Commonwealth Reclamation Project - Overgrowth WIP 2

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  1. Shadow0fTheWind
    • supporter
    • 87 kudos
    This mod is a wip mod. There are two versions, the base mod (which is done), which works like a normal environmental mod, and Overgrowth. Overgrowth affects the cities and is still being worked on. This mod is different from other environmental mods as i have redone the previs and precombines for the entire map. No more low fps, no more broken precombines, no more crashing. You can find the mod on my Discord server via the link on my profile. Please read the mod instructions thoroughly before downloading.

    Thanks to the following modders for the assets i borrowed with this mod
  2. PotatoMk264
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    you banned me from your server because i @ed you and asked if you could send me the link via DM... if you could unban me and/or DM me it that would be cool. my Discord is bobletastic
    1. MythicalTwinkies
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      RIP. if that's true, then that's some crazy stuff right there.
  3. VioletBlaze
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    were can i get this amazing mod?
    1. Lurkuur
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      did you find it?
    2. co0lkid30
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      join their discord
  4. a1racer
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    I've always had it in my head that the wasteland would be similar to this. after a few hundred years there's no way it would be so desolate. that's my only rear gripe with fo4 no way it would be so brown an dead this long after bombs fell. will be looking forward to when this is finished.
    1. MiniMageSammy
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      agreed. this is much more realistic. always waiting for a mod that deals with wooden buildings that somehow did not get blown into sticks from the blast wave when the bombs fell haha. i wonder if this mod will add decay to some older abandon buildings to.
    2. Shadow0fTheWind
      • supporter
      • 87 kudos
      I did look into adding destruction physics into buildings. and it is possible, BUT it works against the engine's optimization systems. Objects with destruction data cant be part of precombines or previs. well as im sure you all have seen from using mods that break them. those two systems are key to fps and preformance. So you can but its not a good idea

      Fallout's game engines has the unique ability to do file substitution. You see this all the time with retexture mods and nif swaps. but this doesnt works for one thing. Trees. Half of the trees in the game world are part of something called Precombined Meshes.. Precombined meshes are vital to just about all videos games. instead of taking the time to render hundred of individualized meshes. The engine can precombine the geometry for an entire cell into one solid mesh file. Thus reducing processor load. The next level of optimization is the Previsual Engine. The previsual engine dictates what is rendered when the player is looking at an object. If you look at a building. the previsual engine will de-render all the object behind it out of player sight. Why render it if you cant see it?

      The Problem with tree mods is that they require you to turn both these engines off so the game will actually use the new tree models. So to fix this properly. one would need to Rebuild all the precombined meshes with the new tree models. This is what my mod does. but there are rules. Objects that dont get included within precombined objects are called Static Objects. These are things you can scrap in the workshop and manipulate in the console.

      A static object reference will be excluded from precombines if:
      Destruction data is attached to the static reference
      Navmesh precuts don't seem to matter.
      The base object has a scrap recipe. Regular recipes most certainly count, too. If the "created object" of a scrap recipe is a formlist with the object in it, that counts, too.
      The reference has an enableparent. Probably also if it is an enableparent.
      The reference is scrap-linked to something else, that is, linked using WorkshopStackedParentKEYWORD to something else, or has objects linking to it like this.
      Probably also if the reference is linked using any other or no keyword.
      NOT if the reference has a navmesh precut. These don't seem to be enough.
      Precombining geometry disregards matswaps. No matter if the matswap is on the reference or the base object, if there is one, it won't make it into the precombines.
      The only way to make it works seems to actually create new NIFs which use the correct material, and replace the base object in the references. After that, this can be undone.
    3. a1racer
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      The precombined meshes for the trees explains something to me cause no mater if the mod said precombine not messed with there’s more then one precombine in fallout 4. That’s why the only tree mods that can be used are ones that add their own trees without touching any of the games original trees. Fallout 4 was never a pc game to begin with I believe it was always developed for consoles that require all this recombining tech to run smooth enough. Then they reverse ported it to pc with all the unneeded console garbage in it.

      As far as modding Skyrim is 100% the better pc modding game it’s just to bad they didn’t do it similar with fo4.

      Anyways thank you for making this and if or when it’s in a finished state and can be downloaded here I’ll run it as it’s will fulfill a basic desire of mine for what the game should have been.
    4. Shadow0fTheWind
      • supporter
      • 87 kudos
      None of my mods will be hosted here. All of my mods are Discord only.
    5. MiniMageSammy
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      i have played for years with previs and precombines off. for people with a powerful enough rig it is def worth it. what i meant about the buildings was like overgrown buildings that are already fallen apart (think of prince of persia warrior within past and preset comparisons). like metal buildings realistically would be mostly rusted away and concrete buildings would be partially collapsed from 200 years of summer and winter cycles with storms blowing through and so on.
    6. a1racer
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      what are you running that having precombines off isn't an issue. i run a 9900k 32 gigs 3600 ram and rtx2080 and on 1440p get some heavy frame drops in downtown around 45fps when I normally can run solid 60 rest of the time if i remove precombines. I'm planning on upgrading to a rtx3090 in the near future was going to try again then cause if you don't need precombines that opens the doors to a lot more mods that can be ran.
    7. MiniMageSammy
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      fps drop is an engine related issue as the creation engine is a crappy engine. not much you can do about that but i am not to familiar with intel setups anymore as they consume more power and are not as good as amd ryzen units nowdays. i forget what my cpu is but it is a ryzen 6 i know that much. not sure if there is much difference between 1080p and 1440p. i always do 1080p since any higher is not much better with my monitor size.
    8. Shadow0fTheWind
      • supporter
      • 87 kudos
      The engine works perfectly fine. Its just 90 percent of you have no idea how to make it work. But i dont blame you for this. Its 100 percent Bethesdas fault. They have told us nothing about how this s#*! works. Everything we know about it has been figured out thru reverse engineering. Thus why there are so many broken mods out there. they were built on infrastructure with a broken knowledge base.
    9. Midoki
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Why? :o
    10. bcathey
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      sorry to hear that , i guess i'll miss out then . every time i try to go to discord i get caught in a (captcha) loop so i miss out on a lot of very good mods , like this 1 . (the reason i dont do captcha is the last time i got in a loop from them i had to get a new hard drive as the captcha injected a virus into my pc) so sorry.
  5. bcathey
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    why do any of the links to discord servers never work, i guess ill wait till this cool looking mod some how makes its way over here.
  6. Huntercs188
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Last Of Us lookin ass
  7. Luxer76
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I have downloaded the CRP Standart (not Overgrouth) and i have to say THANKYOU! ShadowOfTheWind, its an absolutly fantastic Mod. Thanks also to:

  8. uncleanlibertine
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't download Reclamation Overgrowth from Discord because too many people using the link on google drive. Any other way to get a copy of the files? Please, i would really like to play it. Looks amazing!
  9. NoahEllam
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I've been playing the latest CRP overgrowth on the discord and it's amazing honestly, really really grateful you made this and it runs like a dream for me, there's just 2 bugs (not sure if you're aware of them or not) that I've come across and it's just that the asters  and bloodleafs in far harbor show up as bright pink like there's a missing texture, I redownloaded and reinstalled the mod just incase something got corrupted when I was downloading but yeah just thought I would let you know! thanks for making this!
    1. Shadow0fTheWind
      • supporter
      • 87 kudos
      ive fixed that. it will be added to the next update 
    2. NoahEllam
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      awesome, can't wait
  10. Terry1031
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    This looks so awesome when this comes out I definitely reinstall F4
  11. righteousgoddoward
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So...will other mods be able to be used alongside this?  Or is it better to just play a vanilla game using this mod?