as possible setting.
Use this if you have problems to finish an import or export succesfully.
(the same method and principle apply to exporting too, disable the bells and whistles, make it so FO4 has the least possible stress,
i am adding specific export guidelines soon WIP)

Pre TS v1.51, be aware:
Deselect the slow-time options! There are some issues with it and it does not work reliably.
(slowtime feature has been removed from v1.51 and up)




I.1. Preparation:
- DISABLE all forms of autosaving in your Game Settings/Fallout4Prefs.ini, you can re-enable them after you checked your import went well.
You can adjust your Fallout4Prefs.ini
- Make a save BEFORE you start importing a blueprint. (It makes it easier to retry if you encounter problems.)
- Do NOT use scrapall. If you think you need it, use it at your own risk. You have been warned.
- Consider using the papyrus ini-tweaks if you suspect scripts to be lagging. They will have more breathing space.
Add these lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini
- Enable papyrus logging (instructions at the end of this article under "Regarding Bug Reports", does some papyrus magic and some users swear by it.)
- Lower Display Settings should help a lot with performance issues, FO4 is super reliable on low settings.
- Fresh unbuild settlement locations could be more stable. But make sure you own the settlement BEFORE you start to import, otherwise powering-up will FAIL)
- If you unlock the settlements by any other means outside TS (another mod/console commands) make sure you activate the workshop and let the initial tutorial messages on how to build run BEFORE you start an import. Otherwise importing wires will NOT succeed!
- Disable Overclocking.
- In the case nothing else works: reboot your pc, to clear out potential bloat by bugthesda memory leaks.

II.2. General Settings:
- Disable all options = Select the "Stable Preset" OR if you have a capable PC the "Rapid Preset".

- Enable "Pipboy-mode", this stops gametime while importing but still lets you see the progress with the HUD-F widget.
IMPORTANT NOTE: <<< Powering-up phase should NEVER be done in Pipboy-mode! >>>
- Or use "Workshop-mode", it might be a better choice instead of pipboy-mode. See "Importing" for more info.

- "Turn off NPC AI during import", no more need to use the console for TAI (NEW in v1.42)
- Enable "Shut down generators during the power-up phase" (NEW in v1.42)
- Make sure all other options are not selected.

II.3. Importing:
- Stand somewhere that gives you good FPS (I stare at the sky or ground.)
- In very big (size) settlements like Spectacle Island and Sanctuary it might give you better results if you stand close by the Workshop workbench.

- On very BIG (objects) and/or POPULATED settlements you could 'pause' the game by entering your pipboy during importing and/or stabilizing.
- Powering-up will not work like it should in pipboy-mode. (Due to game engine script execution limitations)
- Open the pipboy as soon as the import starts and leave it open untill stabilizing. Make sure you exit pipboy-mode BEFORE powering-up starts.
- Select the radio-tab in your pipboy to avoid 'Idle Animations'. No need to tune to a station.

Workshop-mode: (NEW guideline since v1.52)
- Alternatively instead of using pipboy-mode: Workshop-mode is very reliable. You can select the Import or Nuke marker based items in the import options, even if you do not need the option, it will force workshop-mode when you start the import.

Note: There might be some experimentation involved in finding out what works best for you.

II.4. Saving the import:
- LEAVE after import to a far away location WITHOUT SAVING (autosave disabled, you can use console command 'coc' LocationExt, if you want).
- Preliminary warning: Huge settlement builds will make your game FREEZE upon saving for a long time (10+ minutes and more). It did not crash, be patient.
- Make a first SAVE in that remote location.
- Exit the game and LOAD that 1st save (optional, but i still do it)
- Let 2-3 INGAME DAYS pass without exploring or questing (sleep; wait; or use the console to alter timescale) before a second SAVE.
- Exit the game and LOAD that 2nd save (recommended to avoid infinite loading screens when you use the papyrus ini-tweaks)
- RETURN to said settlement and hope for some good karma floating around...
- CHECK your settlement (resnap wires and conduits, move turrets and crops, re-assign settlers xor fiddle a bit with other 'scripted' things to trigger a possible CTD)

No CTD? Congrats. Otherwise maximise your LUCK stats and retry.

Contradicting tips:
- Powering-Up fails?
If you don't have CTDs but consistently fail to let a blueprint have electricity after import you can try this (after reloading a pre-import save): 
The best ttrick might be to retry importing the BP but do it in workshopmode (activate the option in the import settings).
If even that fails you might want to try the older trick: Enable Animations during import > Items descending from the sky.
(The Temporary storm to jump-start electricity is purely cosmetic and not needed)
- Collision problems?
I could only reproduce this a few times (most reports indicate it happens with the concrete buildset from the wasteland workshop DLC),
but the most prevalent tip i've seen is to disable animations during import.

