Postwar - Sanctuary area

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  1. davethedrunk
    • premium
    • 241 kudos
    Beautiful shots of nature
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      Many thanks to you, Edward! Happy to have you here)
  2. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 311 kudos
    It's an intriguing combination of dead/dying trees but a more lifelike forest floor. Almost feels like after a forest fire, where everything is growing back in the ash which makes sense for a Nuclear Fallout I think.
    Beautiful pics, Mila, I like all of the shots by the creek <3
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      Thank you very much, Dylan! I am so glad you like it! Means a lot)
  3. Reaper060389
    • supporter
    • 152 kudos
    Very nice pictures and set.
    Is that still Fallout
    Nature reborn
    Beautifully done, friend
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      Thanks a ton, Reaper! Without our community it wasn't even possible to see and play with such a beauty)
  4. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,124 kudos
    I never imagined Fallout to look so beautiful
    Until I saw your gorgeous works and captures Mila :))
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      Sorry for the late reply, my dear Izzy! Was quite distracted with the release part of this beauty)))) Thank you from all my heart for your constant support and kindness) 
  5. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    My FO4 should look this beautiful. I will attempt, not sure if I can. Game drive is almost full. Went to your mod page to say nice things and could not. Almost filled a bug report on that but might not be funny there. Thanks for your work.
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      You are always welcome, Doug! I keep comments on my mods closed because most of the passing-by users always try to fill it with silly questions or just insult. And rarely I could saw some gratitude. And of course, the best way to thank a modder — give a nice endorse to the mod))) You did it perfectly right, my friend!
  6. deleted89752333
    • account closed
    • 28 kudos
    These landscapes really touch me! even makes me want to play FO4 again
    it looks so nostalgic... like it used to be full of people but now is just empty...
    yet nature keeps working it's miracle and creating life everywhere, no matter how desolated!
    This one is my absolute favorite! never saw the wastelands so alive!
    always a pleasure to look at your lanscapes. impressive work, Mila ^^
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      I am touched by your comment, Harry) Thank you from all my heart for it)
  7. Blass1912
    • supporter
    • 118 kudos
    Я опоздал и все комплименты наверное уже сказаны:). Но я все равно скажу - от чистого сердца и от души - это просто прекрасно, Мила!! Абсолютно каждый снимок можно обрамить в багет, рамку или раму и отправить на выставку. Не важно какую, главное, чтобы было слово "искусство"..
     Я почему то доволен так, как будто бы это мои фотографии :) (Наверное из за того, что ты моя соотечественница).
           Наконец то появился целый блок картин о природе, о красоте земли и мирном небе. Как ты говорила "недооцененный жанр". Я надеюсь, что эти произведения посмотрят как можно больше людей и скажут тебе: "Спасибо за Доброту!"  

    I was late and probably all the compliments have already been said :). But I still say - with all my heart and with all my soul - this is wonderful, Mila !! Absolutely any painting can be arranged in a baguette, frame or frame and sent to the exhibition. It doesn't matter which one, as long as the word “art” is used .. For some reason I'm happy, as if these are my photos :) (Probably because you are my compatriot).Finally, a whole block of pictures about nature, about the beauty of the earth and the peaceful sky appeared. An "underappreciated genre" as you said. I hope that as many people as possible will see these works and tell you: "Thank you for your kindness!"     Pasha.
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      Мне самой внезапно очень понравился результат) Я же люблю эксперименты... Спасибо тебе большое за искренние и тёплые слова! На душе светло от понимания того, что у кого-то эти скромные работы вызывают улыбку и тепло на сердце) 
  8. Broodahood
    • premium
    • 943 kudos
    Wonderful enviorment;))))
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      Thanks a ton, my friend!
  9. WakingTank
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    That's probably the best landscape pictures I've ever seen for fallout 4. Well done!
    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      Oh my) You just melt my heart over there)) Thank you so much! Your landscape shots are very impressive IMHO)
  10. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    It looks so peaceful and calm in the pictures, a nice idea.

    1. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 742 kudos
      Thank you very much, Sky! Appreciate it)