Random tips:
- Standalone Nuking. If the combination of Nuking and Importing is troublesome, you can do a standalone nuke, save, exit game, reload, and do the import afterwards.
- Nuking is not a scrapall function. It's intended use is to remove a settlement you've build or imported earlier yourself. It only removes objects that are LINKED to the workshop. some items placed by Bethesda will not be scrapped (Eg Walls, floors, etc)  You will have to scrap those yourself.
- Importing a Bunker Hill blueprint: If the HUD disappears and the pipboy will not open. Do not worry your HUD and pipboy will be back to normal after the import finishes. You can try to disable the setting "Turn off NPC AI during import". This fixes the issue but has a slight performance penalty. (NEW in v1.48)
- If you let Transfer Settlements TRY to unlock a settlement, pay attention to the word TRY. It can behave strangely. A good example would be taking the Castle without involving Preston. Do not worry, you can import a blueprint, just activate the workshop afterwards. (NEW in v1.48)
- Mayaterror has a very good checklist on his V88 blueprint, look for the list under "Troubleshooting".
- space2jump has a shorter guide thats fits well for most less problematic issues.

If after applying all these tips you still have a crash i urge you to enable papyrus-logging and send us your logs.

II.5. Imports Getting Stuck?
The import log  could give more insight about why it is stalling:
C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Logs\Script\User\
[03/21/2019 - 05:53:41PM] TransferSettlementsImport log opened (PC-64)
[03/21/2019 - 05:53:41PM] warning: settlement import seems to be stalled for at
least 5 seconds checking if the item is loaded - item #2346 Neon Letter -
N [##000D67]
[03/21/2019 - 05:53:59PM] warning: settlement import seems to be stalled for at least 15 seconds checking if the import
process is at 50% - item #2346 Neon Letter - N [##000D67]

IF your import stalls on a specific item each time there is a problem with that item.
Example:  Loadorder conflict causes an object to point to a non-existing NIF (object-model). This will make TS-import come to a grinding halt.
- Can be solved by editing the blueprint json by hand in a texteditor or with Transfer Settlements Blueprint Editor by DMKI,
- Make a backup of your blueprint and try to change/replace the object that blocks the import..
Please DO NOT REMOVE the faulty object but change/replace it.
Use the
"FormID" : "####",
"FormID_dec" : "####",
"name" : "xxxx",
"plugin_name" : "xxxx",
from another object that you know works for you and make sure keep the old "idx" : #number# intact
- OR and most efficient, track down the problem with FO4Edit by ElminsterAU, look for overrides on the specific object.

IF your import stalls at different points during the whole process you might be suffering from serious script lag,
most likely papyrus is overloaded and struggles processing whatever your mod loadout is throwing at it.
- Consider using the papyrus ini-tweaks if you suspect scripts to be lagging. They will have more breathing space.
Add these lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini
- An easy way to test papyrus script-overload in a borked savegame is using a previously unmodded save (i shared such a savegame for that purpose) with only the mods you need for the import loaded (HUD-F, TS, opt. MCM, and the buildmods needed by the blueprint)

FWIW: Untill now every report on stuck items has been either a borked savegame or a mod treating a buildable item in a faulty manner.


III.6. General Settings:
- Disable all options = Select the "Stable Preset" OR if you have a capable PC the "Rapid Preset".

III.7. Exporting:

IV. Regarding Bug Reports:

- At this point if the mod is not working for you AT ALL, you should read
the description VERY carefully. Everything is detailed in the "How To
Install" section.
- Use manual install if mod managers fail you!
- If you have issues and you're using scrap mods, don't forget to mention which ones!
- If you have used the scrapall console command before importing a blueprint, don't forget to mention that either!
- The most important rule is to be specific enough and describe your issue in a way CDante can reproduce it!
  If he doesn't have information about which items, which settlement,
which blueprint you are talking about, he certainly cannot fix your

- Before reporting any issues, enable debug logging!
Add these lines to your C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\fallout4custom.ini

- Then go in game, reproduce the error, and link these log files below
- Papyrus log: ..\ Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\Logs\Script\Papyrus.0.log
- F4SE log: ..\ Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\F4SE\f4se.log
- F4SE log: ..\ Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\F4SE\transfer_settlements.log
- Import log: ..\ Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\Logs\Script\User\TransferSettlementsImport.0.log
- Go into your blueprints folder and link the blueprint json file as well
- You can link files using any file sharing cloud services such as dropbox, google drive, etc. or paste them in pastebin.com
Please, do NOT paste your logs straight into your bugreport !

Corrupted Savegames:
FOR IMPORTING TESTS To exclude the possibillity your gamesave being borked try the "never modded testsave" i uploaded, it has most settlements unlocked and makes it easy to test a settlement blueprint on a clean save.

Good luck!
Questions about the above can be asked in the regular comment section,

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